"What Side?"



December 1, 2023


December 4-8ME Cares Annual Charity Auction **

December 4-15Prime Time Art Show**

December 5 – Class of 2024 FAFSA Prep Day 10 AM - 2 PM

December 8Dine & Share for Jr Class Council - Panera 4 - 8 PM**

December 13NHS Winter Wonderland 4 PM - 6 PM**

December 18-21Regular Schedule Full Day of School

December 22Flex/Support Day - End of 1st Semester

(Students will be invited as needed)

December 23-31 – Winter Break - NO SCHOOL


January 1-7 – Winter Break - NO SCHOOL

January 8 & 91/2 Day for Students 12:07 Dismissal

January 10District 207 CCRC Academy 6:30 - 8PM**

**Additional Information Below


Hello Maine East Families, 

It is hard to believe it is already December! I am so proud of our students' accomplishments inside and outside of their classrooms this fall. Please talk with your students about finishing strong as the semester comes to a close in three weeks.  We can best support your students when they are on time and present with us for each class period.  Remind your students to monitor their grades in Infinite Campus and to speak directly to their teachers if they have questions about their progress.  Thank you for your partnership with your student’s academic success!

I also want to let you know more specific information about the last day of school before Winter Break. Students are not required to attend on Friday, December 22nd, unless they are invited to attend in order to receive 1:1 or small-group support from specific teachers so that they can focus on reinforcing the skills of the semester or improve their semester grade.  Our school will be open from 7:30 am to 12:45 pm for any student who chooses to come to school regardless of being invited by a teacher. Food services will be available for all students, with a limited menu. Buses on this date will leave Maine East at 12:45 p.m.  Students in our Life Skills and Transition Programs will be in attendance and staff members in those programs will communicate directly with families about their plans for that day.

If you have any questions about whether your student should attend school on December 22nd, please reach out to a specific teacher, or to your child’s counselor for more information.  

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!

Dr. Pikul




The Librarians are coming! Visit the Library on Wednesday, December 6th during 5th period and meet Teen Librarians from local public libraries.

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