Volume 13-2 | January 17, 2018
CHECK OUT IL ASCD's website, www.illinoisascd .org
Cold Weather Guidelines
Watching the weather is part of a school’s job. Planning for playtime, field trips, or weather safety
is part of the daily routine. The changes in weather require you to monitor the health
and safety of children. What clothing, beverages, and protections are appropriate? Find out Illinois State Board of Education weather guidelines here.

ILASCD Partners with TeachIllinois
TeachIllinois provides relevant, concise, 100% online professional development to educators throughout Illinois. Just this month we have added Sketchnoting, Lab Safety, Live Shooter Training for Bus Drivers, and a 13-video library and discussion forum on SB 1947. You've heard what evidence-based funding is from various sources recently. TeachIllinois has partnered with education attorney Merry Rhoades of Tueth Keeney to take the next step and provide practical solutions and specific items to consider when transitioning your District. Watch her 7 videos on Evidence-Based Funding here . Then, join TeachIllinois to participate in the free discussion forum and to have access to the live roundtable with several educational attorneys discussing your questions.

Send us your good news! Taking a new position? Retiring? Won an award? Please let us know! Glenna Adams, EdBriefs Editor  [email protected]  
Renee Phillips, Administrative Assistant,  [email protected] , phone: 309-820-9100. 
Ryan Nevius, Assistant Director,  [email protected] , phone:  618-203-3993 .
Katie McKay-Phillips, Media Specialist,  [email protected]
Archived issues of ILASCD Education Briefs are available in our Members Only section on the ILASCD website.  Please log in to your account to view them. Not a member? Join today
Education Leaders Look Toward 2018, Beyond Several education leaders in this article are making predictions about what should happen and what will happen in education over the next several years.
WEBINAR:  Multiple Intelligences: A New Look at an Old Theory January 18, 2018, 3:00 p.m. (ET) Presented by Thomas Armstrong Register Now
Cambridge has been working with members of ASCD for nearly 25 years providing data-informed lesson plans and supplemental materials to increase ACT/ASPIRE/PSAT/WorkKeys/GED test scores while mastering skills aligned with College Readiness and common core standards.
Schools select after-school, semester-long or alongside-the-curriculum models using their own teachers or ours. Professional development, Parent Admission and Student Motivation workshops assist with systemic efforts for greater student achievement.
Contact Mary Parks at 800-444-4373 ext. 226, 847-204-0502 (C), or [email protected] for additional information.
Advocacy & Governance
In addition to this information from ASCD, we are running a series on the Whole Child within our Illinois ASCD Journal. To read the latest edition of our Journal,  visit our website 
 Illinois Education News

General Primary Election, Tuesday, March 20, 2018 - VOTE! Check with your County to verify your voter registration, register to vote, or locate your polling place.
Illinois Law in 2018: http://abc7.ws/2l15ThA
The Illinois General Assembly will return to Springfield on January 23rd for the second year of the 100th G.A. The House of Representatives returns on January 23rd and the Illinois Senate returns on January 30. Full session calendars are available here:  Illinois Senate, Illinois House of Representatives
 ISBE News

Submit Early Childhood Education Block Grant Proposals for FY19. The Illinois State Board of Education is re-competing the entire Early Childhood Block Grant for FY19, which means everyone must re-apply, even if you are planning to only continue current services. This also offers the chance to change up your ECE block grant.

If interested in applying for these funds, the first step is to submit a Notice of Intent. Preschool for All (PFA) and Preschool for All-Expansion (PFAE) proposals are due in the ISBE offices no later than 4 p.m. January 12 , 2018. Prevention Initiative program proposals are due no later than 4 p.m. February 9 , 2018.
Illinois Bicentennial Celebration 1818 - 2018
ISBE is proud to be a partner in the Illinois Bicentennial Celebration. The year-long series of programs and events commenced on December 3, 2017 and will culminate with Illinois’ 200th birthday on December 3, 2018. We are very excited to offer the Illinois Chronicles as a foundational resource to teach and learn about Illinois history. The Illinois Chronicles is a unique historical timeline package that will offer facts and suggested ideas for presentation of Illinois history in a chronological order. This resource will be provided to every school in the state in spring of 2018.
ISBE ESSA webpage -  https://www.isbe.net/Pages/Home.aspx

Bill Text/Status: Illinois General Assembly  www.ilga.gov .  Click on Dashboard. 
Federal Education News
To reach  Senator Tammy Duckworth by email at  https://www.duckworth.senate.gov/
To reach  Senator Dick Durbin by email at  http://www.durbin.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases
ASCD Educator Advocates:  www.educatoradvocates.org  
ASCD Legislative Agenda:  www.ascd.org/legislativeagenda  
ASCD Policy Points:  www.ascd.org/publicpolicy 
ESSA Plans Indicate Investment in Young Learners . A recently published report by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes (CEELO), indicates considerable investment in young learners across the state plans . The State of Early Learning in ESSA: Plans and Opportunities for Implementation highlights three areas where the plans included early learning strategies:
·        Plans that set clear goals and priorities for early learning;
·        Strategies that integrated early learning into school improvement; and
·        Approaches to support early educator development.
For more state plan examples, read the full report here .
ILASCD's Video Workshops are perfect for use in Department meetings, Faculty meetings, PLC teams, college classes, parent meetings, Board of Education meetings, grade-level meetings, individual PD.
Not webinars, but live-capture presentations defining and exploring how testing in standards-based learning environments leads to successful growth model attainment. Each video begins with definitions of the tests in the area being covered. Detailed information about their impact on the learning in classrooms will be provided. Each video allows break times within the 30-45 minute time period for discussion by the viewing group under the leadership of the local host (principal, professor, department chair, PLC leader, etc.). Each module is $69. More Information
Upcoming Conferences & Workshops
Know Your IEIN? Professional Development Requirement- IEIN Number • When registering and signing attendance for future professional development opportunities provided by school districts, ROE, professional association, or other approved ISBE Provider, you will be required to provide your IEIN which is your Illinois Educator Information Number. • Your personal IEIN can be found on the ELIS site, which is the ISBE site for licensure renewal and PD hour entry. • Please know your IEIN when registering and attending. This requirement protects YOU when ISBE decides to audit your attendance at events.
IL ASCD is an ISBE Approved Provider     IL ASCD is a CPS Approved Provider #24595 

Curriculum Leadership Development Network , Jan 29, Feb 26, Mar 19, Apr 30 , in Oak Lawn Register for CLDN one day at a time! CLDN is a program designed to provide in-depth learning and networking opportunities that develop curriculum leadership.
Easily implemented lessons for scaffolding, vocabulary, annotation, close reading, collaborative discussion, argumentation, and nonfiction writing will be demonstrated. You’ll leave with an array of content area literacy tools for helping students develop the skills they need for college, career, and life readiness.
Five mini-sessions from the perspective of both administrator and teacher filled with engaging, hands-on activities will leave you with plenty of ideas to take back to the classroom.Expected Outcomes & Take Aways
Whether you are in a 1:1 school, want to squeeze everything you can out of the one device in your classroom, or your school is encouraging you to use more digital tools, you’ll learn from Amplify. You’ll discover how to gradually release responsibility to empower students as you—and your students—make the most of any technology.
Myron will provide concrete steps and templates as to how he built a student-monitored retesting system based on student-friendly learning outcomes that support a competency-minded environment. He will demonstrate how clear project learning targets and alternative assessment routines can not only make assessments both effective and efficient, but also help build positive relationships with some of the most unlikely students. 
In this session, Donna will share her experiences working in a high property school district to address the needs of the students most at risk for reading difficulties. Learn to diagnose and proactively remediate the issues that challenge these students.
A night of edu-tainment - 1/3 show, 1/3 session, 1/3 workshop 100% fun! We will discuss ways to build value in ourselves and in our students (the 4 E’s), the 7 behavior challenges to a successful classroom and the Super Power of Yet. 
Grades 4 – 8 Math Games with John Felling March 14 - Oak Lawn Are you looking for engaging and effective ways to help your 4th to 8th grade students gain confidence and competence with key math concepts? Come prepared to play math games that incorporate the use of cards, dice, multi-sided dice, number lines, fraction manipulatives, and other easily found math manipulatives.
Understanding by Design: Tools and Templates for Designers, featuring Jay McTighe April 3-4, 2018, Naperville Educators at all levels interested in enhancing their design of curriculum, assessment and instruction focused on enhancing student understanding.
Attendees will leave with a firm understanding of quality assessments, the role of those assessments in the evaluative process and strategies for improving both within their home districts.
Using a teacher’s vantage point and the
power of video in the classroom, we’ll explore just how to help teachers fight isolation and cultivate progress.
Observing and evaluating the new standards requires a new set of eyes in order to effectively observe and evaluate the paradigm shift that occurs in today’s classroom. Administrators will explore the conceptual shifts expected by the Common Core, NGSS, and C3 standards.
The early innovators are out innovating, but what about the many who hope to follow on their own adventure?
Prepare your students for the globalized world! Researcher and Professor Yong Zhao unlocks the secrets to cultivating independent thinkers who are willing and able to use their learning differently to create jobs and contribute positively to the globalized society. 
Come join over 120 National and Local Presenters such as Kim Adsit, Deanna Jump, Shari Sloane, Deedee Wills, Kathy Griffin, Kurt Schwengel, Kim Jordano, Shawn Brown and many more…
Other Conferences of Note
ASCD Empower18 , a conference designed by educators, for educators, provides the expertise and formats you need to develop sustainable and practical plans of action that solve problems of practice. From learning sessions to interactive panel discussions, discover learning opportunities suited to your individual style and content supporting the whole child. Hear General Session speakers who will shift your perspective with out-of-the-box thinking and breakthrough solutions sure to deliver a "wow" moment (or two)! Learn what's new in education from our all-star line-up of Special Session speakers .
Explore practical solutions at Concurrent Learning Sessions , where experienced practitioners will share case studies, best practices, and actionable ideas in lively, interactive sessions.
 Join us March 24-26, 2018, in Boston, Mass.
From the Field
Area High School Students Plan Experiment for Space Station Launch A Deerfield sophomore and an Evanston junior are among four suburban Illinois students whose experiment on bumblebees will be launched to the International Space Station this summer.
Opportunities & Grants/Awards
Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, Niles Township Dist. 219 , Niles, IL Available for the 2018-19 school year.  Closing date: until filled.   Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction, Niles Township Dist. 219, Niles, IL Available for the 2018-2019 school year. Closing date: until filled.   Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
Assistant Superintendent for Learning (CAI), Clarendon Hills, Illinois
Complete the online application process at www.bwpassociates.com by February 3, 2018. Application materials should include the following: a completed online Applicant Data Form; letter of interest; resume; written description of two significant educational accomplishments in the past year; three letters of reference with one from current supervisor preferred; copies of transcripts, and proof of Type 75 certification.  The candidate selected will begin the position July 1, 2018.
Tutor Hunt   A completely free service for both tutors and students to locate each other.  www.tutorhunt.com/
ASCD Job Ramp: A Careers Site for Educators  Developed through a partnership between CareerBuilder and ASCD, the free ASCD Job Ramp website was developed to simplify the job hunt for educators of all professional levels. Access the jobs site day or night, weekend or weekday, to browse U.S. openings in education. And don't forget to take advantage of custom search options and personalized alerts.
Site Visits for Educators at Amundsen High School Amundsen High School , welcomes fellow educators to visit our school community at the dates listed below. We are proud of our many accomplishments and invite you to visit our school and see for yourself the exciting things that are happening in urban education. 
"Excellence in Education Grants for Teachers" Program This Fall, the Illinois Retired Teachers Association Foundation (IRTAF) awarded $36,500 in grant money to over 70 public school educators from across the state. This grant money will allow these educators to enrich their instruction with materials not otherwise available to them. Their students are the real winners! A special thank you to the Illinois Principals Association for their assistance with the promotion of this program.  Click here to find the name of each winner listed, along with his/her school, IRTA Area, and a paragraph summary about each project in the winner's own words.
World of 7 Billion Video Contest Back by popular demand, the World of 7 Billion student video contest helps you bring technology and creativity into your middle and high school classes. The contest challenges your students to create a short video connecting world population growth and one of three global challenges: Advancing Women and Girls, Feeding 10 Billion, or Preventing Pollution. Students can win up to $1,000 and participating teachers will receive free curriculum resources. The contest deadline is February 22 , 2018 – use this lesson plan to get started now! Full contest guidelines, resources for research, past winners, and more can be found at https://www.worldof7billion.org/student-video-contest/ .
Empower Young People Through Music Classics for Kids Foundation supports school and community youth music programs in need by providing matching grants for new, high-quality stringed instruments, such as violins, violas, and
cellos. Schools and nonprofit organizations must raise at least half of the funds to purchase the
requested number of instruments, using a provider authorized by the foundation. Programs that serve K–12 students are eligible for grants. The website offers guidance for starting a stringed instrumental program, including a proposed startup budget. We accept grant applications quarterly. Grant deadlines are: June 30, September 30, December 31 and March 31. Click Here to Visit Website
Facilitating Teacher Teams and Authentic PLCs
 In Facilitating Teacher Teams and Authentic PLCs , Daniel R. Venables draws on his extensive experience helping schools and districts implement effective PLCs to explore this crucial but often-overlooked need. Taking a two-pronged approach to PLC facilitation, Venables offers targeted guidance both for leading the people in teacher teams and for facilitating their work. Current and prospective PLC facilitators at every grade level will find this book an essential guide to navigating the challenging and rewarding endeavor of leading authentic PLCs. Build your skills, and help your team rise to the next level. Read chapter 1 for free. Browse the table of contents .
A list of top business books as compiled by Fortune's Polina Marinova includes " Titan ," the story of John D. Rockefeller ; " Shoe Dog " by Nike founder Phil Knight; and " The Smartest Guys in the Room, " about Enron. The list also includes selections on business fundamentals, management and entrepreneurship.
New Resources Offer Guidance to States on Advancing Equity through Personalized Learning For two years, CCSSO’s Innovation Lab Network worked with New Profit’s Reimagine Learning Fund and the America Forward coalition to develop several resources intended for state and local policymakers interested in advancing equity through personalized, deeper learning. Advancing Equity through Personalized Learning , a suite of new resources from CCSSO and New Profit, includes a review of current literature and research, key policy considerations, and to-be-released case studies that highlight promising practices at the school and district levels to close opportunity and achievement gaps.
The i5 Approach: Lesson Planning That Teaches Thinking and Fosters Innovation
Learn how to revamp existing lessons to combine effective technology use with thinking skills development. Authors Jane E. Pollock and Susan Hensley explain the i5 approach's foundation in brain research and provide step-by-step procedures for teaching 12 key thinking skills. They also share detailed lesson examples from the classrooms of teachers who have successfully "i5'ed" their instruction and helped students gain deeper and broader understanding of content and become stronger and more innovative thinkers. Read chapter 1 for free. Browse the table of contents .
Internet Sources
Educational Leadership is on Twitter - Follow @ELmagazine 
ASCD -- There's An App For That -  Download the app 
Browse EL, Our Blog, and Many Other Educator Resources on ASCD's Mobile Site
Go to www.ascd.org on your mobile device to access the site and explore the wealth of resources we've opened to you.
Follow ASCD on Twitter
ASCD has five Twitter channels, each intended to connect you with different aspects of our work and the latest developments in our field. Stay current on education news, policy developments and general education discussion by following @ASCD, our main channel.  Follow @ASCD . 
ASCD curates six boards that are home to pins on topics ranging from professional development to a whole child approach to education.
Find and follow them on Pinterest for ideas and inspiration.