
eBay Update

Very light this week, but we are back to listing in many categories. Communion and Lumber tokens continue as usual with the following states still active, though a few will be ending (for now) soon North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia. We have started runs of Merchant, Hard Times and Civil War tokens. There are even a few elongated coins and art and historical medals.

The recently completed FUN coin show was very active with most dealers having very positive comments. Our sales were strong, though down a bit from last year. Our buying on the other hand was nearly double the strong buying with did there in 2023. In fact we have already set aside and photographed nearly 70 items for our next Catalog Sale, any purchased at the show.

Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for? (Audience) Why should they care? (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)

Create a great offer by adding words like "free" "personalized" "complimentary" or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take an action, so think about inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining"!

Now For Something Completely Different

Although we have many new items none will be appearing on our web site for another week or so. These four along with a number of others have been relisted we did not receive payment. Here is a nice second opportunity on some popular items, many were reserved just days after their first listing a number of months ago.

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