Summer 2021
Promoting community events, information, and opportunities that improve or promote the sustainability and livability of Thunder Bay.
Top l-r: Jacob Porter, Lynn Duffield, Amy Coomes
Botton l-r: Margaret Wanlin, Shannon Costigan (Vice-Chair), Councillor Andrew Foulds (Chair), Michelle Warywoda, Councillor Kristen Oliver, Lynae Grace;
Missing: Linday Galway, Sandy Stiles, Jane Todd
EarthCare Advisory Committee of Council
The EarthCare Advisory Committee (EAC) of Council guides EarthCare and the implementation of the EarthCare Sustainability Plan 2014-2020. These champions are integral in maintaining the momentum of EarthCare. They meet monthly, and their minutes are reviewed by City Council on a regular basis.
Get involved and join a working group! Working Groups are the horsepower that help to achieve the goals set out in the EarthCare Sustainability Plan. The following working groups are active:
Sunday, August 15, 9 am - noon
Marina Litter Clean Up Event
EarthCare Thunder Bay is teaming up with EcoSuperior for a Litter Clean-Up Day in the parkland/shoreline at Marina Park on Sleeping Giant Parkway. The clean-up will take place from 9 am to 12 noon and be headquartered near the Marina Office.
Information will be available at displays from:
EcoSuperior – Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup
Lakehead University – Great Lakes Plastic Cleanup
City of Thunder Bay – EarthCare
City of Thunder Bay – Solid Waste and Recycling
City of Thunder Bay – NorthCore Streetscapes
Participants are asked to exercise caution when cleaning up along the water’s edge and to observe COVID-19 safety protocols.
Wednesday, August 25, 6-8 pm
Climate Justice Webinar
On August 25, join the Lake Superior Living Labs Network for a webinar exploring the concept of Climate Justice Across the Lake Superior Watershed. Featuring four exciting speakers, each sharing their professional perspectives of climate justice.
Register for the webinar on the Living Labs website.
Thursday, August 26, 10 am
Discover Roots to Harvest, by Bike!
On Thursday August 26th from 10am-12pm join EcoSuperior and Roots to Harvest on a Discovery Ride. Explore 3 awesome Roots to Harvest locations on the north end of town: storefront on Fort William Rd., the Food Forest on Court St., and their market garden at Volunteer Pool. Bring a backpack because you'll want to load up on some freshly grown vegetables, honey or other local goodies. Get out on your bike, ride and discover.
Proceeds go to EcoSuperior's Safe Cycling Program and Roots to Harvest. Tickets are $11.17 each, and you can purchase on Eventbrite.
Reimagining the North Core Streetscapes
The City of Thunder Bay is embarking on a once-in-a-generation project to redesign the streets in the North Core Downtown. This opportunity exists because the watermains and sewers below the street are at the end of their useful life, and need to be replaced.
Citizen Science with LRCA
The Lakehead Region Conservation Authority is looking to our community to assist us in the collection and reporting of precipitation data within McVicar Creek Watershed. If eligible, participants will receive a new rain gauge, installation help, and training from LRCA staff. This initiative is part of our Green Stormwater Infrastructure Monitoring and Action Plan (GSI MAP).
The precipitation data will be collected through the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow Network (CoCoRaHS). Learn about CoCoRaHS in this video!
Home Energy Retrofit Feasibility Study
The City of Thunder Bay has been awarded $116,000 from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to complete a feasibility study on implementing a home energy efficiency retrofit financing program in our community.
This project was identified as an immediate action in the Net-Zero Strategy.
The full announcement is available on FCM’s website.
Thunder Bay Seabin and
The Great Lakes Plastic Clean Up
As an established marina partner of Great Lakes Plastic Cleanup (GLPC), Thunder Bay has our own Seabin down at the Marina. The Seabin is a “trash skimmer” designed to be installed in the water of marinas, yacht clubs, ports. The clean tech unit acts as a floating garbage bin, skimming the surface of the water by pumping water into the device. The Seabin can intercept floating debris, macro and micro plastics and even microfibres, with an additional filter.
Our Seabin is located in the water at the Marina in front of the Marina office.
This artwork was produced by Tori Lord, as part of Fridays for Future Thunder Bay's Climate Zine.
Take two minutes to share your own photo message about climate change in the Thunder Bay region at:
Use Reusabe Glass Containers
We need a healthy environment to have a healthy economy and society.
EarthCare Thunder Bay is a partnership between the City of Thunder Bay and the Community to work together on issues of community sustainability.