Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance offers this monthly e-newsletter featuring the foundational pillars of the Headwaters Food Charter . The Charter was developed in partnership with WDG Public Health and has been widely endorsed. This series aims to keep you informed about issues and events relating to the Charter's 6 Pillars, 15 Goals and 27 Actions prioritized by our communities to enhance our food system.
Economic Vitality
We value the role of food and farming businesses in the Headwaters economy .
HFFA - in partnership with In the Hills Magazine and supported by Headwaters Communities in Action, Town of Caledon, Town of Mono, Town of Orangeville and Mulmur Township - produced 10,000 paper copies of the 2019 Headwater Farm Fresh Guide in addition to those included with the magazine. This program also ensures the directory is up to date on the website.
In Caledon, the Region of Peel supports the Grown in Peel Guide that is a directory of farms and farmers’ markets in Peel that are open to the public.

Action you can take: check out both guides and make plans to visit some of the many farms in Headwaters to help support our local food economy and our neighbours!
When the World Food Programme goes into an area ravaged by natural disasters, one of their strongest actions is to start school meal programs, and they work to build up the supply chain of local producers from whom to procure this food. It provides much needed healthy food, gives a reason for kids to attend school, teaches kids about food and supports local producers. Teaching our kids in Headwaters about healthy local food is just as important. Farm to School gives kids, parents and our community the chance to engage with and support our local food economy and provides much needed food and farm education.
Here are a few figures showing the economic and other impacts of our Local Food Club (LFC) over the 2018-2019 school year:

  • We have purchased food from no less than 22 food producers in Headwaters Region alone (with a handful more across southern Ontario).
  • We packed just over 850 LFC bags from October to June.
  • The food we purchased from farms and products from local businesses is valued at more than $25,600!
  • And all those bags and all that food provided meals for over 3,264 mouths in our community!
  • Did you know LFC also gives back to the schools? We offer schools the choice of gift bags or cash back as a % of sales. This year we gave 36 LFC gift packs and about $2,000 back to schools.
  • Everywhere we go, people tell us what an amazing initiative they think this is! LFC gets glowing reviews from participants as well as suppliers as an ideal way to support the local food system while educating our young people.
Action you can take: Learn more about HFFA Farm to School Programs and participate in the Local Food Club by signing up your school age children, volunteering with the program or donating to help support schools in accessing the programs.
Know your HFFA Hub members
Karen Hutchinson is the author of this month's newsletter on Economic Vitality. Karen is a founding member of HFFA and has been instrumental in securing funding, providing food systems expertise and guiding the group's policy work, including during the development of Headwaters Food Charter. She also heads up the Caledon Countryside Alliance and Albion Hills Community Farm among many other food system-related pursuits.
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Our Vision
The Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance (HFFA) envisions a food system that is productive, sustainable, transparent, and fair; supports the health and well-being of our residents and food providers; and contributes to the prosperous and equitable economy.
Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance (HFFA) is a project of
Headwaters Communities In Action