Serving Baltimore Educators
April 2022 | Shvat 5782
Issue 6
Grow your curiosity and your career!
Crane Grants
You may be eligible for:
Crane Full Time Teacher Benefit
Due on May 13, 2022
Crane Professional Development Grant
Due on May 20, 2022

More info on our website coming soon!

Pesach Corner
Do you want the best resources for your classroom?
Browse our library catalog!

We can help you find what you are looking for.

Click here for:
Did you know that the Passover Haggadah is the most-published book in Jewish life? Check out our collection:

The library is open by appointment only.
Schedule a time to come to the library!

Pesach Lesson Plans, Activities, and Resources from the Lookstein Center
Pesach lesson plans, interactive tools, and articles created by The Lookstein Center staff or contributed to the site by Jewish educators.  

Pesach Lesson Plans from chinuch.org
Browse lesson plans for Pesach for all ages. Feel free to even upload your own material for others to use.

Jewish Educator Portal
This collection contains materials from Jewish Education Project's Resource Partners, including Sefaria, JTeach, Jewish Interactive and the National Library of Israel.

Jewish Interactive's Passover Resources

BimBam's Passover videos to teach about Pesach
Digital storytelling sparks connections to Judaism for learners of all ages.
CJE School Counselor Community of Practice Upcoming Meetings: 
May 18th 

Topic from March's Meeting: Bullying Prevention
Click HERE for library resources on this topic

Congregational School Director Meetings: 
April 7th, May 12th 

Conscious Discipline Community of Practice Final Meeting: 
May 22

For more information about our professional cohorts for congregational education directors and school counselors, please reach out to Julie Tonti
Mental Health Resources
Mariposa Education - CJE partnership provides ways to help address childhood stress and anxiety
CJE is partnering with Mariposa to launch a private, 4 month long online community with Mariposa instructors Dr. Anne Townsend and Jenny Barrett. Funded by the Charles Crane Family Foundation, parents will get support when they need it and can participate when it works in their schedule and focus on the content that’s most meaningful to them. For more information on the launch, and get started click here.
Investing in the Social-Emotional Mental Health of our Jewish Day Schools

Engage in high-level learning, collaboration and growth in the area of mental health in Jewish Day schools w/ Prizmah


Sunday, May 15 - Tuesday, May 17, 2022 
Finding Your Way Through the Chaos:

An Educator’s Guide to Navigating the Pandemic – Free Video Series

Check out CJE's Mental Health collection here:
Recap of R. Sadigh
Rabbi Sadigh continues to inspire Baltimore area teachers with his approach to Responsibly Centered Discipline. If you missed R. Sadigh's amazing workshop, please do yourself a favor and watch below:

The "Give 'em Five" chart below outlines the approach to implement Rabbi Sadigh's method in your classroom.
Early Childhood Corner
The CJE Early Childhood Conference Recap:

260 educators from 13 local Early Childhood Education Centers gathered for a full-day Professional Development Institute (online and in-person). The theme of the day was Celebration | Chagigah: Celebrating our Journey and the Child. Countless teachers reported using the information in their classrooms the very next day. We are grateful to be entrusted with the Maryland State Department of Education approval for Core of Knowledge hours. To watch recordings from the conference please see the website
Music from Susan Salidor

One of our most popular presenters at the Early Childhood Conference was Susan Salidor, a song leader, composer, and author. She shared her music with the teachers and you can also listen to her songs, read her books, and more through her website:

ECEpalooza Online Learning Festival
We are excited to welcome you to ECEpalooza, powered by the Paradigm Project & the Sheva Center at JCC Association!

This online festival of learning is for you! It is a celebration of the work you do, a vital place for reflection, and a breath of inspiration for the future of Jewish early childhood education.

Upcoming Professional Developments
Monday, May 9 at 8 PM
Bais Yaakov High School
We applaud the Rabbeim and teachers who dedicate their lives to being mechanech our students in both Jewish and secular studies. There are new challenges and trends in the chinuch today that require guidance and Daas Torah. HaRav Lopianksy will address the trials facing Baltimore educators and deliver chizuk for all the committed members of this noble profession.

Learn more about Ji

Sammy from Jigzi is travelling to Baltimore between April 26 - 29
and can work with your group of educators. He is fabulous, inspiring and generates renewed fervor about Jewish education in all who attend his workshops. 

Ji is releasing our new platform JIGZI (jigzi.org) over the next couple of weeks. This new FREE tool creates interactive lessons as well as a search feature that works in 13 languages including Yiddish. Educators can use it to teach their kids how to read, about holidays, Israel and so much more!

Ji has included an alphabetical keyboard, w/ Sefaria text resources.
What are you doing this year for Professional Development? Take our survey so we can know what your interests are!

Click below for Survey:
Do you have a question about your classroom?
Please connect with us!
Julie Tonti, Director, Educator Services
Jessica Fink, CJE Librarian
Sonia Kozlovsky, Community Librarian
Yael Zelinger, Education Associate
The Macks Center for Jewish Education promotes and facilitates lifelong learning that nurtures Jewish identity and strengthens the Jewish community.