Dear Maine East Families,
The end of the 23-24 school year is fast approaching! I am proud of the commitment of our students both inside our classrooms and in our extracurricular activities. It has been a great year overall! We are looking forward to prom tomorrow evening, which is a wonderful opportunity for our students to celebrate. We are especially excited to honor the Class of 2024 at graduation on May 19th. The graduation information, including all senior events, sent last month can be found at this link.
Our senior students have contributed so much to our school community; we want to see them finish high school with pride in themselves for all that they have accomplished. Sometimes the excitement around graduation can lead to uncharacteristic behaviors that may include jokes or pranks. Please partner with us in reminding your students that this type of behavior may lead to the harm of others or our school. Participation in senior pranks or similar behavior will lead to consequences that may include not being able to participate in senior events including the graduation ceremony. We are confident that our students will make good choices with our continued support.
On behalf of the Park Ridge Police Department, I am sharing a very brief survey to get input from families on the School Resource Officer (SRO) Program. Officer Kevin Ryan is the SRO @ Maine East. Please take a moment to complete the 5 question Parent Survey. All responses will be confidential. Thank you very much for your time!
SURVEY LINK https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VWQVWYN
Have a wonderful weekend!