NTC UWF News: April 18, 2023 | |
Our special Earth Day event on Saturday exemplifies what we are all about: a fellowship of supportive women learning about current issues and with our faith, exploring what and how we can make a difference in our community.
If you aren't registered already, do it now - the event is free. Invite others to come too! A diversity of experiences and ideas will enrich us all!
Wendy Campbell, 2023 NTC UWF President
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Environmental Justice Requires Racial Justice
Saturday, April 22nd 10 am - noon
9:30 am: Check-in, Fellowship and Resource Room
Northaven UMC in Dallas (on Preston, <2 mi S of LBJ)
On Earth Day learn why 'environmental justice" is important. Why does racial justice have to do with Earth Day? It is often easier to see these issues in faraway places. . . but more of a challenge to see how we are vulnerable here at home.
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We're excited to have Ilka Vega, national UWF Executive for Economic and Environmental Justice, present the program for our annual Charter for Racial Justice event. Join with us for a presentation by and then Table Talk about what action we can take together and as individuals with hope to make a difference in our world.
Guests are welcome -- women, men and youth.
Click to register now and we'll have your nametag ready! No charge.
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Express Your Gratitude with a Tribute
Harriett Jane Olson is Retiring!
Harriett Jane Olson has been our General Secretary / CEO since 2007. She is now celebrating her retirement.
Honor her with a Tribute Gift To Mission card that will support all the work carried out by United Women in Faith, making a difference in the lives of women, children, and youth around the world.
Gift to Mission cards will be available at our event on Saturday (see above) or from local and District Treasurers. Or send an eCard online. Please note your church, District and that you are from the North Texas Conference!
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Saturday, April 22nd 5 - 8 pm
Arapaho UMC, 1400 W Arapaho Rd, Richardson, TX 75080
You are invited to the first Justice for Our Neighbors (JFON) fundraising banquet! It will be a night of food, entertainment and learning to raise awareness and funds. Their mission is to provide free legal services to low-income immigrants while advocating with them for transformation in our communities.
Featured speakers at this event will be our new Bishop Ruben Saenz, Jr, the Resident Bishop for the North and Central Texas Conferences of The United Methodist Church, and Bill Holston, the Executive Director of Human Rights Initiative.
Purchase tickets now
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Thursday, April 20th 7 - 8:30 pm CST
A panel of six speakers from North Carolina, Texas, and Colorado will explore both how United Methodists who have lost their church homes by disaffiliation votes are forming new congregations, along with stories of other UM churches that are flourishing as inclusive communities of faith. Register now.
Sponsored free for laity & clergy by the United Methodist Association of Retired Clergy & Friends (UMARC).
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Complimentary Meal
Sunday, April 23rd 4 - 6:00 pm CST
at FUMC Denton: 201 S. Locust St, Denton, TX
Share a meal with strangers as you engage in courageous and safe conversations about race relations. After a time of initial fellowship, trained facilitators use thought-provoking questions to invite diners at the table to share their perspectives on race, bias, social justice and current events. By discussing our beliefs and differences, we hope Together We Dine continues to prove that what unites us is far greater than what divides us.
This event is hosted by partners FUMC Denton and Project Unity.
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United Women in Faith Regional Missionary
Request Finda Quiwa Speak to Your Group! September 16 - 23, 2023
Plan now to have this UWF Regional Missionary come to your church or community. Ask her to share her story about how your Mission Giving Dollars are being used in Western Africa. She is eager to meet you and your group.
This is a lovely opportunity to learn about a different culture and for you or your group to develop a new relationship. You may invite her to preach or lead in worship on Sunday or midweek, talk to a UWF group, Sunday School class, or other gathering.
Click to learn more to request a visit, or volunteer to help welcome Finda to North Texas!
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Looking for ideas for your group's programs? Check out Program Ideas on our website under the RESOURCE tab. You'll find some special opportunities we know about that will be something unique for you to offer and interest your group. There is also a link to the new UWF e-Store full of ideas.
While you are on the website, check out the calendar. If a program is listed then you are welcome to attend. Visit programs that interest you at other local UWF groups and be inspired! Share ideas with your sisters in other groups.
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SAVE THESE DATES . . . more details coming soon!
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Soul Care Saturday - May 20th, 9 am. - 3 pm Intergenerational event held at FUMC Plano. $15 with lunch. Registration coming soon.
Story of Plastic: Saturday, June 10th Metro Social Action event at Walnut Hill Church in Dallas.
Mission u 1-night Retreat - July 14 & 15, 4 pm Friday - 5 pm Saturday; at UT-Dallas. $100 includes lodging & meals. Info coming soon.
Mission u on Zoom - in July. Info coming soon.
East District Annual Mtg. - Sept. 16th
Metro District Annual Mtg. - Sept. 23rd
North Central Annual Mtg. - Sept. 30th
Conference UWF Annual Mtg - October 21st at FUMC-Dallas
As you plan your local group programs and events, check out the Conference UWF calendar. You can trust the information to be up-to-date!
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Connect to & follow our accounts and share!
We look forward to engaging with you!
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We believe love in action can change the world.
There are so many ways to make an impact! United Women in Faith connect spiritual women to act boldly for justice and transform communities.
Visit our website: UWFNorthTexas.org
Send your ideas & questions to: info@uwfnorthtexas.org
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