This summer Montana PBS will host a series of virtual workshops for teachers to learn more about youth mental health from the Ken Burns documentary, Hiding in Plain Sight. Join us for a 5 part series to learn about youth mental health. We will meet using Zoom on Monday afternoons at 1pm-3pm starting June 12 to watch clips from the film and engage in discussion with peers about strategies and resources for supporting youth mental health.
Virtual workshops are free and open to all teachers who support K-12 students. Teachers who attend workshops live will earn 2 OPI credits for each workshop they attend and a chance to win prizes. Credit will be awarded for each workshop attended so you do not need to come to all of them to participate. We will NOT be recording these workshops since they are largely based on discussion and participant interaction. You do not have to have viewed the film to participate in the workshops but it is highly recommended.
Dates, Times and Topics
All workshops will take place on Mondays at 1pm-3pm MST
Monday June 12 “Supporting Students with Eating Disorders”
Featuring Caitlin Martin-Wagar, PhD and Staff from Montana Eating Disorder Center
Monday June 19 “Social Media and Youth Mental Health”
Presented by Sarah Rainey and Traci Piltz, Billings Technology Integration Specialists
Monday June 26 “Supporting Students with Anxiety”
Featuring Jordan Parker, PreK-3 teacher and UM Graduate Student
(NEW TOPIC!) Monday July 10 12:00-2:00 “Building Relationships to Support Youth Mental Health”
Featuring Eva Ticknor, K-5 teacher and MSU Graduate Student and Michele Henson, OPI
Monday July 17 “Eliminating the Stigma of Youth Mental Health”
Featuring Marit Ehmke, Filmmaker and MSU Graduate Student