East Coast Elite has created a new model for winter travel box lacrosse which allows for players to experience top level box lacrosse training and game play while providing flexibility for people to choose their participation level based on their winter schedule.
We will be fielding 2 teams per age group (3rd/4th; 5th/6th; 7th/8th; 9th/10th; 11th/12th) for two levels of play (AAA/AA). The National Program is utilizing a 3 boot camp/2 tournament model (4 single day weekend days and 1 full weekend).
Boot Camps: Teams will meet for three 2.5 hour boot camps which will consist of developmental training sessions on and off the field combined with scrimmaging. Training in 3 concentrated time blocks allows for us to maximize learning while reducing commuting.
Tournaments: National Teams will also play in 2 high level box tournaments to go head to head with top competition.
Box Academy Training: In addition to the Boot Camp/Tournament model - we will be providing optional regional training academies during the weekdays that are intended to be localized to give players access to high end box lacrosse developmental training (individual skills combined with small sided game play). There will be 10 total sessions offered at the Inline Rink (Morristown) and ISCA (North Arlington)