District Bi-weekly Newsletter | August 25 2022 | Volume 3, Issue 3
Dr. Kim Miller's Blog
Dr. Kimberly Pietsch Miller is the superintendent and CEO of Eastland-Fairfield Career & Technical Schools.
It Doesn't Get Easier. We Handle Hard Better.
At our recent Convocation, held annually to welcome back our staff and prepare for the upcoming school year, I shared a video speech given by Kara Lawson, head coach of the Duke University women’s basketball team. The speech was entitled, “Handle Hard Better” and in it she addresses our propensity for thinking that things are eventually going to get easier. 

Lawson then goes on to tell her players, and us, what we already know. It - life, work, you name it - does not get easier. And people who are successful - people who have a meaningful pursuit in life - learn to handle hard better. 
Around Eastland-Fairfield
Former Buckeye Speaks to FCC Students
The administrative staff at Fairfield Career Center sure know how to start a school year right! On day one for our juniors and seniors, former Ohio State Buckeye, Big Ten champion, and NFL wide receiver Roy Hall Jr. visited FCC to talk about relationships, opportunity, and the concept of "We Over Me" with our students.

Coach Hall shared personal stories about his upbringing, seizing opportunity, helping others when provided the chance, and individual and collective value. Coach Hall expressed that every teacher, administrator, and staff member is a bridge - something to help students get from Point A to Point B - and to never be afraid to ask for help. Students learned about Coach Hall's contributions to the New Perspective Foundation, created by former OSU teammate Tyson Gentry, and then were guided through an exercise to show how it takes many different people to respond to adversity and make success happen. Before leaving, Coach Hall pressed upon the room full of staff and students three simple, yet important, phrases:

We all need each other.
We all have value.
We all matter.
Taking the Driving Simulation Lab for a Spin
Last February, Eastland-Fairfield announced its partnership with the Maria Tiberi Foundation, founded by 10TV sports anchor Dom Tiberi, to serve as a host for its newest driving simulation laboratory. On Tuesday, August 23, the simulation lab had the switch flipped to ON for the first time.

Students had the opportunity to take the simulators for a test drive for the first time since their installation this summer. Automotive, Auto Body & Paint, and Criminal Justice students were the first to try the distracted driving, intoxicated, and free-style simulations provided as part of the demo. Mr. Tiberi generously gave his time to talk about the simulators and what he hopes students will learn once the lab becomes fully operational. The demo provided an in-depth analysis of driving patterns, violations, and simulated consequences delivered through pre-recorded video.

Eastland-Fairfield is currently developing the curriculum and a plan for lab usage. The goal is to fully open the lab to students in the EFCTS district this fall. More information will be provided when it is available.

The foundation is named in memory of Maria Tiberi, whose life tragically ended after a traffic accident caused by distracted driving in 2013.
Aviation Tours Air Guard and National Guard Base
What did you do at school today?

Oh, you know. Just get inside and explore some Blackhawk helicopters and tour an air base.

Students from the Aviation program at Eastland Career Center did exactly that during their second week of school. Airmen and women from the U.S. Army National Guard and Air Guard welcomed ECC students to the National Guard Flight Base at Rickenbacher Air Force Base. While there, students toured the facility, hopped in the cockpit of KC135 prop refuel aircraft, and manned the controls of a Blackhawk helicopter. (Don't worry, it was grounded.)

Thank you to our friends of the U.S. National Guard, Air Guard, and Rickebacher Air Force base for an incredible experience to kick off the school year.
Mr. D'Ettore's Aviation students kick off the year in a BIG way.
Who is ready to fuel up their career?
Upcoming Events
5 - Labor Day (no school)
13 - ECC Picture Day!
15 - Parent/Teacher Conferences

10 - No school! (comp day)
13 - ECC Picture Day!
14 - No school! (teacher/staff professional development day
15 - Parent/Teacher Conferences

Poll Question
When I hear my favorite song playing, I ...
Sing it loudly!
Break out in dance!
Bob my head and listen quietly with my hands folded in my lap.
Check out the results plus a new poll question in the next edition of the District Newsletter!
Last edition's results
Would you rather ... ?
Speak all human languages: 40%
Talk to animals: 60%