Saturday: 05:00pm (SJE) | Sunday: 8am/10;30am (QR) | 9:15am (SJE)
Daily: M/W/F 8:15am (SJE) | Tu/Th/Sa 8:15am (QR)
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First Reading – Peter preaches that Jesus has been raised from the dead and calls upon the people to repent. (Acts of the Apostles 3:13-15,17-19)
Psalm – "Lord, let your face shine on us." (Psalm 4)
Second Reading – Those who know God keep his commandments. (1 John 2:1-5a)
Gospel – Jesus appears again to his disciples and shares a meal with them. (Luke 24:35-48)
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As we continue in this Easter season, there is much happening at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish and beyond. So you don't miss a thing, please read all the way through, and be sure to click "Read Entire Message" if your e-mail app "clips" this message. | |
All are invited for faith, fellowship and fun... | |
From the Pastor's Desk
Important update on To Teach Who Christ Is campaign from Fr. Dan Folwaczny.
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April Winter Supper
Thank you for helping us add our unique flavor to Winter Suppers at Christus Victor Lutheran Church! This Sunday is the grand finale of this Winter Season. Next month we begin the Summer Supper season—let's continue creating delicious memories for our neighbors!
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Q&A with Dr. Bob Schuchts
Time is slipping away! Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Parish Council and Book Club are thrilled to invite us to an exclusive Q&A session with Dr. Bob Schuchts on Tuesday, April 23rd at 7pm in Shea Hall. As we continue our journey through the year of Be Transformed, join us for this enlightening discussion that promises insights and inspiration. Secure your spot now to ensure you don't miss out!
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Food Packing Event at Feed My Starving Children
“LORD, your mercy reaches to heaven;
your fidelity, to the clouds.” (Psalm 36:6)
Come lend a hand at Feed My Starving Childrenin Schaumburg, Illinois on Monday, April 29th from 7-9pm. Open to ages 5-years and up. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Let's pack hope and nourishment for those in need—together we can make a real impact!
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Mark Your Calendars: May Is the Month of Mary! | |
Summer Suppers Return!
Exciting news...Summer Suppers are back in May! Beyond serving warm meals, we're dedicated to fostering the warmth of community. Gather with us on the 1st & 5th Thursdays from May to September for buffet-style dinners filled with good food and even better company. Our first Summer Supper of the season is Thursday, May 2nd from 6:30-7:30pm (volunteers, please arrive by 5:45pm).
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Bingo Fiesta
Get ready for an afternoon of fun, laughter and excitement. Don't miss out on the chance to win fantastic prizes, spend time with friends and make unforgettable memories playing Bingo and attending Mass! Reserve your spots now for Bingo Fiesta on Saturday, May 4th at 2:30pm in Shea Hall at St. Julian Eymard Church.
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Feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
Mark your calendars for May 13, 2024, the Feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish. On May 5th, we will honor Mary with May Crowning at all Masses, and Rosary Ministry will begin the Rosary & Novena Prayer to Our Lady. Let's come together in anticipation and enthusiasm, as we honor these sacred traditions and pray for the continued intercession of our Blessed Mother!
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Students are getting ready to lace up their sneakers and hit the track for our Queen of the Rosary School Annual Track-a-Thon fundraiser! From students to teachers, staff and parishioners, everyone eagerly anticipates this exciting event, making it one of our biggest fundraisers of the year.
But don't just watch from the sidelines...there are plenty of ways to get involved and make a difference! You may volunteer on the day (signup coming soon), pledge a student for their efforts (more details coming later this month), or consider a corporate or family sponsorship
Hey, 8th Grade moms and dads, we know you're already feeling nostalgic, so don't forget to get grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles and friends in on this year's fun! Let's all come together and make this year's Track-a-Thon the best one yet!
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Trivia Night
Get your thinking caps on and join us for Trivia Night on Saturday, May 11th at 7pm in the Queen of the Rosary School Gym (doors open at 6:30pm)! Challenge your knowledge, enjoy great company and compete for exciting prizes. Don't miss out on a night filled with brain-teasing fun!
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Ascension of Our Lord
Celebrated on the Seventh Sunday of Easter, May 12, 2024. Jesus said to his disciples: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved." (Mark 16:15-16)
Jesus, thank You for the gift of Your life, the incredible love demonstrated through Your death on the cross, the victory won through Your resurrection from the tomb, and the power released through Your Ascension into heaven and the sending of Your Spirit. I yield myself completely to You. Spirit of Jesus, fill me and lead me today. Amen.
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Fr. Dan's 10th Anniversary of Ordination
Save the date of May 17, 2024, Fr. Dan's 10th Anniversary of Ordination, and look for an invitation to honor his dedication and commitment to Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish!
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Pentecost Sunday
We're thrilled to announce a parish wide celebration on Pentecost Sunday, May 19, 2024 following the 10:30am Mass in our QR School Gym. Stay tuned for more info!
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Update on the Repairs to SJE Ramp | |
Repairs on the handicap ramp located on the west side of St. Julian Eymard Church are underway. We are committed to inclusivity and safety for all and these enhancements aim to ensure smooth accessibility for everyone. Thank you for your patience and cooperation! | |
Lenten Almsgiving Project
Great news! Our Waves of Change Lenten Almsgiving project has surpassed its goal of $8,500 (as of April 9th we have collected $24,623). Your generosity makes a difference! Thank you!
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Annual Catholic Appeal: Together at the Table
Now more than ever, the Church needs our steadfast support. Our participation in our parish’s weekly offertory and in the Annual Catholic Appeal is essential to maintaining the financial well-being of the Church.
Please consider signing up for online giving to the parish offertory and to the Appeal.
Just as we rely on your spiritual support, the Church continues to rely on your financial support to continue its work of sanctification and evangelization.
You can make your gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal online at, or you can choose to send in the response envelope from the Cardinal’s letter you may have already received. You may also find pledge envelopes in both Queen of the Rosary and St. Julian Eymard Churches or the parish office. Thank you for supporting our parish and the Archdiocese.
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Women's Club Wine 'n Paint at 6:30pm in SJE Shea Hall. | |
Children's Liturgy of the Word at the 9:15am Mass at SJE. | |
Confirmation at 1pm in Queen of the Rosary Church. | |
Gospel in Focus
April 14, 2024 Jesus meets His disciples after the resurrectionand opens their minds to understand theScriptures. “Then he said to them, ‘Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and feet, that it is Imyself.’” —Luke 24:38-39
Discussion Questions
Jesus helps the disciples understand the Scriptures. Who is a person that has helped yougrow in your faith?
Share a time when God felt far away or you felt troubled. Offer this as a prayer at Mass today.
What is one area of your life that you do not feelfully at peace? How can we support each other to be more aware of Christ’s peace?
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Mark your calendar for these dates coming up:
- 4/11/24 Confirmation Practice
- 4/14/24 Confirmation
- 5/4 /24 Bingo Fiesta, 2:30pm at SJE
- 5/11/24 Trivia Night, 7pm at QR
- 5/13/24 Feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
- 6/9/24 - 6/14/24 Catholic Heart Work Camp
- 7/7/24 to 7/12/24 Totus Tuus (Registration for Totus Tuus will open June 1st...stay tuned!)
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CALLING ALL TEENS...Mark your calendars for Wednesday evenings at 7pm in the Teen Center! Get ready to kick back, hang out, and dive into some real talk about life, faith and all things God! Join the coolest crew in town, led by none other than the legendary Mr. Van and a bunch of other rad adults who are all about keeping it real and having a blast while we explore some big questions.
Teen Center Hours | Tue - Fri, 2-5pm
Alexian Village | Apr 15 | 6:30pm
Bingo Fiesta | May 4 | 2:30pm | SJE
Alexian Village | May 6 | 6:30pm
Trivia Night | May 11 | 7pm | QR School
Alexian Village | May 20 | 6:30pm
CHWC | Jun 9-14 | Louisville, KY
Totus Tuus | July 7-12 | QR School
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Be a Voice for Life
Illinois March for Life is April 17th at the Capitol building in Springfield. This is a good way to give public witness to the sanctity of life in front of our elected officials. Contact the parish office if you are interested in attending and would like to carpool.
Rachel's Vineyard Retreat. Healing the pain of abortion, one weekend at a time. Follow this link to find a retreat for yourself or a loved one (enter zip code, distance and click search.)
Illinois Right to Life’s 55 th annual Leaders for Life Banquet at 6 PM, Friday, May 10th, at
the Drury Lane Theatre, 100 Drury Lane, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181.
Coming in May...Join us for Season for Life to raise awareness for a culture of life. Plus, join Respect Life Ministry and the Elk Grove Village Public Library for a collaborative event to shine a light on Mental Health struggles with insightful speakers from Ascension St. Alexius Behavioral Health, Catholic Charities LOSS Program, Elk Grove Cares and more. Look for more info coming in May and be part of these transformative events to shape a culture that respects life at every stage.
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(847) 979-0901 |
Worship sites:
Queen of the Rosary
750 W. Elk Grove Blvd.
St. Julian Eymard
601 Biesterfield Road
Queen of the Rosary School
690 Elk Grove Blvd.
(847) 437-3322 |
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