The NLEA has a team of economic and community development professionals with experience in grant writing and packaging services. For more information, contact Jessica Lovay, Community Development and Grants Specialist, to see how we can help you!
Michigan Economic Development Corporation's Revitalization and Placemaking (RAP) program is still taking applications. Performance-based RAP grants are currently available for real estate redevelopment projects and can be applied for on a rolling basis as funds are available. More details on MEDC's website.
The Michigan State Housing Development Authority’s (MSHDA) Employer Assisted Housing (EAH) Program, announced in late January, will offer direct support to employers willing to invest in housing for local workers. Employers that contribute matching funds may qualify for resources through the Fund to help develop new housing options. Rental housing must remain affordable for at least 10 years and for-sale housing must remain affordable for five years, ensuring long-term impact. MSHDA began accepting applications on February 24th, 2025. More details can be found on MSHDA's website.
MSHDA's MI Neighborhood Program (MIN) remains open. The MIN program provides funding to support the creation of new rental and for-sale housing units. Grant awards can range in size from $25,000 up to $2M depending on the eligible project and applicant experience. Eligible applicants include 501c3’s, local units of government, and for-profit developers. To learn more about the program and apply, visit MSHDA's website.
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) is offering grant funding for energy waste reduction projects and renewable energy waste reduction projects and renewable energy projects for farms, agribusinesses, businesses that provide assistance and services to agribusinesses, and rural businesses and nonprofit organizations. Applications are being accepted on a first come, first served basis until April 25th, 2025. More details here: EGLE's website.
Great Lakes Energy (GLE) offers two loan programs to support economic development in rural Michigan: the Revolving Loan Fund and the Zero Interest Loan Program. Applicants can receive up to $2 million in total loans but must secure 50% of their funding from a traditional financial institution. For the Zero Interest Loan, GLE reviews a pre-application and, if approved, submits a full application to the USDA for ultimate approval. Applicants are required to work with the NLEA to assist with their application. Loan decisions are based on job creation potential and credit worthiness. Residential projects are not eligible. For more information, contact us!
The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) is still open! REAP provides guaranteed loan financing and grant funding to agricultural producers and rural small businesses for renewable energy systems or to make energy efficiency improvements. Grants can range from $1,500 to $1,000,000. The deadline of March 31st, 2025 is coming up fast, so act now! To learn more about the program and apply, visit USDA's website.