October 20, 2023

Upcoming Events

10/20: School Photos

10/20: Senior Photo Retakes

10/20: Q1 Progress Reports Released

10/20 - 10/21: Fall Drama (Almost Maine)

10/24: Board of Education Meeting

10/31: PTSA Halloween Cider & Donuts (Grades 7 & 8)

11/2: Fall Sports Award Dinner

11/3: Fall Frenzy Dance (Grades 9 through 12)

11/7: Board of Education Meeting

11/9: PTSA Executive Board Meeting

11/9: End of Quarter 1

11/10: No School (Veterans' Day)

11/13: No School (Superintendent's Conference Day)

11/14: STEM Committee Meeting

11/15: ACE Committee meeting

11/16: PTSA Parent Forum

11/17: Photo Retake Day

11/17: Q1 Report Cards released

11/17 - 11/18: Junior High Musical (Frozen Jr.)


EHS Monthly Calendar

Edgemont School District Annual 2023-24 Calendar

PTSA Links

Edgemont PTSA Home

Join the PTSA

PTSA President Email

Edgemont Student Directory

From the PTSA Executive Committee

The Fall Drama, Almost Maine, is THIS WEEKEND! It's not too late to get tickets. See below for more info.

Some other fun events coming up! Halloween cider and donuts (sponsored by the PTSA) for grades 7 and 8 and the Fall Frenzy Dance (organized by grades 11 and 12 class officers) for grades 9 through 12! Can't wait!

And believe it or not, the holidays will be here before you know it! Get some of your shopping done early by shopping through the PTSA's holiday shop. And plan a fun family event for December - step right up to see the Rockettes! See below for more details.

Please reach out any time with your comments, questions, or suggestions.

Warmest regards,

2023-24 PTSA Executive Committee

Pamela Montgomery, Co-President

Laura Wilker, Co-President

Nadja Salem, Treasurer

Elizabeth Manasse, Recording Secretary

Lisa Schneider, Corresponding Secretary

Lesley Alpert-Schuldenfrei, VP/Cultural Arts

Laura Nukho, VP/Fundraising

Susan Henner, VP/Membership

Pascale Naber, VP/Parent Forums

Fan Zhang, VP/STEM

Priya Nag, VP/Technology


Join the PTSA for the 2023-2024 school year! 

The PTSA is funded entirely by our membership contributions which includes dues, contributions, and fundraising proceeds. Our goal is to provide enriching and exciting programs and school experiences for our children not covered by the school budget.

Join the PTSA!

You can also pay your PTSA membership dues by check/cash in an envelope left in the PTSA mailbox at the high school. Note that the PTSA is separate from the Elementary PTA and any contributions you may have made at the elementary school level. Any questions, please contact Susan Henner, VP - Membership, at [email protected]. Thank you for your support!

Here's Your Chance for Easy Holiday Shopping!

Shop for presents, giftwrap, teacher gifts, cooking tools, housewares, hostess gifts, and more, while you support our school.

Click here to shop, using Student Code NMG17138. Feel free to share with friends and family. Store closes November 15!

Rockettes Tickets!

Join us to ring in the holiday season with a fantastic new PTSA-sponsored event: The Christmas Spectacular Starring the Radio City Rockettes on Sunday, December 3 at 11:30 a.m.!

Buy Tickets Now!
parent forum

Parent Forum

Be sure to attend our upcoming parent forum on Wednesday, November 16. The PTSA is pleased to present Timely Tips for Parenting your Teenager: "It's All in Their Heads!"

Date: Thursday, November 16

Time: 7 - 8 pm

Place: EHS Library

Click here for more details.

Upcoming Meetings

  • PTSA Executive Board -- Thursday, November 9 at 8:45 a.m. in the Guidance Conference Room.

  • STEM Committee -- Tuesday, November 14 at 7:30 p.m. in the Guidance Conference Room. Please contact STEM VP Fan Zhang with any questions or to be included on the STEM contact list.

  • ACE Committee -- Wednesday, November 15 at 8 p.m. in the Guidance Conference Room. To be included on the ACE contact list or for more information, contact ACE VP Lesley Alpert-Schuldenfrei.

For a list of all meetings of the PTSA Executive Board, STEM Committee and ACE Committee for 2023-2024, please click here.

Candy Sales

Please join us this Friday and every Friday to welcome the weekend with treats!

When: Fridays at 3:07 p.m.

Where: Outside the Admin Building (or just inside the doors during inclement weather)

What: Candy, Chocolate, Chips, and more

Cost: $2 per item, CASH ONLY. All proceeds benefit the PTSA


When shopping at DeCicco's in Scarsdale, please ask the cashier to apply your purchase to the Edgemont PTSA. A percentage of your purchase price will be donated to the PTSA. Every little bit helps -- thank you for your support!

EHS News


The following teachers and staff members are up for tenure this year:

Paulette Antonicelli, Science, EHS 02/01/2025 *

Kelly Brady, Elementary K-6, SP 09/01/2024

Rebecca Capsuto, Educational Technology Specialist DW, 09/01/2024

Tom Darby, Social Studies, EHS 09/01/2024

Talia Dardis, Science 7-12, EHS 09/01/2024

Sabrina Genco, Special Education, SP 09/01/2024

MaryRose Joseph, Assistant Principal, EHS 07/01/2024

Alexis Langer, Elementary 1-6, SP 01/09/2025 *

Kimberly Lim, Special Education, SP 09/01/2024

Patrick Maguire, Special Education, EHS 09/01/2024

Nir Naaman, Music, GR SP 09/01/2024

Eliana Rojas, Special Education, GR 09/01/2024

Jennifer Wandle, Teaching Assistant, GR 11/23/2024

* Tenure date subject to change

Click on this link to see a letter from Superintendent Hamilton with more information. This letter includes information about providing feedback about tenure candidates.

Fall Drama - Almost Maine

Join us this weekend for the Edgemont Theater high school production of Almost Maine, a magical evening filled with love, laughter, and unexpected encounters, on October 20 and 21 at 7 p.m. Click here to buy tickets now, before they're sold out!

fall drama

DECA Fundraiser

Please support the DECA Club! Head over to Chipotle this coming Tuesday, October 24 between 5 pm and 9 pm and show them this flyer or use code BQ6ZWZC when ordering online.


Senior Photo Retakes Today

Senior photo retakes will be held today, October 20 (advance sign-up required).

Scholarship Opportunity for Seniors

Is your Class of 2024 student interested in becoming a teacher? The NYS PTA awards annual $4,000 Jenkins Memorial Scholarships for Teacher Education. Click here to complete the application and send it to the New York State PTA office, post-marked by December 15, 2023. Please make sure that you carefully follow all directions, and attach only an official signed or sealed transcript.

Photos Available for Sale!

School Events being photographed by LORS are available to view and purchase all year. Click here to see and purchase photos. The password is Panthers10583

This offer will be available all year and photos are being added all the time!


Yearbooks for Sale!

Get your yearbooks right here - order your RESPECTUS 2024 now! Buy now for $95 (price goes up to $110 on January 1, 2024).

Click here to order

District News

Board of Education Meetings

The next meeting is Tuesday, October 24 at 7 p.m. in the LGI. Click here for more information.

Seely Place/Greenville PTA News

Edgemont Elementary PTA

The Edgemont Elementary PTA Weekly Update is available here if you'd like to see what the PTA is doing these days at Greenville and Seely Place.

Community News

ZMA Foundation offers NARCAN Training to Adults

NOTE: CHANGE OF DATE! First session will be:


7 TO 8 PM


The ZMA Foundation will be offering multiple NARCAN training classes to any adult member of the Edgemont community. The first class will be held on Thursday, December 7 from 7 to 8 pm in the EHS Auditorium. At the end of the class, emergency NARCAN kits will be distributed to all participants. 


Please note we will be holding multiple training classes next year if you are unable to make this one.

If you are interested in signing up for this class, please click here. 

For more information, please click here.

Edgemont School Foundation

The Edgemont School Foundation welcomes everyone back to school! We work with administrators and teachers to enhance the education of all Edgemont students and to bring teacher ideas and requests to fruition. Please visit our website to read about past projects and see how we make a lasting impact on our schools every year. Thank you for your support. Without it we would not be able to continue funding these important projects.

New to Edgemont?

Please click here to request access to the Edgemont Online Directory. 

Edgemont PTSA Website

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