Educate & Elevate Campaign Reaches New Heights: Awarded 6 Global Davey Awards
With nearly 4,000 global entries, the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts (AIVA) awarded the Educate & Elevate Campaign a total of six Davey's.
The Davey Awards are judged and overseen by the AIVA, a 700+ member organization of leading professionals from various disciplines of the visual arts dedicated to embracing progress and the evolving nature of traditional and interactive media. Current membership represents a "Who's Who" of acclaimed media, advertising, and marketing firms including Condé Nast, Disney, General Electric, Microsoft, Monster.com, MTV, and Yahoo! to name a few.
The campaign received a Gold Davey for its 2017 integrated campaign. An integrated campaign uses a combination of mediums like digital, print, public relations, and eMarketing to ensure that messages are consistent and received by the greatest possible number of people within the target market. Additionally, the Educate & Elevate website received two Gold Daveys and two Silver Daveys for visual appeal, copy writing, and homepage design. The campaign video was also awarded a Silver Davey.
"We are so honored to accept these awards on behalf of COABE and our partners at the National Council of State Directors of Adult Education (NCSDAE) who have worked diligently with us to develop this comprehensive campaign that raises awareness about the relevancy of adult education," said Sharon Bonney, executive director of COABE.
The Educate & Elevate Campaign brings together more than 55,000 adult educators to proactively educate policy makers about the importance of adult education and how it is an investment in America's future. According to a report by
The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce,
by 2018 63% of all U.S. jobs will require education beyond high school. Yet, nearly half of the U.S. workforce-- -about
88 million adults aged 18 to 64
--- has only a high school education or less, and/or low English proficiency. Adult education's important mission helps to close this gap and provide workers with the skills needed for the jobs of today and tomorrow.
Executive director for NCSDAE, Pat Tyler said, "Cuts in state and national budgets threaten adult education and can have a serious impact on the vibrancy of America.
Because of this, the Educate & Elevate Campaign seeks to empower students, educators, businesses, and other advocates nationwide to raise the profile of adult education on Capitol Hill and in local communities throughout the nation."
The campaign website offers advocates tools and resources, infographics, videos, fact sheets, and success stories to share with elected officials. Learn more about how adult education elevates career and college readiness at
Educate & Elevate Campaign Catches Media Attention
Educate & Elevate has caught the attention of "The Success Files," an award-winning program that highlights stories and innovative concepts through groundbreaking short-form and long-form documentary presentations. The program airs on PBS and is hosted by actor Rob Lowe.
The Educate & Elevate campaign story will be featured in a short six-minute documentary, and plans are now in process to develop the storylines about the power and relevancy of adult education.
Additionally, an ad will air 400 times on all major cable networks with PBS sending more than 1 million emails to promote the story. The anticipated combined viewership of all activities is more than 148 million.
We'll keep you updated regarding air dates.
Educate & Elevate Touches 37,000 Key Legislators:
Have you Participated?
Educate & Elevate has made it easy for adult education advocates to communicate with key legislators, and the tools have produced amazing results with 37,000 contacts being made. What are the mediums used?
- Click here to send a pre-populated email to your legislator when you input your zip code.
- Click here to have a student submit a pre-populated note that he/she can tailor with a personal adult education success story.
- Schedule any visits with your legislators here so that we can track.
Make sure you know the key points to communicate using the Educate & Elevate
legislative talking points
. Keep the communications going! We are making a difference.
California Tops Educate & Elevate Story Submissions: 86 to Date
California has adopted the Educate & Elevate assets for a proactive
statewide campaign. Adult educators in the state have made concerted efforts to spread the word using the
Campaign Toolkit and to submit success stories and innovations. To date, California has submitted 16 adult learner stories, 2 employer stories, 67 innovations, and 1 testimonial for a total of 86 submissions.
If all states submitted at least ten stories, innovations, or testimonials, we would be well on our way to reaching our goal of 500 submissions. The power of collective storytelling is critical to helping policy makers understand our relevancy, value, and impact.
Check your state-specific page to see how many stories have been submitted to date, and help us elevate our campaign story numbers.
Promote Campaign's Award Winning Video:
Share on Communication Mediums
Be proud of Educate & Elevate's campaign video. Not only does it share a great story about why adult education is so critical for our nation, but it just won a Silver Davey Award. If you haven't watched it, click
Here's how you can share the video and promote it through your communication mediums.
- Email Distribution: Use this text - "We're proud of adult education and wanted to share our award winning video with you. Click here to watch."
- Email Signature Line: Use this Text - "Proud Partner of Educate & Elevate. Click here to watch our video."
- eNewsletter Article: Use this Text - "Our organization is a proud partner in the national Educate & Elevate campaign which educates policy makers and communities about the importance of adult education. Click here to watch our video and share with your friends, family, policy makers, and colleagues."
- Website: Use this Text - "Proud Partner of Educate & Elevate. Click here to watch our video."
- Social Media: Proud partners @COABEHQ & @NCSDAE Davey Award winners for #adulteducation Campaign @ElevateAdultEd Video. Click here to watch.
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