Volume 12-19 | July 19, 2017

Enjoy your Summer Break!

We are excited to announce the launch of the Summer Edition of IL ASCD's Quarterly Journal!

The theme of this edition is Planning.  Read it now!

Title II, Part A Funding Eliminated, Sample Letters You Can Submit

The House Appropriations Subcommittee just passed the FY18 education funding bill which includes NO funding for Title II. This is a surprise given the committee’s bipartisan criticism of the administration’s proposal to eliminate Title II funding.  The full House Appropriations Committee is expected to vote on the same appropriations bill THIS week. It is imperative that some level of funding for Title II be included in that bill when it is approved to help secure the highest possible figure in the eventual negotiations with the Senate over a final funding level.

Toward that end, ASCD has drafted letters from IllinoisASCD to members of the Illinois delegation on the Education and the Workforce Committee and the Appropriations Committee highlighting the negative impact the elimination of Title II funding will have on your districts, and requesting that they contact their colleagues to provide funding for Title II in the bill when it is considered by the committee THIS week.

ASCD has included the contact information (name and email address) at the top of each of the respective letters and have left the closing blank so you can insert the appropriate name and title of who it is from (and put on your letterhead).  We are asking you to send these letters to the respective congressional offices immediately since time is of the essence with the bill being voted on sometime this week. Of course, if you would like to revise the letters in any way please feel free to do so.

David Griffith · Senior Director of Government Relations

Committee decisions will be made this week. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Download Sample Letter HERE

Send us your good news!  Taking a new position? Retiring? Won an award? Please let us know!  Glenna Adams, EdBriefs Editor [email protected]  
Renee Phillips, Administrative Assistant, [email protected], phone: 309-820-9100. 
Ryan Nevius, Assistant Director, [email protected], phone: 618-203-3993.
Katie McKay-Phillips, Media Specialist, [email protected]

Archived issues of ILASCD Education Briefs are available in our Members Only section on the ILASCD website.  Please log in to your account to view them. Not a member? Join today

Featured Event:
July 30- Aug 1 - Eagle Ridge Resort
AA # 1360 Learning to Lead by Applying the Five (5) Levels of Leadership
Featuring: David A. Anderson & Steve Thomas
  • Identify culture and what exactly makes a complete culture 
  • How and why leaders have impact on staff engagement!
  • Leadership principles and practices that affect the culture!
  • What makes people so weird and tough to lead, let alone get along with!
  • The one key element that all great leaders have that makes them effective!
5 Principles of Courageous School Leadership  Equity is for all kids. On this episode of ASCD Learn Teach Lead Radio, Pedro Noguera explains how to create a school climate that prioritizes equity and provides strategies to make it a reality for all students. Listen to this podcast as the author of "Excellence Through Equity" dives into the important issues that determine whether all kids are reached, inspired and taught.
4 Reflections for a Positive Outlook for All Learners Four reflection questions provide a positive frame for developing relationships between exceptional students, their teachers and peers. These questions ask educators to consider what students and teachers have in common, how students are grouped, what strengths learners possess, and how to reframe language to be more student-centered. 
Building On What's Most Essential in a Time of Rapid Change  There exists a common understanding of what is most essential in literacy learning, and, upon that foundation, new ideas and new tools are layered. This conference and others like it demonstrate that deep and meaningful change can take place when core principles are retained. To prevent fragmented teaching and learning, change must sit on a platform of what is most essential.
Advocacy & Governance

IL ASCD Whole Child Recognition Award for 2017 is now accepting applications! 

To learn more and submit an application for your school please visit our website 

Applications are due July 31st

ASCD’s Whole Child Initiative in Illinois-IL ASCD Whole Child Recognition Awards

Since 2010, IL ASCD has recognized schools that are implementing the tenets of the Whole Child: healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged.  In order to learn more and make application for your school go to: https://illinoisascd.org/about/whole-child 

Congratulations to the following schools who have been recognized for excellence in honoring the spirit of The Whole Child by the ILASCD Whole Child Committee on Oct. 27, 2016, at the Conference on Learning & EXPO in Schaumburg, IL!

Each of these schools is recognized for their excellence in fulfilling the qualities expressed in the specific Whole Child Tenets:

  • Healthy: Ardmore Elementary, Villa Park, IL
  • Safe: South Park Elementary, Deerfield, IL
  • Engaged: Kipling Elementary, Deerfield, IL
  • Supported: Woodland Primary School, Gages Lake, IL
  • Challenged: Pepper Ridge Elementary, Bloomington, IL
  • Overall: Pershing Elementary, Berwyn, IL
 Illinois Education News

Overrides Successful – Budget In Place 

The Illinois House of Representatives approved motions to override the Governor’s vetoes on the three budget bills passed early in July. The motion to override SB 9, the bill that would increase income tax rates, passed on a vote of 71-42. The override motion on SB 42, the budget implementation bill (BIMP), passed on a vote of 71-41. The final motion, to override SB 6, the appropriations bill, was successful on a vote of 74-37. 71 votes are necessary to override a veto in the House. The bills become effective immediately. 

The House adjourned until the call of the Speaker; the Senate adjourned Tuesday until the call of the President. Lawmakers will likely be back in the Capitol before summer is over to discuss the other outlying issues that have been under discussion.

In addition to this information from ASCD, we are running a series on the Whole Child within our Illinois ASCD Journal.  To read the latest edition of our Journal, visit our website 

ISBE ESSA webpage -   https://www.isbe.net/Pages/Home.aspx

Bill Text/Status: Illinois General Assembly  www.ilga.gov.  Click on Dashboard. 


Cambridge has been working with members of ASCD for nearly 25 years providing data-informed lesson plans and supplemental materials to increase ACT/ASPIRE/PSAT/WorkKeys/GED test scores while mastering skills aligned with College Readiness and common core standards.

Schools select after-school, semester-long or alongside-the-curriculum models using their own teachers or ours.  Professional development, Parent Admission and Student Motivation workshops assist with systemic efforts for greater student achievement.

Contact Mary Parks at 800-444-4373 ext. 226, 847-204-0502 (C), or [email protected]  for additional information.
Federal Education News

Groups Analyze ESSA Accountability Plans The Collaborative for Student Success and Bellwether Education Partners worked with education experts to analyze the initial batch of Every Student Succeeds Act state accountability plans. They noted that the plans do not adequately address the needs of disadvantaged students -- including students of color, students with disabilities and English-language learners

WPost Analysis: DeVos Implementing “Full-Fledged Overhaul” Of Financial-Aid Regulations The Washington Post reports the Education Department’s review of financial aid-related Obama-era directives “has turned into full-fledged overhaul of regulations.” Consumer advocates “say they fear [President] Trump is unraveling years of work to ensure borrowers are placed ahead of profits.”

DeVos Praises Supreme Court Ruling A church should not be denied public funding for the resurfacing of its preschool playground, the US Supreme Court ruled June 26 in a case that could have implications for the school-voucher debate.
ASCD Educator Advocates:  www.educatoradvocates.org  
ASCD Legislative Agenda www.ascd.org/legislativeagenda  
ASCD Policy Points www.ascd.org/publicpolicy 
Follow news from ED at  Homeroom, the official blog of the U.S. Department of Education

To reach  Senator Tammy Duckworth by email at  https://www.duckworth.senate.gov/
To reach  Senator Dick Durbin by email at  http://www.durbin.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases

ILASCD's Video Workshops are perfect for use in Department meetings, Faculty meetings, PLC teams, college classes, parent meetings, Board of Education meetings, grade-level meetings, individual PD.

Not webinars, but live-capture presentations defining and exploring how testing in standards-based learning environments leads to successful growth model attainment.  Each video begins with definitions of the tests in the area being covered. Detailed information about their impact on the learning in classrooms will be provided.  Each video allows break times within the 30-45 minute time period for discussion by the viewing group under the leadership of the local host (principal, professor, department chair, PLC leader, etc.).  Each module is $69.

More Information
Upcoming Conferences & Workshops

Know Your IEIN? Professional Development Requirement- IEIN Number • When registering and signing attendance for future professional development opportunities provided by school districts, ROE, professional association, or other approved ISBE Provider, you will be required to provide your IEIN which is your Illinois Educator Information Number. • Your personal IEIN can be found on the ELIS site, which is the ISBE site for licensure renewal and PD hour entry. • Please know your IEIN when registering and attending. This requirement protects YOU when ISBE decides to audit your attendance at events.

IL ASCD is an ISBE Approved Provider      IL ASCD is a CPS Approved Provider #24595 

Principals: Want to spend more time in classrooms to improve teaching and learning? This two-day institute is for you! Master the strategies, tools, and habits that will get you into classrooms on a daily basis, while keeping the rest of your work under control with high performance workflows.
16th Annual Leadership Institute July 30-Aug 1, Galena 
EdLead17, Learning to Lead by Applying the 5 Levels of Leadership, featuring Steve Thomas and David Anderson, July 30 - Aug 1, 2017, Eagle Ridge Resort, Galena.  Day 1:  Culture Is as Culture Does, Steve Thomas. Day 2 and 3:  Growing Your Leadership, David Anderson (AA #1360)
Learn innovative yet simple-to-implement strategies for motivating, managing and engaging all kids, especially your toughest!

NEW!What At-Risk Readers Need: Planning and Implementing RtI Programs with Richard Allington   Sept. 11 in Schaumburg Dr. Richard Allington, author and leading expert on RtI, cuts through the research jargon and provides plain-language advice to guide classroom teachers in planning and implementing RtI programs. His main goal is that all children become active and engaged readers and that all develop the proficiencies needed to be strong independent readers.
NEW!Flipped Learning – Hype or the Future? with Jon Bergmann  Sept. 25 in Oak Lawn Though many believe Flipped Learning is a fad, it is, in fact, a meta-strategy which is transforming classrooms by connecting teachers to students, students to students, and students to curriculum. A significant portion of the session will be devoted for participants to get comfortable using the technology tools of flipped learning.
NEW!It’s About the Learning! Paradigm Shifts for the Observation and Evaluation of the New Standards with Craig Gaska  Oct 2 in Naperville OR Feb. 13 in Normal OR April 18 in Collinsville
Sessions: Inspiration for Morning Meetings, Managing Your Classroom with ExcellenceTeaching with YouTube: 21st Century Tools Galore, Model, Motivate, Write. Repeat! with Adam Peterson with Harry Kindergarten and Adam Peterson
The IL ASCD Visible Learning(plus) Institute is a two-day conference with John Hattie, Dave Nagel, Peter DeWitt, and Diane Wolf. Designed to operationalize Visible Learning principles, the institute will provide participants with the tools and practices to put theory into local practice.
Lead&Learn17, Oct 25 - 26, Roosevelt University, Schaumburg
  Curriculum Leadership Development Network, starting with Lead&Learn17, Oct 25-26, then 5 more days of learning: Nov - April, in Oak Lawn  CLDN is a program designed to provide in-depth learning and networking opportunities that develop curriculum leadership
Learn, first-hand, several SEL, movement and mindfulness activities to implement with students. 
One of the best-known leadership authors in education, Michael Fullan will focus on what school and district leaders need in order to have deep impact on teacher and student learning as they link to state policy.
Register NOW:  Early Bird rate $195 through Aug. 30
NEW!Writing is the New Black & The Writing Thief: Using Mentor Texts to Teach the Craft of Writing featuring Ruth Culham  Nov. 15 in Schaumburg Morning: Key ideas on the state of writing in the Common Core era and how to work with standards to create a high-quality and successful approach to writing using the 4Ws: writing process, writing traits, writing modes, and writing workshop. Afternoon: Hear Ruth share the traits, the modes, and how to use fiction and nonfiction mentor texts to learn from the pros — how writing works. 

Come join over 120 National and Local Presenters such as Kim Adsit, Deanna Jump, Shari Sloane, Deedee Wills, Kathy Griffin, Kurt Schwengel, Kim Jordano, Shawn Brown and many more…

Other Conferences of Note
2017 Summer UbD Workshops, with Jay McTighe, Two-Day or One-Day Workshops, Starting July 19, Columbia, MD Two-Day UbD Curriculum Design Workshop, July 19-20 OR Aug 7-8 How can you design curriculum and learning experiences that make it more likely that students will understand the “big ideas” of content and be able to apply them in meaningful ways? Since 1998, thousands of educators globally, have used the Understanding by Design (UbD) Framework® to answer that question and create more rigorous and engaging curricula. Workshop participants will apply a set of practical and proven UbD 2.0 tools and templates to create or refine a unit of study, with an emphasis on Stages 1 and 2 of “backward design.” Register here:   https://jaymctighe.com/ubd-summer-workshops-2017/

One-Day Workshop on Teaching for Understanding, July 21 OR Aug 9* Join Jay McTighe, co-author of the Understanding by Design Framework®, in a workshop on teaching for understanding and deep learning.  How does teaching for deep understanding differ from “coverage-oriented” instruction?  What instructional techniques are most effective for developing and deepening student understanding of important ideas and processes? How can we teach so that students can transfer their learning?  How might we differentiate instruction and assessment without lowering standards?  What observable indicators are evident in classrooms in which teaching for understanding and the authentic application of knowledge are emphasized? *You can register for this 1-day workshop on July 21 or August 9 – OR – as a continuation of the 2-day workshop, July 19-20 or August 7-8, respectively.Register here:  https://jaymctighe.com/ubd-summer-workshops-2017/

 Literacy Leaders' Institute, August 6–8, Chicago, IL Join ASCD and Scholastic for an event in which education thought leaders address districtwide literacy improvement. During this three-day institute, you'll review essential strategies for high-quality literacy instruction and collaboratively discuss the keys for planning, implementation, and sustainability.

ASCD Conference on Educational Leadership, Oct 27 - 29, 2017, Orlando, FL

The 2017 Conference on Educational Leadership will take place October 27–29, 2017, in Orlando, Fla. Pre-Conference Institutes will be October 26. Save the date, and visit www.ascd.org/CEL as we unveil all the details.
NEW- Teach to Lead Summit, Sept 22 - 24, Austin, TX The Department  of Education, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, and ASCD announced that T each to Lead will host its next Teacher Leadership Summit September 22-24 in Austin, Texas, bringing together teacher leaders and other stakeholders to collaborate, problem solve, and develop action plans to benefit students and schools.  Every team must contain at least one practicing classroom teacher, and idea submissions -- due by August 9 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time -- may address any perceived area of need within schools, districts, or states
From the Field

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Making Heavy Investment In Personalized Learning Education Week reports Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, pediatrician Priscilla Chan, through their Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, are “gearing up to invest hundreds of millions of dollars a year in a new vision of ‘whole-child personalized learning,’ with the aim of dramatically expanding the scope and scale of efforts to provide every student with a customized education.” The approach will be headed up by former Deputy Secretary of Education James H. Shelton, who said in an interview, “We’ve got to dispel this notion that personalized learning is just about technology. In fact, it is about understanding students, giving them agency, and letting them do work that is engaging and exciting.

Debate Over Arming Teachers In Classroom Continues  International Business Times reports on the vigorous debate around the country over whether teachers should be allowed to carry handguns in class, prompted by perceptions of a spike in attacks on schools, notably the December 2012 shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. The article describes the political dimensions of the debate and reports that a rising number of states are making it legal for teachers to carry guns in class.

Transforming Schools Through Sustainability  The essential core of this curriculum, which was absent in my previous "traditional" classroom, is that everything we do is connected to real-world challenges. Students learn about the sustainability challenges -- including those concerning energy, water, waste, transportation, air quality, food and public spaces -- that affect our society and use project-based learning principles to develop their own innovative solutions. We're teaching them not only to be prepared for the future that will truly exist, which is important enough, but to be the leaders and changemakers of that rapidly-arriving future society. 

ISTE: How to Combat Fake News Online  Participants at this week's International Society for Technology in Education conference said educators should do more to help students determine the difference between real news and fake news online. Jean Pfluger, a librarian at a Houston school, teaches students how to think critically about their sources of information using the American Library Association's CRAAP Test's five criteria: currency, relevance, authority, accuracy and purpose.
Opportunities & Grants/Awards
Grant Program Aimed at Boosting STEM Careers The National Science Foundation is seeking to raise awareness about careers in science, technology, engineering and math. The foundation has announced it will award 18 grants to support STEM, totaling between $10 million and $20 million, and the deadline to apply is Sept. 5.   T.H.E. Journal

Tutor Hunt A completely free service for both tutors and students to locate each other. www.tutorhunt.com/

ASCD Job Ramp: A Careers Site for Educators Developed through a partnership between CareerBuilder and ASCD, the free ASCD Job Ramp website was developed to simplify the job hunt for educators of all professional levels. Access the jobs site day or night, weekend or weekday, to browse U.S. openings in education. And don't forget to take advantage of custom search options and personalized alerts.

The Big List of Educational Grants and Resources Get a roundup of educational grants, contests, awards, free toolkits, and classroom guides aimed at helping students, classrooms, schools, and communities. Check this page weekly to get the latest updates! 

Empower Young People Through Music Classics for Kids Foundation supports school and community youth music programs in need by providing matching grants for new, high-quality stringed instruments, such as violins, violas, and
cellos. Schools and nonprofit organizations must raise at least half of the funds to purchase the
requested number of instruments, using a provider authorized by the foundation. Programs that serve K–12 students are eligible for grants. The website offers guidance for starting a stringed instrumental program, including a proposed startup budget. We accept grant applications quarterly. Grant deadlines are: June 30, September 30, December 31 and March 31. Click Here to Visit Website

Grant Supports Differentiated Instruction K-12 teachers can apply for Naiku's Innovative Educator Grant, which offers professional development and assessment software to help teachers implement differentiated instruction in their classroom. The company will review applications on a rolling basis through September 30, 2017.

US Department of Education
Be sure to review the Department's Fiscal Year 2017  Grants Forecast (as of January 2017), which lists virtually all programs and competitions under which the agency has invited or expects to invite applications for awards and provides actual or estimated dates for the transmittal of applications under these programs.

RAND Study Points To Modest Gains From Personalized Instruction, But Bears Caveats  Benjamin Herold writes at the Education Week “Digital Education” blog that according to a new study from the RAND Corporation, there is evidence suggesting that personalized learning “can generate modest gains in math and reading scores.” Herold calls the research “the most comprehensive ongoing study to date of personalized learning,” and says the researchers “describe their latest findings as a ‘cautionary tale’ about a trend whose popularity – and backing from philanthropists, venture capitalists, and the ed-tech industry – far outpaces its evidence base.”

Learning Transformed: 8 Keys to Designing Tomorrow's Schools, Today The traditional educational paradigm of simple knowledge transfer from teacher to students is no longer applicable to a modern day emphasis on creative learning, which means that old models for classroom design are outdated and ineffective, education experts Eric C. Sheninger and Thomas C. Murray write in their new book Learning Transformed: 8 Keys to Designing Tomorrow’s Schools, Today.

What Makes a World-Class School and How We Can Get There Armed with statistics, examples, and cautionary tales from Scandinavia to Japan, What Makes a World-Class School and How We Can Get There, delivers transformative ideas for cultivating a truly world-class system of schooling. Authors James H. Stronge and Xianxuan Xu, have written a book that can help educators better prepare students and close the global achievement gap.  This thought-provoking and copiously researched book provides educators with a blueprint for radical improvement based on the hard-learned experiences of their peers around the world. Read chapter 1 and study guide for free.

New Marzano Focused Model Simplifies Teacher Evaluation Marzano evaluation has been updated and streamlined. A concise set of 23 core competencies includes focus statements, desired effects, sample techniques, and strategies for evaluating student work. This model takes the pressure off teachers and makes scoring much more efficient – learn more.

Internet Sources

Microsoft Tool Supports Personalized Learning   

Microsoft has released a tool, Microsoft Teams, that acts as a digital hub where teachers can facilitate personalized learning. The tool allows educators to organize classes, communicate with students and share documents.  EdTech online


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Go to www.ascd.org on your mobile device to access the site and explore the wealth of resources we've opened to you.

Follow ASCD on Twitter
ASCD has five Twitter channels, each intended to connect you with different aspects of our work and the latest developments in our field. Stay current on education news, policy developments and general education discussion by following @ASCD, our main channel.  Follow @ASCD. 

ASCD curates six boards that are home to pins on topics ranging from professional development to a whole child approach to education.

Find and follow them on Pinterest for ideas and inspiration.