Environmental Advisory Council Earth Day Special e-Newsletter
LGT EAC Celebrates Earth Day!
The LGT EAC is a committee of Lower Gwynedd Township residents dedicated to ensuring a greater quality of life for our community with a mission to educate, facilitate and promote sustainable practices within Lower Gwynedd Township and the greater community through educational workshops and programs, articles, and community events. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month, and are open to the public.
The EAC has several recent projects and initiatives we're highlighting this Earth Day:
Recycling Presentation
Did you miss the Republic Services presentation earlier this month? Never fear, you can view it right here. Recycling Presentation
Arbor Day/Tree City/Tree Giveaway
We are awaiting final approval of our application to become a Tree City. As part of the application process, at its last meeting, the Board of Supervisors officially proclaimed the last Saturday in April as Arbor Day in the township.
Plans are also in the works for a native tree giveaway to residents this fall. Keep an eye out in the coming months for details on how to reserve and pick up your tree this fall.
Battery Recycling
Residents are hopefully aware of the change to our battery recycling program. Instead of the ongoing drop-off in the township building vestibule, we have scheduled bi-monthly collections, generally on the second Saturday of the odd months. Our first collection last month was a huge success, with hundreds of pounds of batteries being collected, and saved from filling up the landfills. Mark your calendar for the next collection on May 14th, and visit the webpage for details on the types collected and how to prepare certain batteries.
Bird Town
Did you know that Lower Gwynedd is an Audubon Bird Town? Learn more about this designation here and join us for our next free Bird Walk at Penllyn Woods on Tuesday, May 17th, 8:30 am (Raindate: Wednesday, May 18th). Meet in the parking lot near the community building (No dogs or strollers please). The walk is limited to 15 participants and you can RSVP to Steve Saffier: Safsbay@yahoo.com
309 Ramp Clean-Up
As part of PennDOT’s Adopt-a-Highway program the EAC has adopted the Route 309 Norristown Road exit ramp, a prime entrance point to our township which is frequently littered with trash. On Saturday, April 9th EAC member Melinda Wolff worked with township Public Works Supervisor Mitch Kulp to coordinate our first clean-up. Sixteen Janssen employees plus Melinda collected 32 bags of trash, while Mitch used his vehicle to keep the litter lifters safe from nearby traffic exiting and entering the highway. If you are interested in volunteering to be part of an upcoming clean-up day, please send an email to contactus@lowergwynedd.org.
 Lower Gwynedd Township
1130 North Bethlehem Pike
Spring House, PA 19477
Phone: (215) 646-5302
Take Care of the Earth!
Earth Day Edition