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Economic Development eNews | December 17, 2019
Business Profile
Top feature photo: Interior designer Brandy Gould and hotelier Rob Thompson in The Treasury Suite overlooking King Street and Court House Square.
Above photos from top to bottom: The Metro Suite, The Holt Suite, The Nest Suite, The Steam Punk Suite and The Vault.
Hotel 48 King West blends
heritage with modern design
BROCKVILLE - Rob Thompson is creating classic boutique hotels where "modern" unites with "heritage" and they live comfortably ever after.

Rob's newest melding of old and new is in the heart of Brockville's downtown - 48 King West - with seven exclusive suites now open.

Close to a century-old, the former bank has been transformed into striking accommodations with stone and brick backdrops, high-end decor, fireplaces, unique salvaged heritage items from the building renovations, European-style glass and tile showers and so much more.

"We're pretty excited about this hotel," says Rob. "I have an affinity for heritage downtown streetscapes, and Brockville's core has so much potential with its beautiful waterfront, architecture and heritage setting, I immediately envisioned what could be."

Rob's hotel design concept has a good track record. His first hotel, Kemptville Suites in Old Town Kemptville, was just named one of the Top 25 Small Hotels in Canada by Trip Advisor. Rob feels the Brockville hotel will be another winner because of its luxury styling and ideal location near shops and restaurants.

"We wanted to prepare this landmark building for the next 100 years and I think that's what we've done," says Rob.

With 48 King West now open, Rob is next focusing across the street on the Fulford Block upper levels and 60 King Street West. This project will feature high-end office space above The Keystorm Pub and Alan Brown's Clothiers and retail at the former Copper Penny building. These phases are set to open in 2020-2021. Construction of additional suites at 60 King West are part of phase 3, expected to commence in 2022.

"Our designs balance the spirit of the historic architecture, while melding the unique and modern needs of the hotels," says Brandy Gould, Head of Creative with the RT Group of Companies, including Herit & Mod Design House (Heritage meets Modern).

Brandy and Rob are introducing "Shop-able Stays." Almost everything at 48 King West, whether it is custom beds, cabinets or blinds, will be available for purchase from a soon-to-open Herit and Mod shop. Online shopping is also planned.

The Rob Thompson Group of Companies includes development, realty and construction firms, Herit and Mod Design House and Robin Morgan Fitness.

Learn more about the luxury suites in Brockville & Kemptville on their website, send an email or call 613-215-0707 (local) or 1-844-578-4837.

The hotels offer a no check-in process, which allows flexibility to travel plans. Guests receive a personal secure access code prior to their arrival.
Ontario Job Site Challenge
Ontario Launches Canada's First Job Site Challenge

A new province-wide Job Site Challenge to identify shovel-ready certified mega sites has been launched by the Ontario Government. The goal is to develop an inventory of sites to be marketed to international and domestic investors where automakers or other advanced manufacturers could invest in Ontario by building a large plant, creating thousands of direct and supply-chain jobs.

The Challenge invites municipalities, economic development agencies and industrial property owners, and other interested parties, to propose mega sites. Proposals will be accepted between January 1 and March 31, 2020.

Top requirements:
  • Large tracts of land from 500 to 1,500 acres that are already zoned, or could be, for industrial use.
  • Serviced or serviceable by utilities, transportation networks and other support infrastructure.

The Job Site Challenge builds on the success of the Investment Ready: Certified Site Program, which pre-qualifies smaller industrial properties across the province. It is part of Driving Prosperity: The Future of Ontario's Automotive Sector.

Learn more about the Ontario Job Site Challenge.
Upcoming Event
Attention Employers: Save the Date for the Spring Hiring Fair
The Employment + Education Centre is hosting its annual Spring Hiring Fair 2020 for employers seeking new employees. The Hiring Fair is geared to employers looking to hire full-time, part-time, seasonal workers and summer students. Employers can gain access to a broad number of candidates, identify their job openings, increase their company's brand awareness and network with other companies.

WHEN: Thursday, February 27, 3-6 p.m.
WHERE: Brockville Memorial Centre, 100 Magedoma Drive, Brockville
COST: Free

An information session is being held in advance of the fair on Thursday, February 20, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Brockville Memorial Centre. Registration is required for the fair. Reserve your table by contacting teanne@eecentre.com or by calling her 613-498-2111, ext. 365.
Workshops and Seminars
Starter Company Plus
Information Session:
WHEN: Wednesday, January 8, 10-11 a.m.
WHERE: Brockville Museum,
5 Henry Street, Brockville
COST: Free

Learn details of this program, ask questions and pick up an application at this session hosted by the Leeds Grenville Small Business Enterprise Centre.
Information Session:
WHEN: Thursday, January 9, 3-4 p.m.
WHERE: North Grenville Municipal Centre,
285 County Road 44, Kemptville
COST: Free

This session is mandatory in order to apply for the Starter Company Plus Program, which offers one-on-one guidance from the Leeds Grenville Small Business Enterprise Centre.
Starter Company Plus is right for you if:
  • You are 18 and over and not a full-time student or working in another job full-time
  • You are an Ontario resident with a business already generating income
  • You are buying or expanding an existing company in a full-time capacity or growing your business (in your first 5 years)
  • You are able to contribute at least 25% (in kind or cash) of the grant amount
Learn more about these events on our Workshops and Seminars page.
United Counties of Leeds and Grenville Economic Development Office
32 Wall Street, Suite 300, Brockville, ON K6V 4R9
613-342-3840 | 1-800-770-2170 |  econdev@uclg.on.ca