Environmental Advisory Council Earth Day

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Lower Gwynedd Township and the Environmental Advisory Council Celebrates Earth Day the Whole Month of April!

The LGT EAC is a committee of Lower Gwynedd Township residents dedicated to ensuring a greater quality of life for our community with a mission to educate, facilitate and promote sustainable practices within Lower Gwynedd Township and the greater community through educational workshops and programs, articles, and community events. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month, and are open to the public.

Don't miss these upcoming events/activities!

Spring Leaf & Yard Waste Collection

Republic Services will be providing leaf & yard waste collections this Spring on Saturday, April 13th and Saturday, May 11th. Please put leaves and yard waste in biodegradable bags and place curbside by 6am for pick-up.

Arbor Day-Tree City

Lower Gwynedd Township is a Tree City USA! The BOS officially proclaims the last Friday in April- April 26th, 2024, as Arbor Day!

Plans are also in the works for a native tree giveaway to residents this fall. Keep an eye out in the coming months for details on how to reserve and pick up your tree this fall.

 Lower Gwynedd Township

1130 North Bethlehem Pike

Spring House, PA 19477

Phone: (215) 646-5302

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Take Care of the Earth!
Earth Day Edition