The world in which we live right now causes uncertainty, but Greenvale students and staff remain thankful.

“I am grateful for my family and friends,” “I am grateful for my teachers, friends and for technology.”

These are just two of the many phrases Greenvale students wrote on slips of paper and then placed in the school’s gratitude box from November through January. School psychologists Dr. Francesco Bello and Lindsay Kline developed the concept.

“This is a difficult year, and we wanted the Greenvale community to feel optimistic,” said Kline. “The gratitude box is a way for students and staff members to see that they may not have control over a lot of things, but they can control their outlook. It’s a great way to start the day in a positive way.”

Dr. Bello and Kline read the slips of paper during the morning announcements. The theme of gratitude supports Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in the District and mindfulness. Kline said students looked forward to hearing the messages each day.