Winter 2023

Issue No. 3

Join our Recognition Program!

The Efficient and Healthy Schools Campaign is currently inviting schools or school districts to join the 2022/2023 recognition program!

There are two ways to gain recognition:

  • Submit an application to describe building improvement projects related to one (or both!) categories: energy efficiency plus health, emissions reduction and resilience 
  • Complete a 3-part webinar series to learn about assessment tools and get assistance in planning activities

Recognition: Planning Track Webinars

Beginning January 10th!

Energy Efficiency plus Health

Jan 10: Making the Case to Save Energy and Improve Indoor Environmental Quality in Schools

Feb 14: Understanding Your Building Stock: Energy Benchmarking and Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

Mar 14: Building Assessment Tools for School Energy Retrofits

Sign up here! (webinars for school/district staff only)

Emissions Reduction and Resilience

Jan 24: Making the Case for Carbon Reduction and Electrification Readiness

Feb 28: Understanding Greenhouse Gas Tracking and Reporting in School Districts

March 28: Take Action on Climate! Planning for Climate Vulnerability and Resiliency in Schools

Sign up here! (webinars for school/district staff only)

Campaign Updates

Campaign Statistics:

As of December, the campaign has onboarded nearly 80 districts representing 5,400 schools, and approximately 4 million students across 32 states!

Frequently asked questions during school/district onboarding sessions:

  • How can we monitor for indoor air quality in our schools? What types of devices and monitoring schedule do you recommend?
  • How can we include decarbonization and reduce district energy use in our master planning?
  • Can you provide assistance with energy benchmarking and help us choose software to get started?

We are offering free technical assistance to all participants!

Examples include: energy benchmarking, guidance for indoor air quality monitoring, identifying funding sources for retrofits, HVAC technical guidance, lighting retrofits, air cleaning technology guidance, decarbonization strategies, and more! Sign up for the campaign

New Resources for Schools by the Department of Energy

School Energy Assessment (SEA) Form

This form is designed to help schools collect specific information that will be useful for providing an assessment of the facility, capturing important building characteristics including heating, ventilation and air conditioning system details, and site energy use intensity. Collecting this information is an important first step in identifying potential retrofit opportunities for your school and estimating costs, savings, and health and safety benefits from implementing Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs).

Modeled Retrofit Package Performance for Prototype Schools

This report details modeled energy performance and savings - and health and safety benefits - from retrofit packages in prototype school buildings in climate zones throughout the U.S. Schools can look up electric and gas savings from nine different retrofit packages. These include HVAC controls and equipment upgrades, lighting efficiency upgrades, and electrification technologies such as heat pumps for space conditioning and domestic hot water. Estimated CO2 emissions reductions and annual energy cost savings are also provided.


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To learn more, visit