Dear I Care Co-op member:

Dr. Paul Zerbinopoulos contacted me about the FogBlocker product and its worthiness of full ICC consideration.  He, along with his staff, believes in the product. We know the need isn't going away.

As a group we were able to garner the lowest price available - $5.50 (dry) / $3.75 (wet). This price is regardless of the quantity ordered.  Bright Optical, the distributor of the product, says offices are selliing the product at, or around, $12-13.00.

In talking with the company, FogBlocker is a plant-based cellulose product that separates it from others.  Pretty cool stuff out of UMASS.
To avoid a $5 shipping charge, offices should order 30 or more.

Thank you for your consideration of this important and timely Co-op offering.

Warmest Regards,
TB informal
Timothy P. Bonin
Executive Director
Not a member of the I Care Co-op? Contact us at 401-949-0533 for more information today!