In April our nation celebrates
EARTH DAY but at InnerMovement we think we are pretty
earthy all year round. The definition of earthy in the dictionary is
Natural, unartificial
. Yep that's us!
ALL of our techniques are
, they honor & work to restore the bodies natural healing processes.
New and Existing patients, let's be earthy this month at InnerMovement :)
Our practitioners are highly educated
(Chiropractors and Acupuncturists go to school for 7-8years minimum) but their techniques are simple. Both specialties serve to remove blockages in the flow of life force energy.
Restrictions in flow, nervous system energy, chi, prana...will result in pain.
Emotional stress, physical stress and chemical stress (toxicity & deficiency) can all cause restrictions in flow leading to pain and/or dis-ease.
We want you, our patients, and your loved ones to call us before reaching for an
artificial, unnatural, potentially toxic fix
like Advil, Tylenol or worse. Medications have their place but they should be the last line of defense not the first.
If you have pain that your ignoring or a loved one is complaining of pain and grabbing too often for the bottle of pills, please call our office. We are here to help with effective, natural treatments...
that really work!
Until our next visit,
Heidi & the InnerMovement staff