Discover Economics and Financial Literacy

through Children's Books for K-3

Learn about the following concepts goods and services, wants, scarcity, saving, savings goals and making choices.

Books: Building a House, Benny’s Pennies, Just Saving My Money and more.


Discover concepts about producers and consumers, scarcity, opportunity cost, saving, savings goals and making choices.

Books: The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza, Bunny Money, Alexander Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday and more.


Delve into lessons focusing on Delaware’s prioritized economic standards (Standards 1 and 4) for second grade and the new K-3 Financial Literacy Standards 1, 2, and 3.

Books: A Chair for My Mother, Something Special for Me, Morris Goes to School and more.


Explore lessons that address Delaware’s third grade prioritized Economic Standard 2. Developed with teacher input and field-tested in third grade classrooms, the lessons focus on barter, and characteristics and functions of money. 

Books: No Money, No Problem 


All participants will receive copies of the books, lessons, and support materials.

Sessions are Via Zoom

1.5 clock hours awarded


To prepare K-12 educators and students in economics, personal finance and entrepreneurship by providing dynamic, effective and standards-based professional learning, resources and programs.

Center for Economic Education & Entrepreneurship | Website

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