Lee County Commissioners Deny Eden Oak Zoning Request
After a 7-year battle to oppose the development of the Eden Oak property, the Lee County Commissioners unanimously voted today to deny the applicant's rezoning request.
The Board's decision was made with prejudice preventing the applicant from resubmitting a similar rezoning application for a year.
A genuine thank you to all of the residents and SCCF members that attended all of the meetings and spoke out in opposition to this development proposal. At the hearing today, your input and testimony of how these mangrove wetlands helped to protect your neighborhood during Hurricane Ian had an impact on the people in the county commission chambers.
After all of your effective advocacy, we have one more request of you. We would like to recognize and thank the Lee County Commissioners for their leadership and vision to stand strong with their decision to deny this rezoning request. Our elected leaders get a lot of pressure from all sides and we would like to let them know that we appreciate the hard work they do for our community. Please call or email our Commissioners to say thank you for denying the Eden Oak zoning request.
Contact Information:
Commissioner Kevin Ruane, Dist1@leegov.com - (239) 533-2224
Commissioner Cecil Pendergrass, Dist2@leegov.com - (239) 533-2227
Commissioner Ray Sandelli, Dist3@leegov.com - (239) 533-2223
Chairman Brian Hamman, Dist4@leegov.com - (239) 533-2226
Commissioner Mike Greenwell, Dist5@leegov.com - (239) 533-2225
We know this is not the end of our battles to protect and preserve our natural systems in Southwest Florida, but today we can celebrate a victory and be thankful that our Commissioners, the Hearing Examiner, and the County Staff stood firm and relied on science and law in making the decision to deny the long fought, ill-conceived Eden Oak rezoning request.
Thank you for your dedicated participation in our mission to protect and care for Southwest Florida's coastal ecosystems.