I am very excited to announce that Blueprint is offering an aMAzing new compensation promotion effective immediately for ANY 5 year insured/insurable ARM deal.
40 bps EXTRA Comp PLUS full renewal and trailer fees.
5 Year Terms Only
Insured/Insurable ARM Rates Only
or use the extra comp for 10bps off any ARM insured/insurable rate.
That is 110 bps + 40 bps = 150 bps upfront compensation plus 20bps renewal and 15bps trailer fees
Reminder: No float down to promotional rates. New business only. One time float down to Published (rate sheet) rates only, by request. Unless otherwise noted, all rates are 5Year 90 Day.
Rates subject to change without notice. 
Any Questions don't hesitate to give me a call today!
Jodi Hiltz
National Director Brand Development - Blueprint
(647) 529-3235