Eat Like a Pauper at Supper.
(derived from the word "Supplemental")
We just don't need a large meal in the evening hours since we are diurnal/daytime creatures, we needed those calories during the day. A light meal at Dinner like soups/stews that are warm, nourishing, and EASY to digest is just right! If you are having trouble sleeping, check in with the size of the meal you are eating before bedtime and try reducing it. The body either wants to sleep or digest food, it can't do both at the same time.
The surge of today's digestive issues points to not only the poorer quality of our foods (processed, ultra-processed, etc.) but also the HOW we are eating in this "modern" world. Our culture focuses so much on the WHAT to eat, I hope you can see from this newsletter that the HOW MUCH and WHEN we eat is most important. If you want more tips on the HOW to eat you can download my Mindful Eating Tip sheet below. I'm also available for 1:1 consults on all things digestion, nutrition or eating disorders, etc...just reach out today...I can help :)
Just let the idea of this "small" (but significant) change sink in...and I'm always here to answer any questions, reach out and let me know your thoughts!
Here's to better Winter digestion for all! Love, Ginger