Tech Tips and Featured Tech Tools
In addition to the weekly Tech Ed Updates, we are including a section for staff called Tech Tips and Featured Tech Tools. In this section we'll provide handy tips and tricks for teachers, along with some educational technology tools that teachers might find interesting.
Tech Tip #1
“Is something not operating the way it should on your device? Most of the time restarting the program, closing and re-opening the file, refreshing the webpage, or restarting the device will solve the problem”

Tech Tip #2
“Do you find using the mousepad on your device inefficient? Consider plugging in an external mouse for improved navigation. Click here to submit your name for a draw to win a new wireless mouse, but make sure you are logged in with your account.”
Tech Tip #3
You are probably familiar how to copy selected items via the keyboard using CTRL+C and paste using CTRL+V. You may also frequent the undo shortcut CTRL+Z, but were you aware that CTRL+A allows to copy everything in the selected object? Try it out!
Featured Tech Tools
French Raz-Kids
You may have used Raz-Kids in the past, and they provide many French books but just recently they released the French audio for their French books. If you have access to Raz-Kids, try projecting any level of book and let the whole class listen together or allow the students pick their own books to listen to on headphones.
Try Blooket with your class: www.blooket - A very engaging online trivia game that requires no student user account to play. 
Request for Workshops
Staff who are interested to learn more about technology in the classroom, including digital portfolios, can contact Nolan directly.