Happy Earth Month!

Our 23-acre educational center is a compelling place to come together to discuss American history, preservation, and social justice as you'll see from some of our upcoming programs. But it is also a place to contemplate our roles as active stewards of the environment. The aerial photo below puts that part of our mission into sharp perspective. What a view!

You're looking at an 1838 Greek Revival building in the foreground that has a geothermal heating and cooling pump system selected deliberately to reduce our carbon footprint. That is one of many smart choices we have made to combat climate change. Behind it stretches a 10,000+ year old managed meadow overlooking Long Island Sound, a portion of which we've also reinvigorated by planting native wildflowers and grasses with the help of Larry Weaner Landscape Associates as a first line of defense against invasive species.
Photo by Jack's Aerial
To the left of the frame are newly opened, award-winning gardens also created with sustainability in mind by Thomas Woltz and his team at Nelson Byrd Woltz. You can read more about Thomas and his projects in this month's Town and Country magazine, in an article aptly titled, Bard of the Soil.

Which is to say when it comes to caring about the earth, we've accomplished a lot but there is always more we can do, especially when we do it together. Learn about upcycling at a Green Screen film program on April 13 or volunteer to get your hands dirty for I Love My Park Day on May 6. There are so many ways to make a world of difference!

Photo of Thomas Woltz and Mark Streiter in the Jay Estate Gardens in 2015 prior to final design and execution. Photo by Kathleen Durkee
April 13, 6pm

Sponsored by the Rye Sustainability Committee and Rye Country Day School
May 6, 9am-12 Noon

Sign up as a family or an individual! Corporate groups welcome!
Ice Cream and T-Shirts for all volunteers! Register here
April 13
1:30 - 4:00 pm
The Little Garden Club’s Daffodil Show is a Continually Blooming Favorite!  FREE and Open to the Public!
Come see a profusion of entries on display. Judges will present awards and ribbons for the most outstanding specimens from area gardens. The variety of daffodils and their colors will be endless.
Novices and children are invited to enter!
APRIL 23 at 4pm
Kermit Roosevelt III and
Akhil Reed Amar
Kermit Roosevelt III, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School and the great-great-grandson of President Theodore Roosevelt, will discuss his new book, “The Nation That Never Was: Reconstructing America’s Story.” Acclaimed constitutional scholar and Yale Law Professor Akhil Reed Amar will moderate this timely in-person discussion.

Publishers Weekly writes that “astute textual analysis, careful historical research, and a deep commitment to social justice make this an inspiring reexamination of America’s past.”

Program is FREE but registration is required. Read more here.
APRIL 30th AT 5pm

Get ready for a bespoke bite of American history and cuisine in our gardens this spring with author and culinary historian Max Tucci!

Did you know? Members of the Jay family once owned Delmonicos, an iconic downtown eatery frequented by members of the New York Yacht Club. Tucci’s family reenergized the iconic restaurant in the 20th century and this book is a beautiful ode to that era of top notch elegance in dining.

“For all those fascinated by the Golden Era of Great Cuisine, Max Tucci’s brand new book The Delmonico Way! is a must read” according to Clive Davis.
“Max is bringing that old school glamour into your home kitchens around the country, with his gorgeous new cookbook The Delmonico Way!” says Tamron Hall. Read more here.

 $25 for JHC Members; $50 General Admission
Includes refreshments and a signed copy of the book.
And Coming in May for Garden History & Design Lovers...
On Sunday May 7th, join us for a book talk and reception in the new Jay Estate Gardens with acclaimed author and landscape historian Mac Griswold. She is the author of The Manor: Three Centuries at a Slave Plantation on Long Island, Washington’s Gardens at Mount Vernon, and The Golden Age of American Gardens. She has received a Guggenheim Fellowship and has written for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Travel + Leisure.

Griswold—who knew Bunny Mellon personally—delves into her subject’s closely-guarded personal archives to construct an unrivaled portrait of a woman as complex and multifaceted as the gardens and homes on which she left her mark. Learn about how Mellon designed the White House Rose Garden for President John F. Kennedy and much more. The ideal program for lovers of Garden History and Design! Our roses will be in full bloom!

LIMITED TICKETS $25 for JHC Members; $50 General Admission
Includes refreshments and a signed copy of the book  
Rose Arbor in Jay Estate Gardens covered in New Dawn climbing roses - photo by Kim Crichlow
Like what you see?
Become a supporter today!
Workshops offer a unique opportunity to share our mission, interact and educate the public in a garden setting, so if you would like to volunteer during a workshop, please let me know when you sign up.
Sunday 4/16
Growing from Seeds 12-1pm 
All ages

Sunday 4/23
Celebrate Earth Day:
Native Planting 12-2pm 
All ages

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Jay Heritage Center at the
Jay Estate
A National Historic Landmark
210 Boston Post Road
Rye, NY 10580 

Mansion Tours - Sunday 2-5pm;
No reservation necessary for groups of 8 people or less.
Please contact us below for larger groups

Garden Tours - Thursday 10am-2pm and Sunday 10am-5pm
except for major holidays
No reservation necessary for groups of 8 people or less.
Please contact us below for larger groups

For more info about how to get involved, contact jayheritagecenter@gmail.com

Office phone: (914) 698-9275

Plan your visit - for rules and helpful tips click here