Holy Cross
Episcopal Church
Weekly E-blast
Our Mission:
“Making Christ Visible in
God’s Community”
Announcements & Upcoming events
Masks MUST be worn at ALL TIMES when in ANY Holy Cross building.
This is in effort to keep our community safe. The mask mandate is not up for discussion or available for any exceptions. If you are over the age of 5 a mask is REQUIRED. This will help us be able to continue to worship together in person. Thank you for your understanding. -Jennifer
With no head of the Hospitality Ministry in place, Jennifer will be organizing the Holy Cross Day Picnic. A needs list will go out very early next week of donation items needed and volunteer spots available. We encourage you all to attend and help if you can. If you want to help organize please reach out to Jennifer! If you would like to head Hospitality please reach out to Father Mike for more details!!

Thank you!!
See Holy Cross with New Eyes
Ok, what does this mean? For this year's stewardship campaign we have a theme which ties into our search and acceptance of a new rector for 2022. We have sent out a letter from Father Mike and me talking about the pledge drive and why it is important to think of Holy Cross and its ministries. Remember that God has put us to be on earth to be his stewards. Out of God's abundance, we need to return a share for God. We will continue to update you on the progress we are making toward a pledge total of $540,000 for 2022's operating budget.
You can make your pledge by returning the pledge cards or going to the website www.holycrossep.org and clicking on "My Holy Cross" and going to the forms section and pulling down the 2021 pledge form. You will get a confirmation to your email account when you pledge on line and save a stamp!
Thanks for your consideration,
John Ackerman, Stewardship Chairman

Eucharistic Visitors are specially trained and licensed to take the Eucharistic elements to those physically unable to attend services on a regular basis. Because of the current situation with COVID, fewer medically vulnerable folks in our community are comfortable attending services in-person. Therefore, the demand for EVs is higher. Special pandemic guidelines are in effect to protect both EVs and their recipients. Any active member of Holy Cross who has been confirmed or received is eligible to serve. Those who volunteer say they find it particularly meaningful. Perhaps you are called to serve in this important ministry! For more information, please contact me. 
Blessings, Rev. Erin+
864-967-7470 ext 105
Teens entering grades six through twelve are invited to participate in Holy Cross' Youth Group! We meet most Wednesday evenings during the school year. We gather at 6 and dismiss by 7:50. We share dinner and participate in fun and enriching activities, learning and discussion. Masks are required indoors except while eating, during which strict social distancing guidelines will be followed. Non-youth group families and individuals are invited to provide dinner for our teens. Our first meeting of the school year is Wednesday, September 8. For more information or to be added to our elist, please contact Rev. Erin at [email protected] or 864-967-7470, ext 105.

This Sunday we will be joined by Brenda Martinez from Ecuador. She will be preaching at all 3 services and be joining us for the Holy Cross Day Picnic. Brenda has completed her bachelors in nursing through Education = Hope. We are so excited to see her again!! Hope you can join us!
When: Saturday, October 30, 2021, 9:00 am
Location: The University of South Carolina
         Conference Center
         Capstone Hall
         902 Barnwell Street
         Columbia, SC 29208
Walk the path of love with one of the warmest, most beloved spiritual leaders of our time, and learn how to put faith into action.
As the descendant of slaves and the son of a civil rights activist, Bishop Michael Curry’s life illustrates massive changes in our times. Much of the world met Bishop Curry when he delivered his sermon on the redemptive power of love at the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at Windsor Castle. Here, he expands on his message of hope in an inspirational road map for living the way of love, illuminated with moving lessons from his own life. Through the prism of his faith, ancestry, and personal journey, Love Is the Way shows us how America came this far and, more important, how to go a whole lot further. 
Registration deadline: October 15, 2021
The bulletin for every Sunday will be sent out via Eblast on Fridays.
With social Distancing strongly recommended and our odd office hours we are asking everyone to send their pledge checks to the church P.O. Box.
Holy Cross
P.O. Box 187
Simpsonville, SC 29681

You can also contribute online through My Holy Cross. If you need any help with this please contact Jennifer Hellams and she will walk you through.

Please continue to give as you can.
Counseling service offered by
Holy Cross
We are proud to announce that Bobbie Godwin has agreed to offer counseling services to Holy Cross members for a reduced fee of only $50 per hour. Bobbie is a SC Licensed Professional Counselor and SC Licensed Addictions Counselor with over 20 years of experience.
You can schedule an appointment with Ms. Godwin by contacting her directly at 843-287-3760. Due to the current covid-19 pandemic, sessions will be held outside at our pavilion or in the Meeting Hall with masks and appropriate social distancing.
If you would like to submit anything for the weekly

announcements please email
[864-967-7470]  [[email protected]]  [holycrossep.org]