Eating as Disciples

by Father Casey

Welcome to Lent, friends.

It came a little earlier than normal this year, and it began with that funny confluence of ashes and valentines (Mtr. Rebecca coined it “Ashentine’s Wednesday” – Trademark!), but these six weeks are such a gift. They are an invitation back to basics, to the things that foster deeper life with Christ. They are a time for saying we’re sorry about the ways we’ve fallen short, and recommitting to the work of faithfulness. They are about bringing God more fully into our everyday lives, in ways we can easily forget to do the rest of the year.

In the spirit of bringing God into our every day, this Lent our formation focus is the connection between food and faith, because what is more everyday than eating? Three or more times a day, we eat. At kitchen tables, desks, and in our cars. We eat with family, friends, coworkers, and even strangers. We eat when we’re hungry, when we’re anxious, when we’re happy, and when we’re sad.

So much of our lives is given over to food – growing it, buying it, preparing it, eating it, and cleaning it up – and yet, because...

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In this E-news:

  • Vestry on Retreat Recap
  • Newcomer Workshop
  • Lenten Sunday / Wednesday Formation
  • Second Half Lunch Bunch
  • Spiritual Ministries Institute with Danielle Shroyer
  • Offices Closed for Presidents Day
  • Nurturing Faith Through Fiction
  • Fellowship of the Fig Game Night
  • Foyer Kickoff
  • Transfigured Nights Presents
  • Outreach & FigWorks Update
  • Easter Outreach for Children
  • VBS - Registration Open

Top of the News

Vestry Retreat Recap

Last weekend, the 2024 Vestry braved wind, rain, and a touch of cold to retreat at St. Crispin’s Conference Center and Camp in Wewoka, Oklahoma. The retreat gave the newly inducted class the opportunity to come together as a leadership council and to ponder our 2024 goals while keeping an eye on the horizon of a future whose plans are very much in motion today.

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Newcomer’s Workshop

If you are new and exploring membership with Transfiguration, this is the workshop for you! We will focus on the Episcopal liturgy and traditions and Transfiguration's history here in Dallas. Come, learn, ask questions and meet some fellow newcomers in a relaxed and open environment Saturday, February 17 from 9:00am - Noon in the Vestry Room. Coffee and light refreshments will be served. If you are interested and want to know more or if you would like to attend, please let us know.


Gabby Guion

Lenten Formation For All

Food & Faith

This Lent at Transfiguration, we will be exploring how eating, something we do almost without thinking about it, is an act of discipleship. At Wednesday evening programs and Sunday morning Bible studies, we will discuss how our choices around food are related to abundance and scarcity, justice and equality, piety and hospitality. We hope you will join us around the table as we all strive to be better “companions” (ones who share bread) of one another and servants of God.

Sunday Food & Faith

Bible Study

Adult Sunday School during the season of Lent starts this Sunday featuring a series of five small-group Bible Studies. Please come and join one of the four rooms, all of which will cover the same material, and discuss how food and hospitality are woven into the stories of creation, sin, redemption, and salvation. Class will begin at 10:15am each Sunday. If you are unable to attend in person, you can join by Zoom and download the class material.

Zoom Access & Materials

Wednesday Evening: Food & Faith

Please join us in Roper Hall on Wednesdays for a series of presentations on the ways in which what we eat, what we believe, and how we act inform one another. This Wednesday's Program will begin at 7:00pm and will feature:

In the Garden

by: Mother Rebecca Tankersley

Visit our Lenten Page for details of this and each week's Program.

See Full Program Details

Children's FaithFULL Lenten Program

Children ages Kinder through 5th Grade are invited to join in on our congregational reflection on food as we eat our way through Lent. Your child may come to one or all the sessions and will meet Wednesdays in Lent at 7:15pm in room S203.

There is no charge, but please register your child to aid us in the preparation of materials and volunteers.

Register Here

Second Half Lunch Bunch

This month our Second Half group will meet for brunch at Starwood Cafe on Arapaho Road. We will meet on Sunday, February 18 at 12:30pm. Let us know your coming by registering.

Sign-up to attend

The Spiritual Wisdom of Your Dreams with Danielle Shroyer

The Spiritual Ministries Institute is hosting a contemplative workshop in Roper Hall on Tuesday, February 20 at 10:00am. Spiritual director, author, and former pastor Danielle Shroyer will provide practical tips to help participants creatively reflect on their dreams through art, collage, and silent prayer. Learn more and purchase tickets to attend.

Purchase Tickets Here

Coming Up

Office Closed for Presidents Day

Please make note that the Church Offices will be closed on Monday, February 19 in observance of Presidents Day.

If you have an urgent pastoral need you can message the Clergy here or you can call 972-233-1898 & press option 9.

Nurturing Faith Through Fiction

This month's meeting will be Thursday, February 22 at 7:00pm. Join us in the Vestry Room for a screening of the 2004 movie, Hotel Rwanda directed by Terry George.

There will be lively discussion.

Fellowship of the Fig Game Night

Our ministry for Young Adults invites you to Join us Saturday, February 24, after The Table for a board game night in the Parlor. Dinner will be provided: grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup!

Foyer Planning Kick-Off

It’s time to organize our spring Foyer Groups for 2024. This ministry brings together small groups of 8-10 people to host meals and is an excellent way to meet new people at The Fig! We will meet to reveal the groups on Sunday, February 25 from 4:00pm - 6:00pm in the Parlor. Bring a snack to share and your choice of beverage. Prior to this meeting please let us know your desire to participate so groups can be formed.


Shelia Runnels

Transfigured Nights Presents

Eldred Marshall

Transfigured Nights presents pianist Eldred Marshall in recital on Sunday, February 25, at 7:00pm in the church. Dr. Marshall holds degrees from Yale University, SMU, and UNT, and has performed throughout the USA, Europe, and China. He serves as the Associate Director of Music at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, in Rockwall, Texas, as well as the Artistic Director/Conductor of the Mansfield Philharmonic Orchestra and other musical organizations in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. His recital will include works by Debussy, Brahms, and Beethoven played on Transfiguration’s Petrof piano in the nave of the church. The recital is free of charge and open to the public.


Claude Debussy – Images, Book 1 (1905)

Johannes Brahms – Four Piano Pieces, Op. 119

Ludwig van Beethoven – Variations on a Waltz, Op. 120 “Diabelli Variations”

Outreach in Action

FigWorks Success

Thanks to everyone who assisted with FigWorks last weekend. Because of everyone’s efforts, we packed over 100 ByeBye Bags for Vogel Alcove, made 30 toiletry bags for New Friends New Life and 100 more for Austin Street Center, assembled over 80 soup kits for Fig Pantry, created 15 new apartment kits for St Jude Center, collected over $200 in gift cards for both Genesis and Traffick911 which were personalized with a note, and made many cards for our parishioners.

Upcoming Easter Outreach for Children

Help us bless refugee children being assisted by Gateway of Grace by donating empty Easter Baskets, filled plastic eggs, individual packaged snacks or a filled Easter Basket (no toys, max. value $25) for their Easter Celebration! 

Drop off at the Outreach Table in the Tower Cloister from March 2 - 17

Suggested items: crayons, coloring books, stickers, candy (must be Halal, so please no marshmallows or gelatin), cookies, chips, crackers.

VBS Registration
Volunteer Registration

VBS Registration Is Open

With the help of Lu the Lightning Bug and the Camp Counselor Guidebook, Counselor Sam and our Campers explore timeless Bible stories that show how Old and New Testament Campers trusted God in the face of their own fears and went on to do great things in God’s name.

We invite you to register your little ones now for our half-day or our new optional full-day VBS. Also, if you are interested in Volunteering to help at Camp Firelight, we would love to have you.

June 3 - 7, 2024

9:00am - Noon (half-day)

Noon - 4:00pm (optional full-day add-on)

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