Economic Development Program Roundup 10-21-2020

Lt. Governor Husted announced the results of the August 2020 TechCred Application period, which set a record in approving 4,468 credentials through 288 Ohio companies. So far, a total of 983 Ohio employers have been approved for reimbursement, which will yield as many as 11,941 technology-focused credentials for Ohioans. Prior to their election, Governor DeWine and Lt. Governor Husted promised to fund the completion of at least 10,000 micro-degrees per year – a commitment that has been met through this latest round.

DON'T DELAY!!!! The sixth TechCred application period is open now and closes October 30th.

You can learn more about the program at

The Revolving Loan Fund is here to assist.

The Village of Middlefield manages low interest revolving loan funds to assist business owners starting or expanding their companies in the Village of Middlefield. Interest rates will be fixed at 50-75% of the current prime rate, depending on economic benefit and risk assessment. Interest rate and terms are set individually for each loan. In most cases a maximum term of twenty (20) years is available for the purchase or land and buildings and a maximum of seven (7) years for machinery and equipment.

  • Acquisition of land, buildings and fixed equipment.
  • The construction, expansion, or conversion of facilities.
  • Machinery, equipment, or other fixed asset finance for economic development purposes.
Ineligible Activities:
  • Transferring of ownership through acquisition of fixed assets unless the transfer results in an expansion project. Refinancing of existing debts, non-economic development projects, and training costs.

Connect to IIoT knowledge, experience, tools, market intelligence and networks with manufacturers to drive IIoT implementation and innovation in the region.

The Smart Manufacturing Cluster of Northeast Ohio accelerates the growth and competitiveness of the Northeast Ohio economy through industrial IoT implementation and innovation that leverages the region’s rich manufacturing heritage, unique assets and talented workforce.

The Village of Middlefield is here to help you.
Please visit our website for up to date information and
feel free to contact us at  
with any questions.   

Leslie Gambosi-McCoy
Village Administrator/Economic Development Director
Village of Middlefield, Ohio