Thursday, October 12, 2023

We all ask questions every day. What will I wear? What’s for dinner? What will I watch? In our journey of faith, it’s also important to ask questions. Questions can be the catalyst for growth, understanding, and a deeper connection with God. How do I forgive someone? What is God really like? What is my purpose in life? How do I share my faith?

Jesus used questions as a powerful tool in his ministry, encouraging us to seek truth through inquiry. His questions were an invitation for us to explore the mysteries of God and the depths of our faith. Some of Christ’s questions include: “Who do you say I am?” (Matthew 16:15), “Who among you by worrying can add a single moment to your life?” (Matthew 6:27), and “Do you love me?” (John 21:15).

This month, in Wellspring Worship, we’re tackling your specific faith questions and discovering God’s plan and Christ’s wisdom for them. Why? Because you asked for it. Each week addresses a question asked by the congregation. Come check it out on Sunday! If you would like to ask a question or view previous worship services, visit our webpage.

Embrace the gift of curiosity and inquiry in your faith journey. Just as Jesus used questions to guide his disciples and draw them closer to the truth, you too can seek a deeper, more profound understanding of God’s love and grace as you live with greater intentionality and purpose. See you on Sunday!

Pastor Abe

Trunk or Treat!

It’s going to be a spooky good time! This event is open to the community, so invite your boos! We want your trunks, your treats, and your tricks! We need people to host trunks at the event, as well as donations of candy. 

Check out the website to find out how you can be part of this frighteningly fun evening.

Dinners Needed!

We need help to provide dinners for Roadside Church. If you are interested, sign up here.

Volunteer to Mentor @ Caldwell Elementary!

You can find out all the steps to become a mentor by clicking here.


Thank you for continuing to donate for the Feeding Friends & Families pop up closet. The need is overwhelming! We continue to needs gently used clothing, coats, and shoes. We need NEW socks and underwear. There are items we cannot accept (bedding, toys, jewelry, etc.). Thank you for your generosity! You can stop by Missions Headquarters (B101) any time to help sort and pack items.

Children's Choir will sing in the Sanctuary for Children's Sabbath.

Visit our Children's Page to learn more!