"What Side?"



August 11, 2023



Dear Maine East Families, 

We are so excited to welcome our students back to school next week!  Our 9th graders will have an engaging orientation day on Monday.  All students return to school on Tuesday. Our staff has been working hard this week to prepare for a great start with our students.  Teachers will begin the year by building community among their classes which includes sharing their high expectations for students. Our teachers are committed to building trusting learning partnerships with your students.

In order to best elevate your students’ learning, it is important that the learning environment is free from distractions. Please partner with us in reminding your students that their cell phone and other electronic devices need to be silenced and in their backpack in classrooms. Teachers may have specific additional expectations in order to best engage their students in the content. Occasionally, teachers may invite students to use their devices to access applications that support the content in a particular lesson. Please know that cell phones are not a necessary tool in the learning environment. All school work can be completed on your students’ District 207 issued Chromebook. Thank you for your assistance in helping our students maintain their focus on their school work each day.  

Please save the date for our Meet the Teacher night event on August 31st from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m.  This is a great opportunity to meet your students’ teachers and learn more about their experiences at school. District 207 schools, including Maine East, will no longer be hosting individual parent-teacher conferences. We hope to see you on August 31st as this event is the best opportunity to hear from our teachers. 

Again, we cannot wait to see your students next week!

Have a wonderful weekend, 

Dr. Pikul 


August 14 – First Day of School - 9TH GRADE ONLY

August 15 – First Day of School for 10TH-12Th Grade

(All students in attendance)

August 31 – Meet the Teacher Night - 6:00 PM-8:30 PM

September 1 – Half Day for Students

September 4 – Labor Day - NO SCHOOL

September 5-8 – Yearbook Photos for Grades 10 & 11

September 6 – Maine East Grand Opening Ceremony 3:45 PM

September 18-23 – Homecoming Week

September 25-28 – Senior Picture Make-Up Days

September 28-30 – Fall Play


Marie Abbate, Special Education

Luu An, Math

Juana Anguiano, Special Education

Angelina Apostolou, Special Education

Tanecia Bates, Special Education

Caroline Shin, English

Kim Davis, MTSS

Julia Dixon, Transition

Emily Jacobo, Social Science

Amy Fuentes, Special Education

Cynthis Fuerte, Assc Principal Student & Family Services

Sharnequa Hunter, Student & Family Services

Cummings Jeanne, World Language/ ML

John Campbell, Math

Kathy Lizak, Special Education

Rocio Lopez Perez, Special Education

Stephanie Majkowicz, Science

Sergio Muro, Counselor

Anthony Nguyen, Asst. Athletic Trainer

Maggie Nicholson, Science Dept Chair

Nina Niqadimoos, Admin Asst

Michelle O'Rourke, Special Education

Patrice Payne, Assc Principal Teaching & Learning

Ricardo Ramirez, Math

Roberto Munia Llorente, MulitLingual

Maruim Sadruddin, Transition

Michelle Simmons, Special Education

Dhruvi Soni, Social Science

Sally Tahir, Transition

Chris Van Ham, Transition

Tigelique Woods, Health Programming Coordinator

We are excited to share that we are hosting our 1st Annual Immigrant and Refugee Back to School Welcome Night. This event will take place on Wednesday, August 23rd from 6pm - 8pm in the cafeteria at Maine East.

To help create a welcoming, safe, and empowering event for our families, the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights will facilitate a Know Your Rights workshops; and Suzanne Akhras, Founder and Executive Director of Syrian Community Network, will keynote the evening to deliver a message about how parent leaders and Bilingual Parent Councils are key to preserving language and culture in schools and other public institutions. We will end the evening with a resource fair to support families in their transition, and we will also provide school supplies and other resources to students. 

New Math Curriculum Showing Early Success

The goal of the new math curriculum in District 207 is designed to increase increase student understanding and maximize the number of students who are taking rigorous, college-prep math courses.

Watch the video to learn more.

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