December 2021
Promoting community events, information, and opportunities that improve or promote the sustainability and livability of Thunder Bay.
Top l-r: Jacob Porter, Lynn Duffield, Amy Coomes
Botton l-r: Margaret Wanlin, Shannon Costigan (Vice-Chair), Councillor Andrew Foulds (Chair), Michelle Warywoda, Councillor Kristen Oliver, Lynae Grace;
Missing: Linday Galway, Sandy Stiles, Jane Todd
EarthCare Advisory Committee of Council
The EarthCare Advisory Committee (EAC) of Council guides EarthCare and the implementation of the EarthCare Sustainability Plan 2014-2020. These champions are integral in maintaining the momentum of EarthCare. They meet monthly, and their minutes are reviewed by City Council on a regular basis.
Have your say on the EarthCare Sustainability Plan!
The time has come to renew our guiding document, the EarthCare Sustainability Plan. To ensure that the Plan addresses the priorities and concerns of the public, EarthCare is seeking public input.
EarthCare has developed a survey for residents and community members to share their opinions and perspectives. This survey should take no more than 10 minutes. Your participation is greatly appreciated!
December 14, 11 am
Let's Talk Lake Superior Webinar Series
Check out this Webinar to learn more about actions supporting habitat and species protection on Lake Superior! This webinar is organized by the Lake Superior Partnership, and features local expert Jessie McFadden from the Lakehead Region Conservation Authority.
Rethink Zoning: 2022 Zoning Bylaw
The Zoning By-law is one of the City’s most important development tools. It establishes the rules and regulations that guide how development takes place in our community.
The City of Thunder Bay is updating its Zoning By-law to bring it into conformity with the Official Plan, which incorporates Environmental Sustainability and Climate Adaptation as two of its four overarching approaches.
This involves a review of the existing Zoning By-law regulations and mapping alongside the policies and land use designations of the Official Plan that was approved in 2019.
The new Zoning By-law presents an opportunity to re-think zoning and to acknowledge that the Bylaw’s regulations can instill confidence, affect positive change, facilitate economic growth and development, and improve the quality of the City’s built environment.
Stormwater Management Projects & Storm Sewer Outfall Locations
The City of Thunder Bay is carrying out a study to determine the preferred stormwater management improvement at two (2) different locations. These projects will possibly be constructed outside the municipal road allowance and/or will include the construction of new storm sewer outfalls into the Neebing River.
The stormwater management projects being considered include the construction of the new storm sewer outfalls and possibly the construction of new Green Infrastructure facilities, also known as Low Impact Development facilities, which are landscaped, shallow depressions, intended to clean stormwater and reduce flooding. The two (2) projects are:
1. Legion Track Drive – North limit of Legion Track Drive, South of Neebing River, including new storm outfall.
2. Franklin Street North – South of Cameron Street, North of Neebing River, including new storm outfall
Citizen Science with LRCA
The Lakehead Region Conservation Authority is looking to our community to assist us in the collection and reporting of precipitation data within McVicar Creek Watershed. If eligible, participants will receive a new rain gauge, installation help, and training from LRCA staff. This initiative is part of our Green Stormwater Infrastructure Monitoring and Action Plan (GSI MAP).
The precipitation data will be collected through the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow Network (CoCoRaHS). Learn about CoCoRaHS in this video!
Home Energy Retrofit Feasibility Study
The City of Thunder Bay has been awarded $116,000 from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to complete a feasibility study on implementing a home energy efficiency retrofit financing program in our community.
This project was identified as an immediate action in the Net-Zero Strategy.
The full announcement is available on FCM’s website.
This artwork was produced by Ben Kalbus, as part of Fridays for Future Thunder Bay's Climate Zine.
Take two minutes to share your own photo message about climate change in the Thunder Bay region at:
Have a Green Holiday, without being a Grinch!
I'm dreaming of Christmas?
No matter how much snow is on the ground, the holiday season is often not very green, with wrapping paper, packaging, and short-term decorations leading to an annual 25-30% increase in waste for December!
This year, make your holidays a little greener with garbage-free gifts! Give gifts in reusable gift bags, choose items with minimal packing, or even better, gift experiences or used items without packaging!
While people may have very different opinions on whether it would be better to have much more or much less snow in December, hopefully everyone agrees we should have less waste!
We need a healthy environment to have a healthy economy and society.
EarthCare Thunder Bay is a partnership between the City of Thunder Bay and the Community to work together on issues of community sustainability.