March 2023

Issue No. 4

Thank you for your recent submissions!

Image: Newark Board of Education, awardee from the 2021/2022 Recognition Program.

The Implementation Track of the Efficient and Healthy Schools Recognition Program recognizes completed projects to showcase facilities improvements and outcomes. We are excited to have received submissions from both categories below:

Recognition Categories:

  • Energy Efficiency plus Health: Schools and districts that have implemented retrofits that improve energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality (IEQ).
  • Emissions Reduction and Resilience: Schools and districts that have implemented strategies to reduce carbon emissions and taken actions to improve resilience.

Thank you to our supporters who have provided their assistance with outreach and submissions! We look forward to showcasing best practices and to facilitating peer-to-peer learning.

Recent Webinars

Scalable HVAC Retrofits to Improve School Indoor Air Quality

From smaller retrofits to complete equipment replacement, this webinar will dive into options focused on improving IAQ by HVAC system types commonly used in schools. In addition, hear about a study evaluating IAQ in Baltimore City Public Schools pre- and post-renovation.

Check out the Recognition Program Track webinar recordings and slides from January and February below. If you're a district or school, there's still time to sign up for the last sessions in March!

Energy Efficiency plus Health Webinars

Topics include: saving energy, improving indoor environmental quality, understanding your building stock, and building assessment tools.

Emissions Reduction and Resilience

Topics include: carbon reduction and electric readiness, greenhouse gas tracking and reporting, and climate vulnerability and resiliency in schools.

Congratulations ED!

Image: The Best of Green Schools Award Winners

The Department of Education (ED) is Honored with Best of Green Schools 2023 Award

The Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council and Green Schools National Network named the U.S. Department of Education (ED) a 2023 recipient of the Best of Green Schools Awards in the category of Transformation. The Best of Green Schools Awards were announced on March 1 during the national Green Schools Conference in New Orleans. The awards celebrate the hard work being done — by people, schools, campuses and organizations — to push the green school movement forward. Since 2012, ED-GRS has recognized close to 700 school programs across 46 education authorities for progress in reducing environmental impacts, improving health and wellness, and providing effective environmental and sustainability education. 

Other News from the Department of Energy

Integrated Lighting Campaign

Recognition Program

The Integrated Lighting Campaign (ILC) recognizes the innovative use of advanced lighting controls, as well as the successful integration of lighting with other building systems. Last year the ILC recognized fifteen participants and three supporters. School and district projects are eligible! Submit for recognition now. Submission deadline: March 31, 2023. Categories:

  • Advanced Use of Sensors and Controls for Lighting
  • Advanced Lighting Solutions for Small Projects or Buildings
  • Integrated Controls for Plug Loads and Lighting Systems
  • Integrated Controls for HVAC and Lighting Systems
  • Other Integrated Systems and Lighting
  • Integrated Lighting and Horticultural Controls
  • Innovative Maintenance, Operation, and Financing Service Models
  • Germicidal Ultraviolet (GUV) Systems for Energy Savings and Improved Indoor Air Quality
  • Sustainability in Lighting
  • Energy Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Advanced Lighting

The Better Climate Challenge

Are you ready to publicly pledge to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 50% or more across your buildings in 10 years without the use of offsets? The Better Climate Challenge is seeking leading organizations from across sectors, including K-12 schools, to plan for their future success by reducing Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions and sharing replicable pathways to decarbonization. Participating organizations can engage with other leaders, access peer-to-peer exchange opportunities, and leverage one-on-one technical assistance from DOE and National Labs. Learn more!


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