Effective Training

Dear Ministry Partner,

We praise God for His wonderful work during the month of September in the CCI India ministry as we could start one new class in Mangollu. The new class, which includes pastors and church leaders, started with 15 students.

The new CCI class in Mangollu, Andhra Pradesh

Odisha Project

We praise God that the Odisha Project is fully funded! I also, praise God that Brother Ajit could translate Book 2: Old Testament Survey into the Odia language, as well as Book 1. We have printed the books and are teaching them.

Because the two books have been translated into the Odia language, many pastors and leaders can now be equipped to effectively and accurately make mature disciples of Jesus Christ. We currently have 4 classes in Rayagada in Odisha state with nearly 70 untrained pastors taking the CCI training. There is one CCI class with 15 students in Sambalpur state. All the students in the Odisha classes pictured below are greatly blessed by the training.

Please continue to pray for the CCI India ministry, support and expansion. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Vijay Kumar

CCI India National Director

Click here to help support Vijay

Our team of CCI teachers are equipping their assigned classes productively

and training disciples for effective ministry. Please pray for all teachers. Pray that God will give them grace and the ability to teach effectively. Pray for the students to listen for God's voice as they explore Scripture and seek to live what they believe. 

Help Support New Coordinators & Ministry Needs in India

Prayer Requests & Praises

  • Pray for the CCI Fall Tour 2022, which will end on October 25th. We will continue to give presentations, have fellowship and prayer, wonderful meals and travel many more miles until then. Please pray for our travels and endurance. We are so thankful that many people are becoming more involved, both through prayers and support.
  • Praise God for the new CCI class that started.
  • Praise God for the Odia Book 2 translation.
  • Pray for teachers who travel by train and by bus to teach the classes.
  • Praise God that many disciples are spiritually maturing by our CCI classes.
  • Pray for new CCI classes to be started in new states across India.
  • Pray for the ministry and classes in Odisha state.
  • Pray for new committed and faithful teachers to be added to CCI India ministry.
  • Pray for the graduates that they will disciple others and support the ministry. 
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