News from Evangelist Mike Gendron
 August 2014
ABC's of Effective Witnessing to Catholics
Many of the 70 million Catholics in America were born into their religion and have never examined their faith through the lens of Scripture. From infancy they are taught that salvation comes through their church as they merit saving grace through the sacraments and perform religious rituals and good works to be justified and re-justified. Roman Catholicism is often called the "plus" religion because of what it has added to the Gospel of grace. Catholic salvation is based on Jesus plus Mary, faith plus works, grace plus merit, Scripture plus tradition and the blood of Jesus plus purgatory. Catholics do not know that any addition to the Gospel is a denial of the sufficiency of Christ (Heb. 7:25). Any addition to the Gospel also nullifies the saving grace of God, which is the only means by which God saves sinners (Romans 11:6). Catholics, who are victims of this deception, need to be evangelized with the true Gospel of grace. 


As we witness to Catholics, we must persevere with patience to untangle the sticky web of religious indoctrination that holds them captive (Col. 2:8). Let us follow the instructions of Paul and "not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, and correcting opponents with gentleness." We must pray for God to "grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth", that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, who holds them captive to do his will (2 Tim. 2:24-26).

The two most important biblical principles to remember as you witness are to: 1) establish Scripture as the supreme authority for truth (2 Tim. 3:15-17) and 2) proclaim the Lord Jesus as the all-sufficient Savior (Heb. 7:25; Acts 4:12). Read more here.
A Question for Your Pro-Choice Friends

Shauna Lopez asks a profound question of people who claim to be pro-choice. If you are pro-choice, then why are you so opposed to choices? The name Pro-Choice, implies options, yet when I share options that differ from yours, you vehemently protest it, often treating those having opposing views with acrimony and disdain. Why not let women have a choice? No anti-life clinic gives them the option of saving their baby (as you know, there is no money in that). From the first encounter with the mother, they are treated as though the decision has already been made, without ever having discussed any options. That is not choice. That is, in fact, anti-choice. Read more.
What's Wrong with Rome's Sacrifice of the Mass?

The Catholic Church teaches that the Mass is the same sacrifice that Jesus offered on Calvary's cross. It is said to be the source and summit of the Catholic life. However, there are significant errors when the Mass is tested with the supreme authority of God's Word.
1) The sacrifice of the Mass, which is repeated every day, is an outright rejection of the "cross work" of Jesus Christ. He is the perfect High Priest who offered Himself, the perfect sacrifice once, for all sin, for all time. His sacrifice completely paid the eternal debt for sin, totally satisfied divine justice, and finished the work of redemption. 
2) Sinful Catholic priests can never be exalted to the position of
mediator between God and man. Jesus Christ, who is God's perfect man and man's perfect God, is the only one qualified to mediate between sinful men and Holy God.
3) The Mass encourages idolatry as Catholics treat the sacramental elements of bread and wine with the honor and veneration that is due only to Jesus Christ. The Eucharist cannot be the physical presence of Jesus because He remains in heaven until His enemies are made His footstool.
4) The human nature of Jesus Christ is violated. If His physical body can be present in thousands of places at the same time, it is not a body like ours and Jesus could not be our kinsman redeemer.
5) It's a deceptive and damning fabrication of the once perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It obscures people from the true meaning and power of the cross. It enslaves hearts and blinds people from the glorious light of the Gospel.
6) The sacrifice of the Mass keeps Catholics in bondage to their false religion not only in this life, but also in the next. Illegitimate priests are paid stipends for sin offerings to removal souls from the purging fires of a fictitious place called purgatory. 
Letters From Around the World
Mike, It is my observation that Catholics spend a life time not believing what the Catholic Church teaches and requires. Whenever questioned a Catholic readily admits, "I don't believe that", "I don't practice that", "I think the church has changed that", "I never heard that", etc. Their willingness to be part of a church that represents little of what they believe or practice has been the norm. It takes time before the lies are seen as a sacrilege within the flawed church. I agree that a Christian cannot remain in the Catholic church and grow. Eventually the believer will be starved and disturbed by the teachings. Your article has now been added to my prayer list. I have a greater sense of urgency for new believers to find a Christ-centered church even while on wobbly legs. L.O., Dallas, TX
Greetings Brother Mike, I just don't understand how the Catholic church can navigate around such clear scriptures. It angers me because of the bondage and baggage put upon these misled souls. How on earth can Catholics blatantly violate the clear teachings of Scripture? Tom B. Internet
Tom, God's Word describes the inability of unregenerate people to understand spiritual truth. "A natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised" (1 Cor. 2:14). They cannot hear or understand God's Word (John 8:43). They cannot see the Gospel because "the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that they might not see the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ" (2 Cor. 4:4). Only when they turn to Christ for the truth will the veil of blindness be lifted (2 Cor. 3:16).
Mike, I had the great pleasure of learning from your internet site and your videos on YouTube. Today I wrote to a well-known ministry telling them I can no longer support them, because of their attitude towards the apostate Catholic Church and for calling the Pope a brother In Christ. Be Blessed, C.F., Norway
Hello Mike, You have helped guide us in communicating with catholics about the dangers of their religion. I first read your book Preparing for Eternity several years ago have been since been giving this excellent book away to those around us and on the streets. It has opened the minds and eyes of many. My husband and I work together in prison ministry for about five years and we have seen fruit from hearing God's Word! Many have been saved by the grace of God and go back to their country of origin. R. & K. M, Minneapolis, MN 
Mike, Thank you for the timely updates. We need to be exhorted
to stay pressing on, knowing that the time is at hand. It was interesting to see all of the reasons that people enter into the false Catholic system. There was nothing related to Jesus and His Truth. This is similar to the modern day man centered 'gospel' that draws in the masses. It's all leading to the same end. We can't imagine the horror and grief and regret on the Last Day when the multitudes who entrusted their souls to Rome will be kept from the Kingdom of Heaven. We keep praying and sharing, knowing that there are still some who can be plucked out. M. G., Albuquerque, NM 
Catholics Look to Mary for Saving Grace
Faithful Catholics from Portland, Oregon, filled St. Mary's Cathedral to consecrate the archdiocese to Our Lady of Fatima for the strengthening of marriage and family life. "Families need Our Lady's love and protection," the Archbishop said during the homily. Pope Francis' consecration of his papacy to Our Lady, as well as his consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, spurred Archbishop Sample to do the same for Portland.

The Archbishop also invited families and faithful to participate in First Saturday devotions, as Our Lady of Fatima encouraged.
The Blessed Mother promised that if this is accomplished for five consecutive months, she will assist the faithful at the hour of death with all the graces necessary for salvation. Read more.
Mike's Comment: The perversion of Mary by the Roman Catholic Church is the work of the "father of lies." By the authority of God's word we can see Paul's warning and concern for this kind of satanic deception. He wrote: "I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ" (2 Cor. 11:3). Satan uses "false apostles and deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ" to lead people astray to everlasting torment (2 Cor. 11:13). The only hope for Catholics is to find the true source of saving grace in Jesus, the only One who is full of grace and truth (John 1:14).
Catholics Venerate Vial of Dead Pope's Blood

A vial of blood taken from Pope John Paul II has been on tour in the major cities of the northeastern United States. Catholics are flocking to venerate the relic of the pope who passed away in 2005 at the age of 84. You can read Mike Gendron's interview with the Christian News Network here.
Pope Says Keep Your Eyes on Mary


The Pope has urged young people to fix their eyes on the Blessed Mother as they decide which vocation to choose. He told them that as they contemplate vocations, not to forget or ignore their mother Mary, who remains at their side. The Pope said, "a Christian without the Virgin is an orphan." He said a Christian needs two "mothers:" the Church and Our Lady "to 'test' a true Christian vocation. It is necessary to ask oneself, 'How is my relationship with these two mothers?'" Read more.

Mike's Comment: This pope rarely points people to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is all about Mary and "The Church." His good friend Louis Palau fallaciously described Pope Francis as "a very Bible-centered man, a very Jesus Christ-centered man." Read his comments here.
Woman Who Rejected Islam Meets with Pope 

We rejoice that Meriam Ibrahim was set free from her imprisonment and pending death for apostasy from the Muslim religion. However, we are concerned that many evangelical leaders are referring to her as a Christian when she is a devout Roman Catholic who traveled to Rome to meet with the pope. This is confusing to those who do not know the profound differences between the two faiths. Read more of Mike Gendron's interview with the Christian News Network here.  
Our October Cruise to Israel is Almost Sold Out

Only a few staterooms are left for our fabulous cruise to the lands of the Bible. Mike Gendron, Frank Peretti, and Bill Perkins of Compass will be teaching on the 14-day cruise from Rome with excursions in Jerusalem, Galilee, Malta, Athens, Corinth, Ephesus, Sicily and Naples. This wonderful cruise departs from Rome on Oct. 4 and returns Oct. 18. Compass has directed over 50 trips to the Holy Land and knows how to provide a glorious and memorable experience. Call us for a brochure at (972) 495-0485 or see the brochure here.
May our great God and Savior be glorified as we share His Gospel. Let us know how we can serve you.

Mike Gendron

(972) 495-0485
PO Box 940871, Plano, TX 75094
Mike's Ministry Schedule
Mike at TC Pulpit  
Grace Community Church Missions Conference
August 1 - 4
Oxnard, CA
Steeling the Mind
Bible Conference
Parker, CO
Sept. 20

The conference will be held at Parker Bible Church, 
4391 East Main St, 
Parker, CO. 
Speakers include Mike Gendron, Andy Woods, Brian Thomas, J.B. Hixson, Warren Smith, and Kirk Youngblood.


DVD of the Month
God's Wrath
This DVD has two messages: Rescuing Loved Ones from God's Wrath and
Why Should I Believe the Bible?
It is available at a 45% discount during the month of August. 
Starter Kit for Ambassadors for Christ
The kit includes the book Preparing for Eternity, the DVD with two PowerPoint messages Where Will You Spend Eternity? and Why Should Anyone Believe the Bible?, another DVD with two PowerPoint messages: Evangelical and Catholics: Reversing the Reformation and Which Gospel Do You Believe?
1 set of Gospel Cards, 6 different Gospel tracts, and one bookmark. Order here.
The Supremacy and  Sufficiency of our Lord Jesus Christ

  God's Gospel reveals all the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished to save sinners from the power, punishment, and ultimately, the presence of sin: righteousness had to be perfected, divine justice had to be satisfied, blood had to be shed, redemption had to be paid, sins had to be forgiven, reconciliation had to be achieved, death had to be conquered, and salvation had to be secured. 
What a glorious Savior we have to proclaim to those who are in bondage to sin! 


A Trio of DVDs

This set of 3 DVDs will equip you for effective witnessing in the world's largest mission field - The Roman Catholic religion. Specially priced for a donation of only $33 for the set of six messages. Order here.

Our periodic broadcasts include discussions on current events, contrasting theologies, and questions from Catholics. 




Mike Gendron 

to speak at your 

church or event. 

Call 972-495-0485 

or click here.


New Gospel Tract
Many churches are filled with professing Christians who have been evangelized with unbiblical, man-centered methods. They have a false hope about where they will spend eternity. This Gospel tract will encourage Christians to examine themselves to see if they have true saving faith.
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Special Offer
Sow the seed of God's imperishable Word with our Gospel tracts. May God be glorified and the harvest of souls increase as we share His Gospel. Order here.