Last Sunday, attendees at the Bridge worship service launched Palm Sunday worship with joyous waving of palms, recalling Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. “Hosanna.” In equal measure, congregants at the Traditional service raised their palms high above their heads throughout the opening hymn and spontaneously at the closing anthem. 

I commend all of Westminster in that I’ve never experienced such enthusiasm from adults in waving palm branches, particularly without a parade of children to encourage them. My heart swelled with joy to be among you.

Perhaps the jubilant waving arose from an authentic yearning for God to restore our lives. Lent feels as though it began last year with prolonged Good Friday.

In the week since our worship, my palm has withered atop my desk, reminding me of how those who showered Jesus at that welcome two thousand years ago joined his closest followers in betrayal. Life quickens to death.

In the midst of such a loss, God surprises us with life. Death is no match for love.

On Sunday, bring your joy with songs of Alleluia as we celebrate the mystery of the resurrection.

Although our in person services appear to be at capacity, we will livestream and record worship for those of you traveling or at home. See you on Sunday. Alleluia!
