Eastertide Worship
9 May 2021
Welcome to Worship!
Whether you are getting ready to come to the campus or you're preparing to participate via Zoom, you are loved. Your continuing grace-filled engagement with hybrid worship is appreciated.

Our experience of the Spirit is not complete without YOU.
We Covenant One With Another
Adult Spiritual Formation - 10:00 am
Spiritual formation meets in person and on Zoom this week - 10 o'clock in the Multipurpose Room. May 9 and 16, we are looking at the ABCs of Spiritual Literacy. Bring your playful spirit and your favorite letter with you to the 10 o'clock hour. All are welcome!


Greeting and Announcements
No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!

The worship reservation form includes a space to share your celebrations and prayer concerns. You can also send an email. For in-the-moment celebrations, please text Pastor Ken at 480-263-3308. In-person worshippers can also write a card with their celebration or prayer concern.

Musical Call to Worship - Companions on Our Journey

Call to Worship
One: We are held by an awesome beauty.
All: Above, below, surrounding us is the constant presence of Life and Love.
One: So let us celebrate the richness of love and diversity of life.

Singing Our Faith - All Are Welcome
by Marty Haugin

Opening Prayer

Reading a Word About Life - Acts 10:44-48
While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who heard the word. The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astounded that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles, for they heard them speaking in tongues and extolling God. Then Peter said, “Can anyone withhold the water for baptizing these people who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?” So he ordered them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they invited him to stay for several days.
Perceiving and Responding
Stewardship Moment and Offertory
Thank you for the generous and faithful support for all the ministries of care for our campus, each other, and the world.

Our ultimate stewardship is our care for each other.

If you are worshipping in person this morning, please use the baskets offered by the ushers. Our weekly financial report, Heidi's Corner, can be found here.

Reading Celebrations and Prayer Concerns with Music
"I always say, if you aren't yelling at your kids, you're not spending enough time with them."
~Reese Witherspoon

Happy Mother's Day, Mom! (and while I have you, quick apologies for ages 13-21)

Pastoral Prayer

Song - We Are All One
Shared by Forrest and Julie
Balancing Word and Deed
Word About Life for Today ~ Rev. Ken Heintzelman

Words for Mission
One: As the Spirit teaches inwardly, may we involve ourselves in the grander issues of life:
All: Those issues which make a compelling difference, which create the good life for all humanity.
One: These are the times.
All: We are the people.
One: All Creation is blessed.
All:  May we love all and serve all!
One: Peace be with you.
All: And also with you.
One: Amen.
All: Amen!

Postlude - Go, Make a Difference
~Community Continues~

Both in-person and online worshippers are invited to stick around for a discussion that includes responses to the sermon. In-person participants can head to the Multipurpose Room to meet up with Zoom congregants for this time together in community immediately following worship. Here is today's question:

Share a time when you had a major shift in your worldview and it opened you up to life’s greater possibilities. Did grief and joy go together in this experience?