June 2021
Promoting community events, information, and opportunities that improve or promote the sustainability and livability of Thunder Bay.
Top l-r: Jacob Porter, Lynn Duffield, Amy Coomes 
Botton l-r: Margaret Wanlin, Shannon Costigan (Vice-Chair), Councillor Andrew Foulds (Chair), Michelle Warywoda, Councillor Kristen Oliver, Lynae Grace; 
Missing: Linday Galway, Sandy Stiles, Jane Todd
EarthCare Advisory Committee of Council
The EarthCare Advisory Committee (EAC) of Council guides EarthCare and the implementation of the EarthCare Sustainability Plan 2014-2020. These champions are integral in maintaining the momentum of EarthCare. They meet monthly, and their minutes are reviewed by City Council on a regular basis. 

Get involved and join a working group! Working Groups are the horsepower that help to achieve the goals set out in the EarthCare Sustainability Plan. The following working groups are active: 
Thunder Bay Net-Zero Strategy
Climate-Forward City: Thunder Bay Net Zero Strategy was unanimously endorsed by Council on June 7! The recording will be available here. A link to the final Strategy will be available in the July newsletter, but in the meantime read the draft strategy here.

Stay tuned for project next steps!

Virtual Open House and Launch Event
Thank you to everyone who attended the Virtual Open House and Net-Zero Strategy launch event! A graphic summary of Net-Zero Strategy launch event can be found below, with a high resolution version available here.
June 22 - 25
Climate Change Forum
Join EcoSuperior, EarthCare,and other community partners for a week of events focused on climate change!

Register for the events on Eventbrite!
June 22 Opening Remarks 9 am
Join host organization EcoSuperior Environmental Programs and elder Marcel Bananish Sr. for Opening Remarks and Prayer

June 22 Climate Change & Water Walk
2 hour slots, 10:30 am to 3:30 pm
Climate change has a particularly strong impact on water. Join us for this in person a walk from Lakehead University to Confederation College to find out more about how our community is collectively working together to respond to climate impacts on our watershed. As you walk along the path, you will have the opportunity to learn about projects from Lakehead University, Confederation College, Lakehead Region Conservation Authority, EcoSuperior, and EarthCare.

As per public health guidelines, groups will be kept to 8 or less and social distancing will be maintained. Plan to be outside walking for up to 2 hours. Please wear walking shoes, and dress for the weather.

June 23 Land Connections & Climate Change 10 am to 3 pm
Join Elder Marcel Bananish Sr and partner organizations to discuss deep connections to land, food, and climate change, at this full-day event with four sessions!

June 23 Composting Workshop 6:30 pm
Did you know that composting can reduce your weekly curbside garbage by almost 40% and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the landfill? Are you interested in composting but not sure how to get started or maybe you are simply looking for tips to improve your set up?

EcoSuperior is offering a free Composting 101 workshop to help you learn the basics of composting and answer your questions about how to turn food and garden scraps into soil. Join us in an online webinar to have all your composting questions answered!

There will be an additional limited capacity in-person component at Central Gardens during the day (it is recommended that you still attend the virtual component to get all the relevant information).

Separate registration is required for each component! IMPORTANT: Please only attend the in-person event if your registration is confirmed, do not worry if you miss out as we hope to hold future in-person events if interest is high.

Thursday, June 24 Youth Workshop 1 pm
Fridays for Future Thunder Bay’s workshop will help youth develop essential skills for taking climate action. Here, youth will learn about the importance of personal wellness, establishing support systems, and connecting to the land to maintain long-term environmental action. Youth will learn about and be given tips on the various ways in which they can take action, whether it be at home, at school, or in the community. The workshop is open to youth aged 12-18.

Friday, June 25 Trying Climate Activism 10:30am
There are many types of climate change activism. If you've never tried on-the-street climate activism, come meet Lindsay Galway and Paul Berger as we discuss climate goals, make signs, and do a short walk/roll around Marina Park. We'll have markers for the sign-making, too. If you have a piece of cardboard such as a clean pizza box, please bring it (though we'll have some too that you can use!)

Tuesday, June 29
Fisherman's Park West Clean-Up Day
Join Lakehead Region Conservation Authority and EcoSuperior to help clean up Fisherman's Park West, at the west side of the Current River Mouth.

The habitat enhancement and re-naturalization project at this site is currently underway! Help us remove litter and invasive species to prepare the site for plantings.

Alongside the litter clean up at Fisherman's Park West, EcoSuperior will be on site to do a plastic litter audit. We will separate out different types of litter, classify, and weigh it, all while preventing the litter from entering our great Lake Superior! This will help us collect important data on the most commonly littered items in our city so we can take action to prevent it at the source.

Following current Thunder Bay District Health Unit COVID-19 protocols, there will be a limit of 10 people at each timeslot offered on Tuesday June 29th. Tickets will sell out once the timeslots have been filled. Please order the ticket with the corresponding timeslot that works best for you!

Volunteer Timeslot 1: 1-3pm
Volunteer Timeslot 2: 3-5pm
Volunteer Timeslot 3: 5-7pm

Residential Drainage Rebates
If you’ve ever experienced water in your basement, then you know what a serious problem it can be.

Thankfully, the City of Thunder Bay has a program to help you! The Residential Drainage Rebate Program offers financial assistance to install drainage improvements. Protect your belongings, and avoid the headaches of a wet basement this year!

Visit www.ecosuperior.org/drainage to learn more about this opportunity.
Lake Superior Climate Action Field School
Apply by June 30!
The Lake Superior Climate Action Field School is being by the Lake Superior Living Labs Network, a partnership between Lakehead University, University of Minnesota Duluth, Michigan Technological University, Algoma University and community partners and scholars across the Lake Superior Watershed.

The Field School will support a diverse group of young people, who are poised to become regional and national climate leaders, as they participate in an experiential training program of virtual workshops, community site visits, and events in coastal communities around the Lake Superior Watershed in the summer of 2021.

This is a free, in-person and hybrid event, and open to ages 18+.

Find out more and apply on the LSLLN webpage.
Increase of the reproduction of tics
"Warmer winters due to climate change allowed the increase of tic reproduction which can carry Lyme disease"

Take two minutes to share your own photo message about climate change in the Thunder Bay region at: ClimateChangeTBay.com
Rainwater for your Garden!
Gardens are great, but they can get thirsty! Watering with tapwater can lead to higher bills, and a higher environmental impact (both costs we'd all like to avoid).

This summer, try using a rain barrel to capture rain, and give yourself an affordable, eco-friendly option to keep your plants hydrated!

The water will keep your plants happy, the plants will keep you happy, and your environmentally friendly choices will make the planet happy!

Thunder Bay residents can get started with a rain barrel kit from EcoSuperior!
We need a healthy environment to have a healthy economy and society.

EarthCare Thunder Bay is a partnership between the City of Thunder Bay and the Community to work together on issues of community sustainability.