Volume 90
December 15, 2021
Snapshots, For the Better
  • Start with Why
  • The Art & Science of HealthScapes®
  • Pearls of Wisdom™
  • Essential Knowledge, Well Applied
  • First 6 Months
  • Just 3 Words
We appreciate keen response to last week’s issue presenting early on foundational volumes. Led by enthused feedback, we continue going back to basics. In (88 weeks ago…) Volume 2, we Start with Why (Thank you Simon Sinek!) and profoundly simple phrase, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”
Please see and reflect on:
  • Traditional View
  • Apple’s Golden Circles
  • Your Hearing Care Practice’s Golden Circles
In Volume 5, we introduced The Art & Science of HealthScapes®, highlighting these Guiding Principles:
  • Whole Person Care
  • Health Literacy
  • Translational Research, defined in our realm as:
“helping to translate complex medical analytics into more easily understood formats which empower the maximum number of clinicians and patients to make well-informed diagnostic and treatment decisions.”

Our popular Volume 25 interim recap issue recognized…
“At the core of each Did You Know? topic is our Pearls of Wisdom™, a valuable research synopsis for you, colleagues, referral sources and occasional patients (an engineer perhaps?) eager to learn from reputable resources like you.”

As you study this crucial issue, our Essential Knowledge, Well Applied example on Dual Sensory Loss is readily seen.

An influential Pearls of Wisdom™ supports ALL topics in our Educate Well Monthly™ planning calendar. In essence, 100s of peer-reviewed research articles, in topical synopsis format, are at your fingertips, with our How to Guide and (ask me about…) avid support.

Do you wonder which of your (quasi) local competitors have or will have identical proprietary information? One of our HDI+ Promises answers that requisite question:

“Intently loyal partnership, you can trust, for the future.”

“Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained.
Loyalty is returned.”
– Unknown
Motivated by Pearls of Wisdom™, our Educate Well Monthly™ expedition forges ahead…

Educate is Method, Well is Purpose and Monthly is Accountability. As experts like you co-created this versatile planning framework, one of its beauties is subject matter alignment with National Health Observances during which respected organizations intently raise awareness about prevalent medical conditions. For example, have you heard of the American Heart or Alzheimer’s Associations?

Contemplate how 2022’s first six months sync with hearing-related whole person care:
  • January is Glaucoma 
  • February is Heart Disease 
  • March is Kidney Disease 
  • April is Head & Neck Cancer (think Ototoxicity)
  • May is Better Hearing & Speech
  • June is Alzheimer’s and Brain 

As a clear prototype, January is Glaucoma Awareness Month and many of you realize why this “sneak thief of sight” is dear to me. After holiday celebrations, when folks ponder 2022’s healthy living, subject matter experts like you sensibly focus on Dual Sensory Loss. Like peanut butter and jelly, wine and cheese or weekends and football, some things just go together.

As food for thought, please enjoy this fun Just 3 Words presentation:

From an omni-channel perspective, we arrive full circle to frontlines imperatives of reputably displaying subject matter expertise that mints your social currency…
Previously detailed systematic initiatives emphasize:

In Practice:
  • Habitually determining comorbidity relevance to each patient
  • Nurturing daily wellness referrals via informative conversations
  • Adeptly train colleagues on “now that you know, who do you know” dialogue

In Community:
  • Whole person collaboration with current and prospective physician referral sources
  • Targeted postcard campaigns which increase comorbidity awareness
  • Healthcare alliances with senior living communities, home healthcare and local businesses

  • Engaging E-Newsletters, which pique interest and spur inquisitive chats
  • Remarkable website blogs and Facebook Wellness Wednesday campaigns
  • Showcasing Our Patients Say it Best testimonials with Google reviews

Next week will show how to keep Educate Well Monthly™ comorbidities top of mind on your 2022 calendar and those of whole person care allies. To capitalize upon, the ideal time is now.
Bruce Essman
High Definition Impressions (HDI)


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