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Economic Development eNews | February 8, 2022
Business Profile
Top feature photo: Brothers Richard and Stephen Joudoin are busy taking bookings for early spring, summer and fall events.
Have Tents Will Travel Ready for a Big Season
MALLORYTOWN - They're mobile and ready to help host an unforgettable event in your dream location.

Brothers Richard and Stephen Joudoin are the new owners of Have Tents Will Travel and they are enthusiastic about getting this year's event schedule underway to help you in your planning.

"We're booking right now," says Stephen. "There seems to be a trend of weddings moving outdoors, including some as early as April and early May."

Have Tents Will Travel has several tents, including walls, lighting, a P.A. system as well as tables and chairs for all types of outdoor events, from weddings to festivals and corporate functions. They cover the entire Leeds Grenville region and even have bookings in neighbouring Kingston and Cornwall.

The siblings are proud to be carrying on the reputation and the 20-year history established by the previous company founder Gary Greer.

"We're focused on maintaining the company's great reputation while delivering to our customers a reliable, professional and impressive service," says Stephen, who has experience with the business after working as a summer student with Gary at Have Tents Will Travel.

They are taking on the challenge of a running a business despite the pandemic. Approximately 30-40% of the revenue stream is from returning clients, they say. The brothers have always wanted to go into business together and believe in the company. They are energetic and hope to grow the business.

"We are getting the support we were hoping for," says Richard of the clients who have already booked for this year.

"Event planning can be very stressful so we don't want to add to their stress," adds Stephen.

"We want them to be happy. Our aim is to provide peace-of-mind service."

Learn more by visiting their website, their Facebook and Instagram pages, send them an email or give them a call at 613-803-2245.
Canada's Leclerc Foods new owner
of former Procter & Gamble plant

Quebec-based Leclerc Foods says production at their new facility on Brockville's California Avenue could be up and running as early as this July and at full capacity by early next year.

The leading Canadian cookie and snack manufacturer announced the purchase of the former Procter & Gamble (P&G) plant on January 25th in a virtual Zoom meeting with company president Denis Leclerc, company and local officials.

"We need more capacity for the Canadian and U.S. markets," Mr. Leclerc said, noting the acquisition of the Brockville site from Broccolini is part of the company's expansion plans and strengthens their presence near the U.S. border. "We're really proud to operate a 100% Canadian food company," he said.

The company was welcomed to Brockville in the Zoom call with Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes MP Michael Barrett, MPP Steve Clark, Ontario's Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Brockville Mayor Mike Kalivas, St. Lawrence Corridor Economic Development Commission Board Chair Shelley Bacon, Vice-chair David Beatty, municipal mayors, board members and staff.

In the meeting was United Counties Warden Roger Haley, who shared the good news at Counties Council. "I want to welcome Leclerc to Leeds Grenville. This is a great opportunity for the entire region," he said.

There are plans to invest $100-million in the facility and Leclerc will also receive $1.5-million from the Ontario government through the Eastern Ontario Development Fund. Approximately 100 jobs are expected to be created in the first year, followed by another 100 in the second year.

Leclerc Foods is a 4th-generation, family-owned business in operation since 1905. It is known for its Célébration cookies and snacks, crackers and bars. It has two locations in Quebec, including its head office, sites in Cornwall and Hawkesbury and four facilities in the United States. The 790,000-square-foot Brockville plant will become its largest production facility. Leclerc exports its products around the world.
COVID-19 Business Update
Ontario eased its public health measures on January 31st with the reopening of gyms and indoor dining for restaurants. February 21st will be the next date for additional public health measures being lifted, including the removal of capacity limits for indoor public settings where proof of vaccination is required.

Eligible businesses that were part of the closures as a result of the modified Step Two of the Roadmap to Reopen will be receiving a grant of $10,000. Businesses that previously qualified under the Ontario Small Business Support Grant should have already received an email to confirm eligibility. If you have not received an email please contact MPP Clark’s Office for assistance at 613-342-9522 or via email.

If you are a newly formed business that did not previously apply or were previously ineligible for the Ontario Small Business Support Grant, applications will be opening soon. Please monitor the program webpage as the application period is anticipated to open this week.

For additional information on funding programs available to businesses please visit the Economic Development COVID-19 webpage and the Invest website Funding Programs and Incentives webpage.
Digital Service Support
Click Today to Grow your Business Tomorrow

Are you a small business that needs a hand with your social media accounts?
Do you want to supercharge your online presence?
Are you thinking about selling your products online but are unsure of where to start?

Leeds Grenville’s Digital Service Support is here to help local businesses. Visit our website for full program details or to book a FREE consultation today!
To discuss Digital Services:
Shelbi McFarlane, Business Development Officer
Leeds Grenville Economic Development
Ph: 613-342-3840 ext. 5361 | Toll free: 1-800-770-2170 ext. 5361 | email
Business Opportunity
Request for Innovative Recreation Experiences
and Services at Ontario Parks

Ontario Parks is looking for more ways to add innovative recreation experiences and services for people to enjoy at provincial parks, while also supporting local businesses, jobs and the provincial park system.

Private, public, and Indigenous businesses, non-profit organizations, community groups, and entrepreneurs are invited to share their most innovative ideas for new recreation experiences at Ontario Parks. The ideas with the highest potential may receive seed funding during future procurement.

Examples could include:
  • a packaged park experience that offers a learning hike with a gourmet picnic
  • an artisan offering classes in a park
  • a fun experience or service for beach goers, hikers or visitors interested in plant and animal life
  • an innovative solution that would improve accessibility of parks
Visit the Ontario Tenders Portal and search under “current opportunities” to learn more about the Request for Information for Innovation Recreation Experiences and Services.

Submissions will be accepted until 11 a.m. on March 4, 2022.
Business Awards
Rideau Lakes Business Recognition Awards: Nominations are now Open

It's time to nominate your favourite businesses in the Township of Rideau Lakes. Three awards recognize and celebrate the hard-working business owners and entrepreneurs that provide employment and services in Rideau Lakes communities.

Nominations are now open and should be submitted by Friday, March 4, at 4 p.m.

  • Business of the Year Award has been broadened in an effort to recognize customer service excellence. This award salutes a business that has demonstrated a commitment to the community and its residents while displaying strong ethics within business and society
  • Business Innovation Award for a business that demonstrates innovation in enhancing its business and services
  • Young Entrepreneur (under 35) Award honours hard work shown by a young business leader who either resides, operates an active business or grew up primarily in the Township

Winners will be celebrated at the annual Business Awards Breakfast, scheduled to take place on Friday, April 8, 2022 at the Lombardy Agricultural Hall. Registration to attend is now open.
Funding Opportunities
New Intake to Support Economic Opportunities in Rural Ontario

The provincial government launched a new intake of the Rural Economic Development (RED) program yesterday, February 7th, to help build rural Ontario by investing in projects that boost economic opportunities in rural and Indigenous communities, create jobs and strengthen the labour force.

This very targeted funding intake will support initiatives that address barriers to economic development and position rural communities for economic growth and job creation, such as:
  • Marketing and outreach campaigns to grow rural Ontario’s workforce.
  • Connecting youth and apprentices to job opportunities and placements.
  • Creating dedicated spaces such as innovation hubs and youth centres to develop partnerships and foster innovation.

Applications will be accepted from February 7 to March 7, 2022

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) will be conducting a public webinar to provide an overview of the RED program and discuss the process for applying to the program. Bring questions to the webinar listed below:

  • Tuesday, February 22, 1-2 p.m.
Eastern Ontario Development Fund applications open tomorrow

The Eastern Ontario Development Fund provides support for projects and investments to businesses, municipalities and not-for-profit organizations for economic development in Eastern Ontario.

The fund supports projects that:
  • create jobs and build talent
  • attract and encourage private sector investment
  • lead to business growth and broad positive economic impacts
  • encourage innovation, collaboration and cluster development

For more information, review the checklist on the EODF webpage. Additional assistance is available from Denis Lapierre, Senior Business Advisor with the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, by email.

Applications open: February 9
Eligibility checklists: Recommended before April 7.
Submission Deadline: April 21.
Trade Show
Leeds Grenville Small Business & Trade Show looking for exhibitors

This three-day event hosted by the Ontario Approved Professional group is returning to show support for local small businesses, skilled trades and professionals.

Booth spaces will be assigned on first confirmed basis. Vendors must complete the registration form. Final confirmation will be given a month prior to the event. If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, contact event coordinator David Annable at 613-865-8999 or via email.

WHEN: Thursday, March 24 to Saturday, March 26
WHERE: Leo Boivin Community Centre, Prescott
Workshops, Seminars and Webinar Library
Doing Business with the Government of Canada

The Government of Canada buys billions of dollars worth of goods and services each year to help deliver programs and services to Canadians. Find out whether the Government of Canada buys your goods or services. Procurement Assistance Canada would like to help your company do business with the federal government. The session is presented by the Government of Canada.

Webinar Topics Include:
  • Overview of contracting process
  • Registering in supplier databases
  • Finding key purchasing contacts
  • Searching for business opportunities
  • Bidding on opportunities
  • Obtaining security clearances

WHEN: Tuesday (today), February 8, 12-2 p.m. or Tuesday, February 22, 12-2 p.m.
COST: Free
Community Consultations for the Refresh of the Leeds Grenville Immigration Strategy

The St. Lawrence-Rideau Immigration Partnership is seeking engagement and input from partners and the broader community (including immigrants, service providers, community agencies, government representatives, employers and interested community members) to ensure the plan reflects community priorities and resources.

How to Participate
Leeds Grenville residents, organizations, and municipalities are encouraged to participate in an online survey and / or attend a virtual focus group. The deadline to fill in the survey is this Friday, February 11th.

Community Consultation session dates:

  • Wednesday (tomorrow), February 9th, 12-1:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, February 17th, 10-11:30 a.m.
  • Wednesday, February 23rd, 7-8:30 p.m.
  • Monday, February 28th, 2-3:30 p.m.

For more information, questions, or assistance, please email Lauren.
Ask the Expert - All About Taxes

This webinar features speaker Michele Quigg of MQ Accounting Inc. She will discuss taxes and payroll as well as provide tips and feedback in a Q & A session. This session is hosted by the Small Business Advisory Centre.

Topics covered will be:
  • Tax Planning
  • Income Tax
  • Payroll

WHEN: Wednesday, February 16,
10-11 a.m.
COST: Free
Using Instagram to Grow your Business

This session features social media expert Lyndsay Bigley and is hosted by the Small Business Advisory Centre. It will be followed by a Q & A session.

What you will learn:
  • Nail your first impression on Instagram
  • Develop a unique content strategy for your business
  • Utilize different features on Instagram to connect with your audience including feed posts and carousels, stories, videos, reels, and lives.
  • Write captions that capture your audience’s attention
  • Find the right hashtags for your brand
  • Create graphics (introduction)

WHEN: Thursday, February 17, 12-1:30 p.m.
COST: Free
Developing a Powerful Community on LinkedIn

This webinar presented by Jennifer Baker Consulting will guide participants through the process of completing and optimizing their professional LinkedIn profile, as well as developing a powerful (and effective!) community on LinkedIn. By the end of the session, participants will understand the importance of developing an engaging profile, learn tips of technics for increasing the number of network connections, learn how to create effective LinkedIn posts. The webinar is hosted by the Small Business Advisory Centre.

WHEN: Tuesday, February 22, 9-10 a.m.
COST: Free
Know Your Target Audiences by Tourism Product, Sessions 1 & 2.

Destination Ontario and Environics Analytics analyzed 16 Ontario tourism product categories to understand the types of domestic (Ontario) consumers that frequent these different experiences across the province. Over two sessions, we will share these findings to better equip tourism businesses/operators to plan and target current and potential new, local and non-local audiences.

Join one or both sessions (by separate registrations) as Larry Filler, Senior Vice President and Practice Leader, Environics Analytics, delivers the results. Due to the depth of content, each session will focus on 8 product categories. You will learn how to target the right audience with the right tourism products and experiences; identify the right platforms and advertising channels to reach that audience; and understand the unique attributes of potential high-value audiences.

Note: To attend both Zoom sessions, you must register for each individually.
Session 1
WHEN: Thursday, February 24, 10-11:15 a.m., including a Q & A segment

  • ATVing
  • Angling
  • Major and Minor League Sports
  • Indigenous Experiences
  • Francophone Experiences
  • Attractions and Theme Parks
  • Resorts
  • Spas and Retreats
Session 2
WHEN: Thursday, March 3, 10-11:15 a.m., including
a Q & A segment

  • Theatre & Film
  • Museums & Heritage Site, Science & Education
  • Art Galleries
  • Opera, Ballet & Symphony
  • Foodie Destinations, Food Trails & Food Festivals
  • Wine Regions
  • Breweries, Cideries & Distilleries
  • Farmers' Markets
Leeds Grenville eNews Deadlines for submitting information:
If you have an upcoming workshop, seminar, or business-related event, please email it to us in advance.
  • Submissions for the February 22nd edition should be received by Monday, February 14th.
  • Submissions for the March 8th edition should be received by Monday, February 28th.
32 Wall Street, Suite 300, Brockville, ON K6V 4R9
613-342-3840 | 1-800-770-2170 | econdev@uclg.on.ca