District Bi-Weekly Newsletter | November 30, 2023 | Volume 4, Issue 10
We had a special visitor stop by and engage with our students this week. State Rep. Richard Brown visited ECC to take part in our Interactive Media students' broadcast project!
Everybody has a story. Tell us yours!
Tell us about an accomplishment, impactful moment, or interesting story from your world that you'd like to be considered for the next EFCTS newsletter. Have a friend with a remarkable tale? Share this link or submit (with permission) on their behalf.
Around Eastland-Fairfield
Introducing your FCC SkillsUSA Officers!
Pictured (L-R): Amani Harris, Riley Fetherolf, Lexus Lebron, Sabrina Coleman, William Herman, Aissata Bah (JR), Aissata Bah (SR), Elizabeth Brinley.
The SkillsUSA student organization at Fairfield Career Center recently held its elections for local officers. These students have been selected by their peers to represent the FCC local SkillsUSA chapter at local, state, and national events.
Congratulations to our eight new SkillsUSA officers!
🌟 President: William Herman (Reynoldsburg, Criminal Justice)
🌟 Vice President (Junior Class): Aissata Bah (Canal Winchester, Pre-Nursing)
🌟 Vice President (Senior Class): Aissata Bah (Canal Winchester, Pre-Nursing)
🌟 Historian: Elizabeth (Liza) Brinley (Amanda Clearcreek, Pre-Nursing)
🌟 Treasurer: Amani Harris (Reynoldsburg, STNA)
🌟 Parliamentarian: Riley Fetherolf (Hamilton Township, Pharmacy)
🌟 Reporter: Lexus Lebron (Hamilton Township, Pre-Dental)
🌟 Secretary: Sabrina Coleman (Bloom-Carroll, Pre-Nursing)
Our First Community Conversation is Now Available, Online
Earlier this year, Eastland-Fairfield held its first Community Conversation and welcomed Dr. Beth Weinstock of BirdieLight to speak on the dangers of fentanyl use and the epidemic plaguing our communities. Dr. Weinstock educates on what fentanyl is, what it can do, measures to prevent its use, and shares her personal story about the impact it has had on her and her family following the untimely passing of her son, Eli.
If you were not able to be in attendance for this Community Conversation, it is now available to watch via our YouTube channel by clicking the button below. All content is the property of BirdieLight and Dr. Weinstock.
Community Conversations are open to the public and address issues relevant to our students, families, and community members. EFCTS will host three more Community Conversations through the remainder of the school year.
The next Community Conversation will be held on Wednesday, January 17th, 2024, and will be a special pick-your-path event. Attendees can choose between two events to participate in
- Sex Trafficking Awareness and Education by Walking Wise founder/CEO, Ms. Karla Highman
- Self-Defense Training, provided by the Eastland-Fairfield Adult Basic Police Officer Training Program
Study Hall ... with a Twist!
At Eastland-Fairfield, innovation thrives not just in the curriculum, but in the very structure of students' study hall time. This school year brought a shift in approach in the way study hall is operated, done so to serve the diverse needs of our students. Each day has taken on a theme, which was built to maximize every available minute for student growth.
The week begins with Math Monday where students diligently utilize ALEKS, an artificial learning system used as a tool to assess and guide student learning, After quickly and accurately determining each student's precise knowledge of a subject, ALEKS is used to help students work on the math topics they working on in their coursework.
Transition Tuesday allows each student to complete their Age Appropriate Transition Activities (AATAs) and specific activities toward their education, employment, and independent living goals.
Pens are dancing across the paper (or keys tap out thoughts) on Writing Wednesdays. Activities are built to flex their composition muscles to conquer grammar and editing challenges, and encourage expression.
Achieve 3000® becomes the tool of the day on Reading Thursdays. Each student completes a knowledge check and the program provides differentiated and engaging articles at the student’s independent reading level to accelerate their reading success.
The week comes to a close on Function Friday when success is celebrated! Staff will review executive functioning skills, social-emotional strategies, data collection, and a variety of miscellaneous topics with students before sending them into the weekend.
This new approach isn't just about filling study hall hours; it's about crafting an environment where every minute becomes an opportunity for growth, and where tailored interventions align with each student's needs and aspirations. At Eastland-Fairfield, study hall isn't just a pause between classes; it's a stage for empowerment.
Middle School Students Receive Life Budgeting Lesson
In yet another twist, we took the show on the road and visited one of the six Career Connections classes that are being offered by Eastland-Fairfield at area middle schools. Recently, we went to Bexley Middle School and observed Mr. Jonah Butts' sixth and seventh grade Career Connections classes as they went through an engaging life planning and budgeting activity.
First, students had three spins on the "wheel of life" to settle into a career, education level, and wage to guide their next decisions. Some students were even gifted families with one or multiple children that they would need to budget for. Some were not expecting to be parents, which opened their eyes as to how expensive having children actually is!
Next, students had to make some lifestyle choices which included living arrangements. Would they live in a studio apartment or a 2,000-square-foot home? What kind of transportation would they have? Do they wish to travel? Have a pet? Participate in hobbies? The dollars and cents quickly piled up in their spreadsheets and it started to become clear that some sacrifices needed to be made to provide and sustain the type of life they wanted to live.
At the end of the activity, the range of emotions was wide. Some students had a new appreciation for what their parents/guardians go through when making a budget. Many began to realize that their life choices have big impacts on their earning potential and living conditions. And, some passionately promised to never have children. 🤣What was clear is that while there was a lot of fun, laughs, and collaboration, the life learning was at a high level, as well.
Career Connections is a middle school-level career exploration course that is offered at select associate schools in the Eastland-Fairfield district by EFCTS and its staff. Career Connections is a one-semester elective course offered to students in grades 6-8 designed to allow students to explore different career pathways and learn new life skills that will benefit their futures.
What Else is Happening Around the District?
There is so much to see and do and now we're trying to show it all to you! Check out just a few of the cool things happening at Eastland Career Center, Fairfield Career Center, through our satellite locations, and in our community.
Interactive Media Students Interview State Rep. Richard Brown
On Tuesday, Nov. 28th, the Interactive Media program at Eastland Career Center welcomed State Representative Richard Brown of Canal Winchester to campus. Rep. Brown was interviewed by students about legislation requiring AED devices in all schools that he is co-sponsoring. The video will be used as part of a Business Professionals of America (BPA) Broadcast News Production competition. Thank you to Rep. Brown for being a part of the amazing work our students are doing. The students involved in this production include juniors Trulie Pleasant (Groveport Madison), Myah James, and Anthony Benitez (Pickerington Central). We can't wait to see the finished work!
EFCTS Well-Represented at Student Activity Fair
Eastland-Fairfield was well represented at this year's Capital Conference. Two groups of students shared their experiences from their respective groups, one on their participation in a career-technical student organization (CTSO) and the other by laying out the benefits received by participating in work-based learning opportunities. Our students did amazing work telling their stories and the EF way!
BPA Hits the Ice with CBJ Execs
A great benefit to students engaging in their CTSO is that you get to have fun and inspiring field trips, like the Pickerington BPA chapter did recently. Students had the opportunity to sit down with executives from the NHL's Columbus Blue Jackets to learn about various areas of the sports world including marketing, promotions, and management. Then, they got to have some fun by lacing up the skates and gliding around on an NHL sheet of ice before enjoying a CBJ game!
If you are an avid energy drink consumer, you may want to think twice before popping open that next can. Students in our Adult Dental Assisting program soaked hard-boiled eggs in 8 different beverages for 48 hours to see its effect on surfaces that emulate enamel. The results opened our eyes, and in some cases, knocked the coating right off our teeth. Energy drinks, by far, had the biggest negative impact on enamel. Thanks for the public service announcement and for ruining Monster, Red Bull, and Rockstar forever! 😆
Superintendent Mrs. Groves made a field trip to FCC where Pharmacy students Paige Primmer (Teays Valley) and Akosua Aboagye (Groveport Madison) taught her the concept of Reconstitution, how to "don garb", and the fine art of distributing medication. Mrs. Groves learned how Pharmacy reaches far beyond the retail setting, into hospitals, and provides many opportunities behind the scenes as well as on the front lines of patient care. What fantastic teachers Paige and Akosua are! See more, next week, on our "Switching It Up" series published on Instagram.
In the Thanksgiving Spirit
Just before the Thanksgiving break, ECC principal, Mr. Gates, and his staff got into the holiday spirit by helping the cafeteria staff serve their students during lunch periods. Assistant principals Ms. Huey and Ms. Griffin joined the fun and served desserts to feed some sweet teeth in the room. We hope everyone had an enjoyable break!
Upcoming Events and Important Dates
7: Multimedia Open House at Pickerington HS North, (6:00-8:00 p.m.)
7: Project SEARCH Open House at Fairfield Medical Center (4:30-7:00 p.m.)
21-31: No school (winter break)
1-3: No school (winter break)
3: Teacher Work Day (no students)
4: Students return from Winter Break
15: Martin Luther King Jr. Day (no school for students and staff)
30: EFCTS Preview Day
What is your favorite Christmas movie of all time?
🚙 National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
💚 The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
Check out the results plus a new poll question in the next edition of the District Newsletter!
What is your favorite fall/Thanksgiving pie?
🍎 Apple - 21.4%
🍒 Cherry - 15.3%
🥧 Pecan - 19.4%
🍠 Sweet Potato - 16.3%
🎃 Pumpkin - 27.6%
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