Living Christ in this World
March 29- April 5, 2024
Holy Saturday: The Eve of Easter
7:00 PM The Great Vigil of Easter * livestreamed Incense will be used.
A dessert reception will follow.

Easter Sunday
7:30 AM Holy Eucharist
9:00 AM Choral Eucharist * livestreamed
11:00 AM Choral Eucharist
5:00 PM Holy Eucharist
Office Closing
Please note the church offices will be closed at noon on Friday, March 29 and Monday, April 1.
Holy Week
Holy Week Preacher
The Rev. Canon Martin Draper
Love so amazing, so divine
The Rev. Canon Martin Draper is a retired priest living in London. His early ministry was in London, where he served at St. Mary-the-Virgin, Primrose Hill, and St. Matthew’s, Westminster. Later, he served in the Diocese of Europe, where he was the Chaplain of St. George’s, Paris, for eighteen years, and, until his retirement, Archdeacon of France. Fr. Draper now helps in a number of central London parishes, most especially St. James’s, Paddington, and St. Marylebone Parish Church. He has led Quiet Mornings and preached at CSMSG in years past.
Donations needed!
Donations Needed for fundraiser
It takes a lot of support from parishioners like you to achieve the missions of our seven Outreach Ministries. The Hunger, Shelter, Episcopal City Mission, Education Equity, Racial Reconciliation, St. Michael’s Houses and World Service Ministries need your support.
Please consider donating an in-kind contribution of sports or theater tickets, a dinner party in your home, golf outing or gift basket for our May 19 Ministry Fundraiser. To help us reach our goal of $45,000, you can attend the Fundraiser on May 19, you can make a donation or you may contribute an item to the Fundraiser! Or do all three!

In doing so, you’ll help our ministries achieve their mission of helping those in need, in our local community and beyond. Invitations to the May 19 Fundraiser will be mailed next month. If you are excited to donate an item or event please reach out to Laurie Brown at [email protected]
The Choir will not meet on April 4.
Please note the choir will not meet next Thursday, April 4.
Upcoming Events
Church Service League
Tuesday, April 2, program at 12:30 PM 
Join us for our general meeting when 2024-25 officer positions and recipients of monetary Special Gifts will be discussed. Join us for Bible study with Fr. Tom at 10:30 AM in the Sverdrup Room, Eucharist at 11:30 AM, and lunch at noon in the Great Hall. Reservations for lunch ($12) are required to Nancy Ferriss at [email protected] or 314.974.3386 by 4 PM on Sunday. Lunch is free for first-time attendees! Learn more about the CSL
Never Enough- Virtual Book Study
by Jennifer Breheny Wallace
April 11 - May 2, 8 - 9:00 PM
Kids today face an unprecedented pressure to succeed, and it’s pushing their mental health, and their families, to a breaking point.
The Last Children of Mill Creek:
Lunch and Conversation with Vivian Gibson and Harry Moppins
Sunday, April 14, 11:30 AM - 1 PM, Great Hall
Space is limited, register now! Free admission
Join longtime friends author Vivian Gibson and our own Harry Moppins for book signing, lunch, and conversation about their childhoods in deeply segregated St. Louis.

Vivian Gibson was raised in Mill Creek Valley, a long-established African-American neighborhood encompassing a broad area that now includes the soccer stadium in downtown St. Louis. Harry Moppins was raised in The Ville, a deeply-rooted African-American neighborhood in north St. Louis. Their engaging conversation about changes they have seen over their lifetimes will add depth and breadth to Ms. Gibson’s widely-read memoir.
Copies of The Last Children of Mill Creek are available in the Library to borrow or purchase.
A Ministry of Racial Reconciliation Neighborhoods of St. Louis event.
April Tea Party
Saturday, April 20, 2-4:00 PM
The Great Hall
You are cordially invited to a festive April afternoon of English Tea and entertainment* to celebrate friendship and fun!
RSVP by April 14. $20/person. Guests are welcome!
Kindly send checks to the church tagged “Attn:Tea” or reserve on Realm online.
*Dresses through the Decades featuring gowns worn through the years by brides at the church. Contact Laurie Brown at [email protected] if you wish to put together a table of 6 or 8 people.
Spring concert
by the fabled Legend Singers!
Sunday, April 28, 5 PM, in the church
Save the Date! The Legend Singers were founded to perform and preserve the music and performance practices of African-Americans. They are the longest, continuously performing African American choral group in the nation. Register here
Sant Scholarship Information
The Fund was established in the 1960’s in honor of CSMSG’s longest-serving priest, the Rev. J. Francis Sant, to provide scholarships for anyone seeking holy orders. It is administered by the vestry for investment purposes while the Church Service League handles the awarding of the scholarship and other scholarship details. Applications are available from January 1 of the award year and must be completed and returned by May 1 of the award year. Candidates will be notified of the award no later than June 30.

Applications may be returned by email ([email protected]) or mailed to Marlene Kleffner, Administrative Assistant to the Rector, at 6345 Wydown Blvd., Clayton, MO 63105. The application, in addition to all approvals, personal statements, recommendations, and signatures, are all due no later than May 1. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Outreach Opportunities
ARJ Food Giveaway
Wednesday, April 24
8 AM- 10 AM shift
10 AM - 12:30 PM shift
After a break for winter weather, the ARJ’s outdoor food distributions begin again next week. The number of families struggling with food insecurity remains high and our current pool of volunteers is stretched thin, so we are reaching out to a wider audience this year.

All to say, we need more help next week on Wednesday, April 24, and hope you might have a couple of hours to lend a hand! Here are the details for the two work shifts:
Hunger Ministry
When grocery shopping, please consider adding one or two non-perishable items to your cart. Place items in either Hunger Ministry closet outside of the Taylor Room. Trinity Food Ministry also needs peanut butter, cereal and chili.
Casseroles are needed for Trinity Food Ministry. Help them feed those in need. Pans, lids, recipes and directions are in the closet next to the Taylor Room. 
Volunteers Needed!
Education Equity
Our partner school Sumner High School needs tutors in the following areas:
math, solving equations and inequalities, writing and graphing linear equations,
English Language Arts, Working with interest novels or some short stories w/fictional texts, supporting teachers with standards-based skills that are currently being taught in the classroom, and building reading stamina.

Tutors are needed during the school day (MWF or TTHF: 8:05 AM -1:25 PM) or after school (MTWTh: 3-5:30 PM). Available time slots will be sent to those interested. All tutors must be approved through the SLPS Office of Volunteer Services.
For more information contact Mary Ann Cook ([email protected]).
Events Task Force- Be a Force for Good!

Production Volunteers
Mailing group: We need a group to work with mailings – stuffing envelopes, sealing them by machine and labeling envelopes.

Scanner: Scan documents to be put on our server for safekeeping. Flexible hours! We will work around your schedule. Contact Debbie to schedule a convenient time.

Lamination: Laminate paper for various ministries

Receptionist: Answer the phone, sort mail, and direct visitors.

Contact Debbie for more information at [email protected]. Download the volunteer pdf for more information.

 “It’s more than volunteering; it’s one way we can follow in the footsteps of Jesus and help God to realize  what God wants to accomplish in this world and in our lives–something we can do practically within ourselves.”                    –Bishop Michael Curry
Children's Ministry
The Children’s Ministry serves children from birth to fifth grade and is based on our shared church experience as the Family of God. Our Church School program provides age-appropriate classes and services to help children from preschool to fifth grade grow in their faith.

Little Sprouts: We are looking for people who love children and enjoy spending time with infants and toddlers. Volunteers are needed on Sundays to assist in the infant/toddler program. There are three shifts available to choose from: 8-9 AM, 9-10 AM, and 10-11:30 AM. You can go to one church service and volunteer during the other! Ages 15 on up are welcome to help. Please contact Debbie at [email protected] or 314.721.1502.

Parent Ministry
Parent Ministry supports parents of all ages in raising their Christian families. It encompasses various events and learning opportunities, from small group meetings to larger family events designed to provide fellowship, support, and education for parents, grandparents, godparents, teachers, and all adults interested in the spiritual formation for families.

Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry at The Church of St. Michael & St. George offers students in 6th Grade through High School the opportunity to develop transforming relationships with God and each other. Ours is a highly energetic and popular ministry that instills lifelong habits of worship and service to others and nurtures our youth parishioners as they grow as joyful disciples of Jesus Christ.