{Jesus said, "Click here to view as webpage." (John 44.12)}

17 May 2023

Rest in Peace

Ed Moya

We received the news yesterday that Ed Moya, long time Clementine whom many of the older generation will remember, as well as his wife Bonnie, died this week. His and Bonnie's ashes will be interred in the Memorial Garden after Mass on an upcoming Sunday. Pray for the response of the souls of Ed and Bonnie and for comfort for their family.

Click above to watch the Livestream of last Sunday's Mass: Easter VI

Click above to see/download the Prayers of Intercession for the Sixth Week of Easter


28 May




After Mass and a bit of Coffee Hour, we will discuss

the Sacrament of Confirmation,

its history, its place within the Sacramental system and how it impacts our own lives. This is also relevant for those to be Received into the Church and those wishing to reaffirm their Faith.

As you prepare for this gathering, consider the words of the Revised Catechism:

Q. What is Confirmation?

A. Confirmation is the Sacramental Rite which completes baptism. In it, we express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a Bishop to live out the ministry of the Laity.

Q. What is required of those to be confirmed?

A. It is required of those to be confirmed that they have been baptized, are sufficiently instructed in the Christian Faith, are turning from darkness to light, and are ready to affirm their confession of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Tonight at 5.30pm

The Eve of the Ascension

Confessions may be heard on Wednesdays between 3&430pm by appointment. Contact the Rector at


It seems that after a significant amount of time, the Risen Christ began to fade from the presence of the Apostolic community. This caused some panic among folks: "Now what do we do?" Then came Pentecost and their questions were answered.

The same holds true for us. We frequently, as community, wonder what we're supposed to do next. Where are we supposed to go; what is our present mission and to whom? What will become of us? These are age old questions the with which the Church has dealt for centuries. And each time, the Holy Spirit shows up and give us, an albeit cryptic answer clouded in smoke, an answer. Our job is to listen closely in prayer to what She is saying and then follow through knowing that in the process She guides us into the will of God.

The same holds true in our personal lives. We need direction and comfort as we live out the mission Jesus has left us. But in either case, the Spirit calls us not to just feel comforted but calls us to action, to make Christ known in our own time and place and within our own context.

Christ ascends. The Spirit descends. We are filled and Christ becomes flesh once again.

Alleluia! Christ is Risen!

The Lord is Risen indeed! Alleluia!