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Economic Development eNews | January 28, 2020
Business Profile
Yellow Canoe Caf é is famous for soups, salads and scones
MERRICKVILLE - Danielle Moizer knows how to create an unforgettable lunch experience to keep you coming back for more.

The owner of Yellow Canoe Caf é and her culinary team have a solid reputation with both local and travelling foodies in search of quality homemade soups, savoury and sweet scones made from scratch each morning, fresh focaccia bread, creative salads with organic greens, gluten-free and vegan options as well as delicious desserts.

"We keep getting busier every year, which I guess is the best feedback you can ask for," says Danielle of her casual, cozy, licensed restaurant located in a heritage building in the heart of downtown Merrickville. Spot the canoe and you're there! In the warmer months, the garden patio with a view of the Rideau Canal is a big hit.

The Yellow Canoe's food and friendly service has earned TripAdvisor's Certificate of Excellence several years in a row, including 2019. It also has rave 5-star reviews on its Facebook page. People talk about the unique sandwich options and specials.

"Every single item we serve, we make in our own kitchen," says Danielle. "It adds a nice little touch."

The eatery just reopened after its brief winter break so a few different menu items are being introduced. "I like to play around in January and come up with a few new ideas," says Danielle. She builds on past hits, such as her famous carmelized brown butter, but enjoys adding new creations and flavour combinations.

Danielle bought the business in 2014 at the young age of 25. She already knew her way around the kitchen as she had helped out often when her mom managed the business. "It's like a second home to me. My mom has a flare, a very interesting palate and worldly view of food. I lean toward the more traditional but I learned a lot from her."

Danielle is proud of how she and her team have shaped what the eatery is today. They have a small kitchen but amazing things come out of it.

"It's been really empowering for me," Danielle says. "It helped me find myself and my creativity."

Danielle uses locally grown produce, products and cheese whenever possible. Paintings in the restaurant are by local artists. Her and her team also participate in community events such as the recent Christmas in Merrickville.

Visit their website and Facebook page to learn more about their menu, hours of operation, special events or find them on Instagram. Call them at 613-269-2833. The Cafe is located at 108 St. Lawrence Street with street parking.
Top feature photo: Danielle Moizer, centre, with part of her culinary team: at left, Regan Stevenson and Amy Fisher, right.
Marketing Opportunities
Submit your Festival and Event Listings to FEO - it's free!
Free marketing of your event or festival is available in the Festivals & Events Ontario Guide 2020-21 edition and on Destination Ontario's website.

The Festivals & Events Ontario (FEO) digest-size, consumer publication lists things to do in Ontario from April 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021. Distribution is scheduled to begin in Spring 2020 and will be available for download in the web edition on both festivalsandeventsontario.ca and ontariotravel.net websites.

Submission Deadline; Friday, February 7, 2020

For a listing to be considered in the selection process for inclusion in the Guide, your Festival(s) or Event(s) must be submitted to both the festivalsandeventsontario.ca and destinationontario.com websites.
Funding Opportunities
Tourism funding and program update
Lori McIsaac, of RTO 9 (Regional Tourism Organization 9), will provide information on the 2020/21 Partnership Fund being offered. The Partnership Fund program is an initiative designed to make the RTO 9 region a premiere travel destination in Ontario.

The session will cover experiential tourism and the business coaching program.

Deadline for applications is February 16 at midnight.

WHEN: Thursday, January 30, 9 - 10:45 a.m.
WHERE: Aquatarium Boardroom, 6 Broad Street, Brockville
COST: Free

Learn more about Partnership Funding. Priority will be given to proposals that:
  • Are submitted from private sector businesses
  • Promote overnight visits, increasing the length of stay
  • Include two or more partners that are financially committed to the project in addition to RTO 9
  • Have clearly defined and measurable goals

To register for the information session email Katherine Hobbs or call 613-342-4357, ext. 105.
New Intake for Rural Economic Development (RED) funding

The RED program provides cost-share funding to support activities that create strong rural communities in Ontario, and opens doors to rural economic development through:
  • Funding assistance to address barriers in economic development, position rural communities to attract and retain jobs and investment, and enhance economic growth
  • Funding to build community capacity and support for economic development in rural areas
  • Investments in rural communities to help diversify and grow local economies, sharing in the province's prosperity.
There are two funding streams:
  • Economic Diversification and Competitiveness Stream
  • Strategic Economic Infrastructure Stream
Deadline for applications: Monday, February 24.

To be eligible you must be:
  • Municipality
  • Not-for-profit entity
  • Ontario Indigenous community or organization
  • Local Service Board

For more information, visit the website and contact area Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Advisor Katie Nolan at 613-294-4443.
Job Fairs
Attention business owners: Participate in three area job fairs
CSE Consulting is hosting two Spring Job Fairs. Employers wishing to reserve a table should contact Tracy or Rod.
WHEN: Thursday, February 20, 1-4 p.m.
WHERE: North Grenville Municipal Centre, 285 County Road 44, Kemptville
COST: Free

Email Tracy McDonald or call 613-258-6576.
WHEN: Thursday, February 27, 1-4 p.m.
WHERE: Leo Boivin Community Centre, 444 Prince Street, Prescott
COST: Free

Email Rod Palmer or call 613-925-0222.
The Employment + Education Centre Spring Hiring Fair is for employers looking to hire full-time, part-time, seasonal workers and summer students. Employers can gain access to a broad number of candidates, identify their job openings, increase their company's brand awareness and network with other companies.

WHEN: Thursday, February 27, 3-6 p.m.
WHERE: Brockville Memorial Centre, 100 Magedoma Drive, Brockville
COST: Free

Email Teanne to reserve your table or call 613-498-2111, ext. 365.
Upcoming Events
Augusta Mayor's Breakfast

The public is welcome and encouraged to attend this annual event "Partnership in Development" with an update from Augusta Township Mayor Doug Malanka. Keynote speaker Rob Thompson, of the Rob Thompson Group of Companies, will discuss the importance of rural municipalities taking a collaborative approach to development.

WHEN: Friday, March 6, 7:30 - 9:45 a.m.
WHERE: Grenville Snowmobile Club, 4901 Charleville Road, north of Maynard
COST: $10 at the door

For more information: Email Jeanette or call 613-342-8772, ext. 4471
International Women's Day

Building a World of Gender Equality is the theme of this year's International Women's Day Event. Marion Balla, president Adlerian Counselling and Consulting Group Inc., is the guest speaker. She is known across the country for her ability to communicate her message using humour and wit.

WHEN: Tuesday, March 10, 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m., includes lunch, networking, guest speaker and Lifetime Achievement Award and BWB's Sue MacLaurin Leadership Memorial Award
WHERE: Brockville Country Club, 1548 King Street West, Brockville
COST: $40

Business Award
Rideau Lakes Business Recognition Nominations

Nominations for the Township's annual Business Awards open on February 3 and close on March 6. Forms are available online and at the Township office and library.

Award categories include:
  • Business of the Year - demonstrating commitment to the community and strong ethics within the business and society
  • Business Innovation - demonstrating innovation in enhancing its business and services, either through 'outside the box' thinking or through new technologies and facility upgrades
  • Young Entrepreneur (under 35) - a young entrepreneur operating an active business in the township

Awards will be presented at a Rideau Lakes Breakfast on Friday, April 3, 8-10 a.m. at the Newboro Community Hall. The breakfast will be open to the public with limited seating available. Registration will open in March.

For more information, email info@rideaulakes.ca.
Economic Development Summit
Leeds Grenville Summit Videos now available

Video footage of the 11th Annual Economic Development Summit held in November is now available on our website. Please check it out!

Save the Date
Join us again this year for a day focused on Economic Development and Leadership on Friday, November 20, 2020, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Questions? Email Joanne Poll or call her at 613-342-3840, ext. 5360
Thake Award Nominations
Learn more about submitting a nomination for the Bill Thake Memorial Award for Economic Development Leadership 2020.

Email Deanna Clark or call 613-342-3840, ext. 5360

See you at the Summit! #LGEcDev2020
Food, Agriculture and Economic Opportunities in Merrickville-Wolford and region

Stephen Duff, Chief Economist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, will give a presentation of his analysis and findings on the agri-food sector for the Village of Merrickville-Wolford.

WHEN: Tuesday, February 11, light refreshments at 12:30 p.m. Presentation from 1 - 3:30 p.m.
WHERE: Merrickville United Church & Arts Centre, 100 Lawrence Street, Merrickville
COST: Free

Questions? Contact Stacie Lloyd at 613-269-4791, ext. 242
Brand Bootcamp for your Business

Your brand is not just your logo. It is your voice, your story, your colours, even your business plan. Find out what you might be missing and how to tie it all together. This workshop takes the overwhelm out of filling in the blanks and helps you understand and love your brand. This is for anyone in the planning stages of starting a business, and new and established businesses.

WHEN: Thursday, February 13, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
WHERE: Small Business Advisory Centre, 91 Cornelia Street, Entrance B, Smiths Falls
COST: $20

Learn more about these events on our Workshops and Seminars page.
United Counties of Leeds and Grenville Economic Development Office
32 Wall Street, Suite 300, Brockville, ON K6V 4R9
613-342-3840 | 1-800-770-2170 |  econdev@uclg.on.ca