Economic Development eNews | December 3, 2019
Economic Development Summit
11th Economic Development Summit has capacity crowd
KEMPTVILLE - The 11th Annual Leeds Grenville Economic Development Summit featuring area innovators and new technology drew a capacity crowd.
The Summit sold out for the fourth consecutive year attracting 222 business, government, not-for-profit and support service representatives from throughout the region and across the border.
“Whether you are a small or large business, to be competitive in the global marketplace we need to be strategic and open to new technologies," said United Counties Warden Pat Sayeau.
Ann Weir, Manager of the Leeds Grenville Economic Development Office, said the goal was to share technology advances in manufacturing, warehousing, along with transportation and logistics.
“While Industry 4.0 can be focused on manufacturing, it can apply to many other sectors. We are encouraging local businesses to be open to the adaptation of new technologies,” she said, noting there are funding programs available to help with the transition.
The Counties Economic Development Office hosts the event in partnership with Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes MP Michael Barrett, MPP Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the 1000 Islands, Valley Heartland and Grenville Community Futures Development Corporations, and the Eastern Workforce Innovation Board.
"There were good speakers and overall great information," said David Sheldon, owner of SellingWorx Plus Inc. in Portland. It was his first time to the conference.
A highlight of the day was a keynote address from the Honourable Prabmeet Sarkaria, Associate Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction. The Minister revealed Ontario’s key initiatives to remove regulatory roadblocks to help small business reduce costs.
The second keynote address from Giant Tiger Distribution Centre officials Mike Quinn, John Hubbard and James Johnstone earned applause. The trio outlined how they meet challenges and adapted technologies when launching the state-of-the-art Johnstown facility.
Ms. Weir presented some of the results from the new
Leeds Grenville Business Retention and Expansion Report
. After surveying 300 company owners and top officials, the Business Retention and Expansion (BR+E) team found 85% of businesses rate support from other local businesses as very important and 84% said municipal support is essential.
Lisa Severson, of the Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN) provided an update on Eastern Ontario’s regional digital strategy. She outlined how $213-million in funding will improve cell service regionally by building on the new broadband infrastructure.
The Employment + Education Centre CareerLabsVR (Virtual Reality) session and simulation showed employers and job seekers how they can be better educated and empowered in making career choices that lead to higher employee retention rates.
The day also featured an update from North Grenville’s JAE Automation President Eric Martin. It ended with break-out sessions on available funding options for municipalities and employers. Learn more about
Funding Programs and Incentives
Next year's Summit is on November 20, 2020. Follow the
2020 Summit page for updates. Save the Date for 2020!
Top feature photo: James Johnstone of Giant Tiger addresses the audience at the November 22nd summit.
Warden Pat Sayeau thanks the Honourable Prabmeet Sarkaria, Associate Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction, for his keynote address.
Attendee Heather Lawless, of the Grenville Community Futures Development Corporation, and Presenter Lisa Severson, of the Eastern Ontario Regional Network.
Terri Dentz, of the Employment + Education Centre's CareerLabsVR helps a participant experience being a heavy equipment operator using a virtual reality headset.
Presentation of the Bill Thake Memorial Award for Economic Development Leadership from left: Nominee Ken Davies, Presenter Marlene Thake, Winner Debbie Wilson and Nominee Terri Dawson.
Three honoured for Economic Development Leadership
KEMPTVILLE - Business owner and community builder Debbie Wilson is this year's recipient of the Bill Thake Memorial Award for Economic Development Leadership.
"I'm deeply humbled and it's such an honour to be chosen for this award," she said. Debbie is co-owner with brother Rick of
Grahame's Bakery, a multi-generational family business dating back to 1939. She has been an active volunteer in Kemptville for decades helping to build a strong business community.
Debbie is Chair of the Old Town Kemptville BIA Board of Management and Vice-chair of the North Grenville Community and Economic Development Advisory Committee. She helped found the Kemptville and District Sports Hall of Fame and launch the community’s inaugural Doors Open event.
Fellow nominees who were honoured were Ken Davies, of the Township of Rideau Lakes, and Terri Dawson, of the Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands. Warden Pat Sayeau and Marlene Thake, Bill's widow, presented the award and the certificates of appreciation at the 11th Annual Leeds Grenville Economic Development Summit at the North Grenville Municipal Centre.
Mr. Davies is owner of
Ken Davies Logistics Development
in the village of Morton. He serves on the Morton Community Hall Board and the Morton and Area Community Enhancement Committee. He volunteers as a business mentor and has helped launch a business networking group.
Ms. Dawson is owner of
The Green Gecko
, a destination gift shop in the village of Lyndhurst. She is a long-time, active community promoter. She has been integral in getting numerous enhancement projects completed, including Jonas Street Park and an accessible waterfront trail.
The Bill Thake Award was introduced in 2011. Each year the award is presented to a volunteer who has shown outstanding commitment and leadership resulting in the growth and vitality of Leeds Grenville.
2020 Celebrate Ontario Program is open for Applications
The 2020 Celebrate Ontario Program supports programming improvements at new and existing festivals and events that attract tourists for longer stays, create great experiences for visitors and support communities across Ontario. Festivals and events bring people together, showcase authentic Ontario experiences and support our diverse and thriving communities.
Deadline to Apply: Tuesday, January 21, 2020, at 5 p.m.
To help with the application process, online information sessions are being offered via webinar and teleconference.
Information sessions in English:
Wednesday, December 11, 2-3:30 p.m.
Thursday, December 12, 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Tuesday, December 17, 2-3:30 p.m.
Wednesday, December 18, 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Information sessions in French:
Wednesday, December 11, 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Wednesday, December 18, 2-3:30 p.m.
Your area Regional Development Advisor, Blair Harris, can help you with questions about your application. Contact him via
email or call 613-531-1184.
Rideau Lakes Business Network event
A new Rideau Lakes Business Network group is meeting again this month following a successful first meeting in November. There were 10 businesses in attendance and more are expected at the second session. The meetings are a direct result from the Business Retention + Expansion survey.
This monthly meet-up will take place on the second Tuesday of each month. The primary purpose is to network with local businesses and discuss relevant topics. There are no membership fees.
WHEN: Tuesday, December 10, 7 p.m.
Portland Community Hall, 24 Water Street, Portland
COST: Free
Bookkeeping 101: What You Need Know to Run Your Business
This seminar is designed to advise business owners about how to set up accurate record-keeping systems and establish efficient work flows to augment their business's bookkeeping and accounting needs. It is presented by Lynn Marsh of HealthyBOOKS.
WHEN: Thursday, December 5, 9 a.m. to 12 noon
WHERE: Small Business Advisory Centre, 91 Cornelia Street West, Entrance B,
Smiths Falls
COST: $20
WSIB Health & Safety Excellence Program
You will learn about comprehensive benefits, programs and services that offer your small business: Financial security; Value for your premium dollars; Incentive programs; Services and expertise to help you.
This HR Essentials workshop is presented by the Brockville and District Chamber of Commerce and the Employment + Education Centre.
WHEN: Wednesday, December 11, 9-11 a.m.
WHERE: Employment + Education Centre,
105 Strowger Boulevard, Brockville
COST: $20
To reserve your space, call 613-498-2111, ext. 245 or
email Kim
United Counties of Leeds and Grenville Economic Development Office
Ann Weir
Economic Development
Deanna Clark
Economic Development
Joanne Poll
Administration /
Communications Support
Jim Hutton
Business Development
32 Wall Street, Suite 300, Brockville, ON K6V 4R9