Please Note: The contents of this newsletter are not to be shared externally unless permission has been granted by the Exec Team - thank you.

January 2024

Welcome to the January edition of the

Egress Group Newsletter

The newsletter is intended to help us all stay informed about important news from across the company and all our teams/departments, as well as share our successes and achievements.


We want the newsletter to be useful and informative for everyone. So, we’d love to hear your thoughts and views on this edition and suggestions for future ones.

Contact Marketing to give your input.

We're kicking off this month's edition with exciting news...

Egress Group has acquired Stalis, experts in health and care data.

This is an exciting development in the Egress journey and one which promises to bring a raft of opportunities for both businesses and also for each of you. Together, we offer a unique proposition to the healthcare sector - true, end-to-end data management solutions and services, which means we are perfectly positioned to be the data partner of choice for the NHS.

More info is to come in the coming weeks/months, please reach out to HR, your line manager or the exec team with any questions or queries you may have. You can also submit questions, thoughts, or reflections you'd like to share via Slido. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us, and we want to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to express themselves in a safe and anonymous space.

We are excited by this change for our business, our customers and for you, with plenty more opportunities to come in the future.

Ask a question with Slido

Team Celebrations!

Congratulations to our team members who are celebrating anniversaries in January and February. We appreciate your hard work and look forward to celebrating many more with you...

River Sparkes - 3 years on 1st February.

Kavitha Kumbla - 1 year on 13th February.

& we'd like to wish a Happy Birthday to Ivan Proctor, celebrating on 2nd February and Jordan Truelove, celebrating on 16th February!

Article Heading

December Employee of the month...

Congratulations to Arianne Buchanan on being crowned December's employee of the month! Thank you for your continued hard work for Egress.

Welcome Aboard...

We have two new starters who have joined us this month! Please welcome to the team...

Karen Taylor, Business Development Manager - Joined 22nd January

Rob Gibney - Sales Advisor - Joined 22nd January

Making your life easier...

The marketing team has been busy creating a range of sales collateral, templates and guides to help support the wider team with consistent messages and presentation to our external audiences, including prospects, clients and partners

Remember, you can easily access all of the templates, including email signatures, LinkedIn banners, teams backgrounds, screensavers etc HERE.

We will continue to update this content and let you know when new versions are available.

Events Diary...

We're proud to be sponsoring the EPR Summit 2024: Achieving the National Mandate

Hosted by Convenzis Group and Healthcare Innovation Consortium, the EPR Summit is a unique opportunity for decision makers to come together, share experiences and discuss plans ahead of all trusts having EPRs in place by 2026.

Covering all aspects of the EPR digital transformation journey, from preparation and procurement right through to realising benefits, the summit focuses on the all-important people aspects of implementation, as well as the technical ones.


We are looking forward to sharing our experiences delivering complex data migration and integration programmes in the NHS. We will be discussing common challenges, how to overcome them and achieve complete data confidence to ultimately enable safe and robust service transformation to improve outcomes for patients.

Learn more about the Summit HERE

Other events we will be sponsoring this year include:

Shared Care Record Summit - 16th & 17th April

An opportunity to engage with representatives from across Integrated Care Systems, this event in Birmingham is backed by NHS England and hosted by Yorkshire & Humber Care Record. Attendees will be joining to learn about progress on Connected Care Solutions, including updates on national strategies. Of course, robust data and effective interoperability between systems is fundamental to achieving safe, complete and meaningful shared care records for patients, so we are pleased to be part of, and shaping, the conversation. Learn more

Haematology Patient & Carers Congress (HPCC24) - 10th May

This event is particularly special as it will bring more than 2000 patients, families and carers together, as well as 200+ c-suite healthcare leaders and clinicians, to showcase the latest solutions, including apps, to help monitor and manage haematology conditions. We are sponsoring in partnership with Founda Health (our integration platform partner) and Sanius (specialist rare disease App developer). Watch this space for more details on this exciting partnership and this event. Learn More.

We are also actively researching events and opportunities for the non-healthcare side of the business, so watch this space for more details.

Timesheets Reminder

Your support in continuing to submit and approve timesheets on time is really appreciated in company wide planning and resourcing, ensuring the best experience for you and our clients.

Timesheets play a pivotal role in our resourcing strategy, ensuring transparency and efficiency in various aspects of our operations. This allows us to gain insight into the allocation of resources, helping us to identify areas that may require additional support and areas with surplus capacity.

If you have any issues or questions when submitting or approving timesheets, please reach out to the PMO team.

From January onwards payslips will now be accessed by new payslip portal - BrightPay

This change is aimed at providing you with a more streamlined and user-friendly experience for accessing your payslips. Sign up and login details have been sent out via Teams and email from HR.

Please reach out to HR if you have any issues during registration or accessing the payslips.

Thanks for cooperation and understanding during this update.

Egress Lead Reward Scheme

A reminder of our lead reward scheme, designed to reward anyone (excluding the sales & exec team) who provides a lead which turns into a chargeable piece of work with a customer.

Please contact James Marshall for any queries surrounding the scheme.

As we continue with our newsletter this year,

we look forward to bringing you more updates and news from across the business.

If you have anything you’d like to include in next month's newsletter,

please reach out to your line manager or HR & Marketing directly.

Thank you!

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