April 15, 2019
Easter is Not Simply the Miracle of a Dead Person Raised from the Grave
Pascha [or Easter] is a central event in Christianity, the time of transformation, of becoming a resurrected people, God’s new people. In Greek, the verbal form of the word,  pascho  means “to suffer”; and, the original word in Hebrew, pasach, referred to the Passover feast ( Exodus 12 ) that was celebrated during the same week Jesus was crucified.

On this upcoming Sunday of all Sundays we celebrate our transformation as a new people. When Christ rose from the grave, death and all other “principalities and powers” that seek to entomb God’s will were forever defeated. Easter is not simply the miracle of a dead person raised from the grave, but a celebration of power that can shatter death in order that people can freely serve the God of life. In the resurrection of Christ, God’s awesome purposes were on display, revealing a radically new world of peace and harmony and equality and mutuality, about which we can only dream. The Lord of the future has been disclosed to us. Both the incarnation at Christmas and the resurrection at Pascha testify to the lordship of Christ.

On Easter we glimpse a new landscape — the age to come — and experience a sense of holy awe at the significance of the resurrection for human life. The shape of the age to come reveals a new people of God, a new humanity. When Christ was crucified, humanity died with him on Calvary. But on Easter morning, a new world was born — raised up with the crucified and risen Christ. Bursting the bonds of death, the first human being of a new human race, Jesus Christ, appeared among those who crucified him. In the midst of the old sin-struck world, God gave the world a new beginning, a new humanity. By faith the old guilt-ridden humanity was born again into the new forgiven humanity of Jesus Christ. Ever since, here and there, clusters of the new people of God live according to the new social order of the new age.

Therefore, Easter faith recalls the past, especially the awesome act of God in raising the crucified Christ from the grave. Easter hope looks to the promised future, to that which awaits us. Easter love celebrates the presence of the crucified and risen Christ who is now among us, reconciling us as one people. Resurrection faith asserts that by grace we are born again into the new humanity of Jesus Christ. We are called to new life for God and for neighbors. As representatives of the new humanity we walk in newness of life.

Excerpted from Presbytery Mission Agency article, Resurrection of the Lord/Easter , the  Companion to the Book of Common Worship  (Geneva Press, 2003, 107-108); and, Got Questions: “What is Pascha” https://www.gotquestions.org/what-is-Pascha.html
Presbytery & Church-wide
2019 Clergy Retreat

As you put the finishing touches on your Easter sermon and move through the busy days of Holy Week, wouldn't it be nice to know that you would have an opportunity to get some time away in just a few weeks -- time to catch your breath, time to talk and laugh with colleagues in ministry, time to be with God in a beautiful, natural setting? Take a minute to sign up for the Clergy Retreat at Bon Secours Conference Center on May 15-16, noon to noon . The cost is o nly $75 and scholarships are available. 
Click here to View Flier and Register
"A Generation that
Sees Beyond the Limits"
883rd Gathering of the Presbytery of Baltimore

Join us for spectacular worship, fellowship, a bit of business and a good ole' fashioned outdoor barbeque as we gather for the 883rd meeting of the Presbytery of Baltimore on Thursday, May 9 from 4-8 pm at Chestnut Grove Presbyterian Church, Phoenix, MD (21131). We'll also take time during this gathering to commission our youth as they plan to attend the 2019 Presbyterian Youth Triennium this summer at Purdue University, I N

Confirmed Dates for the Dismantling Racism Training in 2019

Monday, May 20, 2019 at Chestnut Grove PC
(3701 Sweet Air Road, Phoenix, MD 21131), 8:30am to 5pm.
Morning refreshments and Lunch are provided
Registration Fee is $20 . Registration here!
Each year we look forward to the annual meetings for Clerks Session for training and to review of Session Records. The following is a list of meetings for the Baltimore metropolitan area.

  • Saturday, Apr. 27, 10am, 1st PC of Bel Air, Jack Carlson

  • Saturday, May 18, 2019, 10 am, Hancock PC, Jack Carlson

  • Sunday, May 19, 2pm, Harundale PC, Jack Carlson

  • Wednesday, May 29, 7pm, 1st PC of Howard County, Mary Gaut

  • Saturday, June 8, 10am, Govans PC, Mary Gaut
Good Friday Stations of Love Labyrinth Walk at 4pm on Friday, Apr. 19 at Maryland Presbyteria n Chu rch . Come experience a contemplative labyrinth walk with simple meditations on the Love of Christ. Lorie Conway, a Spiritual Director, will guide you through the Stations of Love to the center of the labyrinth.

The Endless Night: A Passion Play
The Endless Night imagines what it was like to be standing at Jesus’ crucifixion. Through a series of monologues and popular songs, we step inside the thoughts and feelings of those deeply impacted by Jesus’ love, still unsure of what His suffering means for them. The Endless Night connects this ancient story to our modern lives to feel the power of a life lived in love; the power of a life given in sacrifice. Friday, Apr. 19 at 7:30pm

Hunting Ridge Presbyterian Church www.huntingridgechurch.org
The Spirituality Center at Fallston Presbyterian Church presents
“Eyes on the Cross: Lenten Spirituality through Art”
Earth Forum of Howard County

The last Earth Forum of this season will be on Sunday, April 28 -- the 4th Sunday of the month instead of the 3rd Sunday. We will be celebrating our 10th Anniversary with special speakers and presentations and, of course, celebratory food. The program will start at 2 pm at the First Presbyterian Church of Howard County. The program is open to all interested persons, is free, and childcare is provided for infants and toddlers by calling the church office (410.730.3545).
Book Sale at Prince of Peace Presbyterian Church.

Prince of Peace in Crofton seeks donations for its annual Used Book & Media sale, to be held the last weekend of April. Donations of books, CDs, DVDs, computer games, and audio books can be dropped off on the church's front walkway at any time (1657 Crofton Parkway).
he sale itself will be held on April 26 (5 - 9 pm) and 27 (8 am - 4 pm) at the church. On Saturday, the church also hosts a yard sale, bake sale, and pit beef sandwich sale. Just next door is Crofton's Festival on the Green.

Please call the church office, 410.721.2313, with any questions.
Presbytery of Baltimore | (t) 410.433.2012 | (f) 410.433.2066| office@baltimorepresbytery.org |